#no plot sibling dynamics only


Hockey player Sokka is fine I guess but!! Have you ever considered pairs figure skaters Sokka and Katara? Kya got them started when they were teeny tiny tots and yes, they were exactly as adorable as you’re imagining, and yes, Hakoda has a picture in his wallet if you’re interested (please be interested.)

Katara absolutely lives for figure skating. She is the embodiment of fluid grace and athleticism, breathes easier when she is on the ice and every exhale brings with it a cloud of condensation, jumps a double Lutz as naturally as the next person take a step.

Sokka… does not live for figure skating. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t actively dislike it or anything! His parents would never force him to do something he hates (not like their competition, Zuko and Azula, whose Dadager always leaves them looking a little dead behind the eyes). And it’s not like he thinks he would be dishonouring his mother’s memory by turning his back on the passion she shared with him and Katara, or he gets a knot in his stomach when he thinks of all the money his father has spent through the years on gas money alone, or he ever looks at his Gran Gran’s weathered hands and remembers the hours hunched over sewing sequin after sequin. He does honestly enjoy the artistic side of things: the costume design and song selection, writing a complete story through choreography that can also rack up an impressive points total. But he knows he’s not as naturally gifted as Katara, and he could quit competition tomorrow and not miss it.

He wouldn’t though, because while he may not love the sport that much, he does love his sister that much. No two people in the world could understand and trust and love each other the way Sokka and Katara do, so as long as his little sister is throwing herself in the air with blades on her feet, he’s gonna be the one catching her and making sure she doesn’t break her neck. He’s gonna be the one up at 4am every morning running drills with her, fielding attacks on his masculinity for her, accepting a gold medal round his neck beside her, and eagerly awaiting their retirement all the while.
