#nomoto hotaru



Nomoto Hotaru interview for -The LIVE Edel- Delight in Monthly Bushiroad March 2022 (Eng)

In commemoration of the Starira stage play! A special interview with Nomoto Hotaru who plays Yukishiro Akira

From here on, we will present an interview with Nomoto Hotaru that was recorded just before the play’s performances began. Active in Starira and on stage as the leader of the “Edels”, Nomoto-san spoke all about Siegfeld.

What Nomoto Hotaru thinks is Siegfeld’s charm

——First, please tell us what you think Siegfeld Institute of Music’s charm is.

Nomoto: I would say it’s the merit-based system and hands-off policy. My first impression was that it’s a very strict school with strict rules, but as I learned more and more about Siegfeld as a school, I came to understand that it’s actually a school with a lot of freedom. On top of its foundational value of excellence, there is no good or evil, and instead everyone’s individuality is respected. I think that’s its charm.

——Is your current impression of Yukishiro Akira any different from your first impression of her?

Nomoto:At first, she seemed too perfect, and I felt very distant from her. Because she’s a genius stage girl, and says things like “I will make no compromise” at every chance she gets, for example. But recently I’ve come to think, “This girl is lacking in some pretty incredible areas, huh…?”. When it comes to things unrelated to the stage, she’s a rather normal (?) girl. Once I came to know that side of her, I thought she was really cute, and now she’s an endearing existence to me.

Akira may appear perfect at first glance, but in a 1-panel comic in “Starira”, her unexpected weakness comes to light…

——What are your impressions of the four other “Edels”? Please tell us about both the characters and the actresses.

Nomoto:First is Otori Michiru. She truly is Akira’s right hand. No, maybe both hands? I think she’s the only one who will genuinely get angry at Akira. She’s the scariest when she gets angry, but really, she may be the most loving stage girl. Ozaki Yuka-san, who plays that sort of Michiru, is a cute and cool person. She has her own well-defined style and is someone who will take on a challenge for anything. She’s for sure the number one “good woman” in Siegfeld, I think.

Liu Mei Fan rushes headlong into things and is high-spirited. The way she doesn’t care how she appears to others when she aims for a goal and her straight and honest gaze are very dazzling to me. Takeuchi Yume-san, who plays Mei Fan, is actually the member that I’ve known for the longest. When we see each other, we’re always just joking around and out of breath because we’re playing around too much. I’d like her to have mercy on me for once (laughs). That’s what Yume’s like, but I really love her singing voice.

Tsuruhime Yachiyo is a noble cat-like girl! She’s a girl who easily slips off and runs away when you try to get down to her core. I think she might be the most like a high school girl out of the “Edels”. I respect a lot of things about her actress, Kudo Haruka-san, such as her approach to her work. On “Edel Radio”, which the two of us host, I’m always relying on her, so I promised, “On the stage, I’ll try my best to lead you”!

And then Yumeoji Shiori. She’s a girl who can truly be called the “nation’s little sister”. She has everything that I don’t have, and I’m grateful simply for the fact that she exists. She’s that sort of a stage girl. Tono Hikaru-san, who plays Shiori, is an incredible hard worker. How should I put it, it feels like she enjoys the effort itself, I think. I feel like she’s similar to Shiori in that way. She’s a person who naturally increases my motivation when I’m with her.

Seiran Stage Play Memories

After all, Seiran is amazing!

——In the Seiran stage play, you appeared alone on Siegfeld’s behalf. Which scene left the deepest impression on you in that play?

Nomoto: For a scene that I was in, it has to be the revue scene that unfolded at the end. All I can remember is that it was fun, so much fun that I couldn’t do anything but have fun.

In the Seiran stage play, she became Hisame’s rival in particular, and they faced off in the “Revue of Reigning”.

The three stage girls who appeared for the first time were also very impressive. I love the song where Yanagi Sakura-chan reveals the secrets of her sister Yanagi Koharu-chan. Matsue Miko-chan’s song was also wonderful, and Hanare Yatsuki-chan’s dance had me giving a standing ovation internally every time. I’d like to meet those three people again one day.

——Were there any memorable events during the rehearsals or performances?

Nomoto: Shiina Hekiru, who plays Souda Sawa, was very kind to me. My arm gets very tired after swinging my revue weapon, a lance, so I was caring for it by icing it, but Hekiru-san came next to me and said, “Your arm will get tired, so I’ll hold it for you”, and she iced my arm for me! It was a kindness that blew away the tiredness of my arms…

——Please tell us your impressions of the three Seiran stage girls and Yakumo-sensei.

Nomoto:Yanagi Koharu is a person who quietly and certainly moves forward step by step. Minase Suzu is a bright and straightforward person who is overflowing with energy to live. Honami Hisame is a person who loves and is loved by others, and who can shine by herself even as she supports others. And Yakumo Kyoko is an ideal teacher that everyone aspires to, a superstar. I feel like their actresses are also pretty close to their respective characters. Their quality and charm as people are on a cosmic scale, I think.

——On this next stage, the five “Edels” will finally assemble on the stage. How are you feeling right now?

Nomoto: Happy. I’ve always, constantly been saying, “I want to stand on stage as five someday.” I’m truly thankful to have received this chance to do that!

In the past, the five “Edels” served as the opening act for Starlight Kukugumi’s 2nd StarLive “Starry Desert”. This is the first performance with all five of us since then. Just what will happen… I’m really excited for it right now!

——For the performances and rehearsals, what are you looking forward to?

Nomoto: I wonder… being able to see the stage girls exhausted to the max, maybe. More than anything, I’m looking forward to sharing with everyone what we can only taste once we’ve gone through despair. …I may be the only one thinking about it from the angle of despair, though (lol).

But, I’m sure that all of the performers will create a brilliant stage in their own way! Please anticipate it!

Starting off 2022 with the stage!  Concentrating only on the performances right in front of her!!

——To Nomoto-san, what was 2021 like for you?

Nomoto:I was born in the year of the ox, so last year I was a woman of the year (born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign). So, it was a “cow fever” kind of year. I wonder what cow fever is. I don’t know either (lol).

By the way… A cow’s butt is not round. It’s super super bony, and it’s actually a square. Did you guys know this?

——I didn’t know about the cow’s behind (lol). Then, please tell us your plans for 2022.

Nomoto:Just to make February’s Starira stage play a success! As for what comes after that, I’ll think about it when it’s over. Ah, but I want to be able to wake up in a good mood every morning. On clear days, “Good morning blue sky!”, on rainy days, “Good morning blessed rain!”, that kind of feeling.

——Lastly, a message to all of the readers!

Nomoto:Thank you for reading this to the end! The charm of Starlight that everyone in Kukugumi has built up, this time we, Siegfeld, will deliver it to you. Just how will we accomplish that? We will strengthen our resolve and try our hardest. The “Starira” play will be performed starting from February 18th. Please come have some fun at The Galaxy Theater. Thank you so much!

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Sailor Moon x My Melody Fan Meeting - Sailor Moon (Hotaru Nomoto)


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Amour Eternal DVD Event - Sailor Moon (Hotaru Nomoto) (Part 2)

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