#no further thoughts




You know… I’ve said a lot before about Thorin’s company mistaking Thranduil for Thingol. Blah blah blah, information is hard to come by, it’s not like they could Google it. One elfking must seem very alike to another.

But. Glorfindel has got me thinking. What if the dwarves know that Thingol died? What if they just also think that elves - all elves - come back from death to middle earth, give or take a little time? It’s not such a big leap when you think about it.

If they think Thranduil is literally Thingol-resurrected, back and with a hell of a grudge against dwarves, no wonder they didn’t want to talk to him.

Thranduil sends over a letter that’s like “I can’t make it to the meeting so i’m sending my son :) be nice to him and give him snacks.” and they’re like oh fuck holy shit fuck oh no ok WHAT do we expect here

and then it’s

its legolas.

Omg.Yes. They’re pouring frantically through old histories being like ???? Did Luthien have a brother? Is it Daeron?? And someone figures, okay, if he’s back from the dead he can probably have more kids, right? Also this means that Melian is back too. They might not know what to expect, but Luthien’s the baseline so you know it’s gonna be wild.

Then Legolas shows up in understated green and brown with leaves in his hair like. Hi. :)
