#no true scotsman


I’m would like to share two of my more frequently used sites. These sites focus on logical fallacies and cognitive bias. These are common habits/perceptions individuals have that are counterproductive and even toxic. By being aware and educating ourselves on these things, hopefully we can better communicate and understand each other.

These sites are very user friendly and I very much appreciate its simplicity considering my struggle with long textbook explanations and articles. Also, I am an idiot.









Keeping this video from the College of the Holy Cross on deck for whenever the trad caths try to get uppity about mainliner prots.

The mashup song choice tho… the irony like thats the bad evil nono guys song they know that right righ- eh forget it. Fabulous!!! Loves it kween!️‍️‍⚧️ Make more videos as the evilgaydictator ✊making sure everyones being faggy! or! else! please!!!!

*prolonged sigh*

Alright, I’ll go get the kerosene… You have the pitchforks or did you leave them in the shed?

Jesuits aren’t Catholics, oh they spawned from Catholicism but they aren’t Catholic because they are too tolerant of non-christian culture. They cater too much to the cultures of others in hopes that this will draw people in. But in doing so they distort the Truth and Logos of the faith. Which results in two things:

  1. Scandal and confusion within the church because of their unwillingness to defend the moral law of God as passed down through the Church.
  2. Catholics who believe it is ok to hold beliefs that are contrary to church teachings

Due to this surrender to the cultures that oppose Christian values, morals and teachings, their modern teaching can be compared to heresy. Jesuit teachings are a mockery of true Christianity and therefore this video of the College of the Holy Cross openly committing heresy isn’t an own against Catholics, it’s just more fuel for Catholics to use to bash the Jesuits.

And rightly so, for one of the things worse than a Protestant is a Jesuit.

“Aren’t Catholics”

It’s this guys position that the Pope is not, in fact, Catholic…
