#no disrespect to niki of course


Hot take: c!fundy should’ve been the one to burn the lmantree.

I don’t know if it was just me but Niki burning the tree was kind of underwhelming. Seeing it for the first time in her pov, it just didn’t seem right. I literally felt nothing, which was upsetting because I wanted to feel something. But then I thought about Fundy, who was going through a similar arc as Niki. And then it hit me:

The tree has stuck around since the first war for independence, it may have even been there since Fundy was born (Fundy was canonically born there) and could have seen him grow up.

Fundy was supposed to inherit L’manburg. He was set to be the next ruler/president until the elections was set up. And then L’manburg blew up, so Fundy tried to help rebuild it again, but of course, it was inevitable that L’manburg would be destroyed for good.

But really, what has L’manburg done for Fundy? This was the country he was born in. He was set to inherit it, but was cast aside, belittled and not taken seriously by anyone, the only shred of respect for him was only because he was the president’s son. He had died for this country and its independence, and this is what he got in return?

The electrons happen, and again, he wasn’t taken seriously at first. When he joined Schlatt as a spy, everyone turned on him (though for good reason obviously), he had no one to turn too, but that was probably a good thing he didn’t tell anyone, he could’ve ended up like Tubbo. But when he finally revealed himself… his father didn’t care. Wilbur told him he despised him. So all that was essentially for nothing.

Fundy kind of lost hope, lost his will to defend his country. Despite the many attempts to help, people ignored him. He was completely alone, his father dead, mother who knows where, grandfather despises him, friendships broken, he has nothing to lose. 

By burning down L’mantree, he would essentially let go of his ties to L’manburg, which he was connected to as it’s first born citizen, a founding and original member and future leader (though that never came to pass), and to his father, who made the country and promised he will inherit it one day. He went through so much for his country, and he got barely anything in return. No respect, no authority, no family. 

(also the fact that 3/5 of the original members would say the iconic line would’ve been cool
