#no same and i hate it



just venting about fanfiction:

One thing I hate in bathena fanfiction is how many have this urge to turn either Marcy or Michael in villains, I’ve crossed so many of these and I really don’t get it.

I do understand holding a bit of grudge on Michael because he did cheat his wife for years (for what I understood), but since then even tho sliding sometimes he did always respect Athena and Bobby, in fact he and Bobby were basically besties.

I do understand even less whatever they do with Marcy, because she seemed to really care about Bobby and believe on him like saying he was her rock and believing he would come to save them in that fire, so what does people hold against her? Being a tired mother and wife who couldn’t stand Bobby being drunk again? That clearly was not the first time they had that discussion, plus we have barely seen her character, so I do wonder why such urge to make two women fighting for a man and then do Marcy like a psychotic stalker?

Sometimes when reading such fics I do ask myself if I’ve been watching the same show as some of these writers. It’s the same feeling I get when reading post-lawsuit fics that villanize the hell out of 118 in a very ridiculous out of character and dramatic way to add more trauma to Buck. It’s like reading the same fic countless of time in different versions and it’s soooo tiring.
