

We all face the unknown with every passing day. It lurks behind every moment, despite your best intentions to schedule your days in carefully-prepared planners. It catches you off-guard as you count the hours left on the clock. It even plagues you as you lie awake in bed at night, dark thoughts and malicious insecurities stealing your sleep away from you minute by minute.


Our best defense is to hold up a light and walk into the unknown. We hold our heads high as we try to summon courage, even though on the inside, we feel exposed and vulnerable.


Because even the most overpowering darkness will flee from the smallest flame.


“Unknown” - a new illustration for my personal project Nocturne. This one is part of the collection Darkness. Check out the link in my bio for more information about my Nocturne book coming in 2020.





Sometimes you feel as if you are living your life just under the surface. Unable to come up for air. Unable to breathe. You yearn to feel air fill your lungs, yet you have no choice but to wait in the darkness.


“Abyss” - a new illustration for my new personal project Nocturne. This one is part of the collection Darkness. Check out the link in my bio for more information about my Nocturne book coming in 2020.

Nocturne is an upcoming personal project dedicated to the night and the darker side of the human experience. The collection of images will feature never-before-seen illustrations, each one representative of nocturnal symbolism. It is an ode to the moon and the stars, to the dark and the light, to our dreams and our nightmares.

The series will feature five different themes, each comprised of multiple personal illustrations dedicated to that particular theme:






Each new piece of art will be published twice a month, until the project will be released as a book in 2020. My goal in sharing my journey through this personal project is that lasting connections will form as we share experiences via the themes and symbols depicted in the artwork.

Go to nocturnebook.com for more info.
