#no more posts coming from me for a while



So, a few of you have probably been wondering “hey, where’s the funny tumblr man who posts about the funny fruit man??” and ig I finally owe an explanation as to why it’s been pretty quiet over here.

I have quite a lot going on, and one man can only take so much harassment before he loses the motivation to do or post anything (not harassment specifically towards this blog but to me in general) and I’ve been so busy trying to fix broken things I just haven’t had the time to be on here. Plus a lack of interest in WOY in general means I have little to no content to hand out.

You probably won’t see many more posts coming from here. If you do see one then hey today’s all our lucky day. Might pop on once every few days to reblog some art but that’s probably the most you’ll hear from me outside of DMs. Ciao for now, tumblr!
