#logical fallacies


I’m would like to share two of my more frequently used sites. These sites focus on logical fallacies and cognitive bias. These are common habits/perceptions individuals have that are counterproductive and even toxic. By being aware and educating ourselves on these things, hopefully we can better communicate and understand each other.

These sites are very user friendly and I very much appreciate its simplicity considering my struggle with long textbook explanations and articles. Also, I am an idiot.






When you say women are female human beings and a white man runs in your mentions to ask “what is a chair” so he can pretend to not know what a chair is and therefore not know what a woman is.

Not even intellectually dishonest really, just stupid.

Describe a chair as an inanimate object, usually with a seat, four legs, and a back, designed to be sat on, and no one can pretend it’s also a description of a horse.

Say a mammal is a warm-blooded vertebrate with milk glands, and no one can pretend it’s also a description of a coconut.

(even though we all know the fibres on the outside of a coconut aren’t actually fur, and the liquid inside isn’t actually milk.)

It’s like when people ask you to define a color as some kind of gotcha and then you tell them what length it is on the visible light spectrum. They don’t know what to do.

“I’m totally a pro-America account, guiz, which is why I’m saying it’s bad f“I’m totally a pro-America account, guiz, which is why I’m saying it’s bad f“I’m totally a pro-America account, guiz, which is why I’m saying it’s bad f

“I’m totally a pro-America account, guiz, which is why I’m saying it’s bad for the President of America to prioritize America. No lying agitprop here, no sir!”

President Wilson was a progressive, liberal Democrat, and also against little things like racial lynching.

Incidentally, that KKK march was in New York, in the 20s. Wilson was president from 1913 - 1921. So this account is either lying or stupid. Either way, it’s “misinformation”.

Funny story; I was looking for another stupid Brooklyndad tweet  to make fun of when I found he retweeted this nonsense. Because of course he did.

“We can’t be racist if you have racists voting for your side! That means you’rethe real racists! Checkmate, Rethuglikkkans!”

See, the irony is that Trump’s links with the far-right were made up to try and sink his election chances.

Someone: Trump’s racist.
Someone else: How, exactly?
Someone else else: [flies in from nowhere] Can you show me Trump being altruistic? Huh? Huh? No, caring about his home country doesn’t count. Pay no attention to how he donated his salary.

Incidentally, DNCC cited the housing discrimination case. from the 70s. Which was about his dad’s entire company, not Trump specifically. No evidence he was personally responsible for the alleged discrimination.

Another idiot cited the Central Park Five case, even though there’s absolutely no evidence of Trump’s racial motive, he explicitly wanted the death penalty, not murder, and loads of people at the time thought they did it.

Like most folks who bring this up, our pal conveniently left out the “alleged gang rapists” part.

The fact that they have to go so far back and still have to twist the facts is kind of an admission that they don’t have anything recent.

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