#no because why did clint run away like that



I’m so happy to gift @monster-cock69 with a fic for the @starkerfestivals Spring Fever event! I hope you enjoy <3

Prompt: “He’s just a kid.” “Does that look like a kid to you?” 

also on ao3


The pardoning of the Rogue Avengers could not have come at a worse time. 

Tony knew that they needed a united front to be ready for any future attacks. He was all too aware. He just wished that they’d returned after he managed to get his man. He didn’t need anyone or anything getting in the way of his wooing. 

With all of the Avengers under one roof once more, the only time Tony could get dibs on Peter was during their one-on-one sessions in the lab. Everywhere else they went was teeming with superheroes or employees, and Tony was sick of it. He missed having Peter to himself. 

Keep reading
