#non content post




go to the unsent project archive and reblog this with your favourite message under your name (or someone else’s) in the tags

Please excuse the dirty window, but I took pictures of my Amaryllis plant every night before it bloomed and turned it into a gif :) (I took the photos at night since it is right in front of the window, and during the day there is too much back-light)

And here is just the last photo of it

Warning to Empty Blogs

This is mostly a note for those who may have recently come to tumblr and do not understand the importance of actually using your blog.

If you follow me, and have a default profile icon, and no posts or reblogs on your page, there is a chance that I am going to block you for thinking you are a bot/spam account.

I go through my recent follows every week or so, and if blogs like this have not updated their icon or made any posts or reblogged anything to their blogs , I will assume they are in fact bot accounts and will block them.
*I’m not referring to those who have not reblogged anything from me, I mean those who haven’t reblogged anything at allin general.

This is a common thing that blogs do, so if you suddenly cannot access blogs you follow, this is a likely reason.

All it takes is a profile pic change, some original posts or some reblogs. This is not the kind of site you should remain completely inactive on. There are like buttons, and reblog buttons for a reason.

*Also, if your blog remains empty and inactive, even if you log into it daily, there is a chance that it will be deleted by staff for mistaking you as a bot as well.

