#no matter what happens i will cry



Hey so uh Voltron Fandom buckle up

So basically season eight is coming out and it’s FREAKING ME OUT. But, i want to say that whatever happens, I’m fine with it. I have been watching this show since it came out, and it’s just a really good show. Voltron producers, thank you for all your time and hardwork and creating this beautiful series. I know how some of us feel about season seven, LOTS of mixed emotions. But, can we just appreciate what we have? I’m happy with this show, and let’s just hope for a good ending. With ships, if Allurance becomes canon, great. Klance happens? Shoot, hooray, nice. Any other ships happen? Let’s be happy that the characters are happy. The main message is not who ends up with who, but Voltron defeating Haggar and THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP AND TEAMWORK ✨.

I’m like not ready for season eight, but I’m excited to what happens next. Whatever happens, I’ll see you guys on the other side :).

Thank you for coming to my rushed and quick Ted Talk.
