#non sims



Mandy, dear, I’m so sorry for what I made you go through because I wasn’t brave enough to go alone, but it’s over now, we’re ok now. ❤️

Today is my brother’s bday!!!!! He’s turning 17 and im scared bc last time i checked he was 7!!! Im old!!!!

It has been a year to the day, I believe, since I had to take Princess Sky Bear to the emergency vetIt has been a year to the day, I believe, since I had to take Princess Sky Bear to the emergency vet

It has been a year to the day, I believe, since I had to take Princess Sky Bear to the emergency vet and was told she was in heart failure and her lungs were full of fluid and that she may very well not make it through the night- which turned out to have been caused by Hyperthyroidism.

It’s been a bumpy 12 months but she’s still here! She is on four different medications and while the Hyperthyroidism is under control, the growth in her tummy is slowly getting bigger, she has another big growth on her left side and she is veeeery slowly dropping weight.

Nevertheless, the Princess fights on! We are doing OK Happy Caturday!

*(These pics are from January but she’s only lost 100g since then, so not much has changed and she doesn’t like having her picture taken )

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Happy holidays everyone! Whether you celebrate or not, I hope you’ve had a wonderful day filled with all the good things you love.

I also have to say I am ASTONISHED at the beautiful comments you left me on the holiday meme. From cc gratitude to Bea Arthur association to uberhood mentions () y’all went in DEEP. Thank you <3





Please share for your fellow animators or aspiring ones!

For a little note on how to download it, got to the site, select the Fundementals Of Animation, and then Add to Cart, and order!


Temporarily reviving this dead Blog to share this one.

Also check if adobe, toonboom, or your preferred software is offering anything to your school or company.


 Make yourself here and tag other people! I was tagged by @descendantdragfi  Thank you ❤️ I’d like t

Make yourself hereand tag other people! I was tagged by @descendantdragfi  Thank you ❤️

I’d like to see @jolifleurbleu@obscurus-noctem@nornities@declaration-of-dramas@ninjaofthepurplethings @dhalsimsand@belasims 

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My Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 picturesMy Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 picturesMy Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 picturesMy Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 picturesMy Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 picturesMy Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 picturesMy Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 picturesMy Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 picturesMy Aesthetic Tag by @rosymielRules:Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on PinterestGet 9 pictures

My Aesthetic Tag by @rosymiel


  1. Look up (your name) + core + aesthetic on Pinterest
  2. Get 9 pictures and put them into a moodboard
  3. Tag anyone you want to do this!

I was tagged by the always lovely @belasims and @rollo-rolls 

So I followed the rules to create my mood board…………and it was a genuine horror show of baby pink, glitter and Kardashians  (╯=▃=)╯︵┻━┻    NO!

So here’s my own, which is surprisingly accurate. Thank you for the tags ❤️

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Any fans of Black Pink? Well this is me failing DDU-DU DDU-DU for the millionth time on Beat Saber For those of you unfamiliar, Beat Saber is this really cool rhythm VR game like DDR and osu!

Jennie’s rap on 1:40 always gets me! By this time my arms start to give out but one day I will complete this song!

#non sims    #nonsims    #beat saber    #black pink    
i have no sims content for you, but here’s a photo of @ratboysims , @applepiedimples , and i wearing

i have no sims content for you, but here’s a photo of @ratboysims , @applepiedimples , and i wearing matching sweaters what more could you want

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Hello! I apologize if you just got notification spam from me or anything of the like, I was attempting to post this post, and tumblr was having nothing to do with it. @.@. It works now at least…

Mariah Carey is really entertaining! And inspirational! If you can read her book and listen to the audiobook!

I was tagged by @mdpthatsme for the 4 colors meme, and since it seemed interesting I figured why not. :)

Rules: Pick 4 colours for your muse, and use gif function to post them!

I’ll go with Silenius,since he’s the easiest for this and I’m feeling lazy

1. Silver


2. Blue


3. Pale pink


4. Beige


I’m tagging @simper-fi,@thepathofnevermore,@onewingedraven,@gphoenixsims,  @thesimtraveler and@kim-lewis to do the same, but only if they feel up for it, of course. No pressure! :)

I was tagged by @thepathofnevermore, and since her post had two memes in it I wasn’t sure which one pertained to me, so I just decided to do both! :D 


Always repost the rules. Answer the random 11 questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.

1. What are you listening to right now?
- The sound of silence (no, not the song). It was 3 in the morning when I filled this meme, so all I heard was the sound of crickets outside, the low buzzing of the fridge in the kitchen, the tick-tock of the clock in the living room, and a dog barking in the distance. Ahh, blessed sounds of the night. 

2. Last book you read?
- In full? ‘The Last Wish’, by Andrzej Sapkowski.   

3. Pick the first thing that is on your right. That’s gonna be your only weapon to face the upcoming zombie apocalypse. How effed up are you? (Yes, I totally stole this one from those silly FB memes).
- Oh hell naw, I hate this one! I turn to my right, and I see… a wall. A window. Curtains. Because my PC setup is in a corner. (Why does it always have to be the right side? There’s an entire room to my left!) I don’t quite get which one of those I’m supposed to pick up as a potential weapon… *glances up* maybe the curtain rod? It’s long, heavyish and made of gilded brass, so… I guess it could pass as some sort of makeshift lance. I’d still be royally screwed, in all honesty… but hey! At least I’d go out in style, wielding a golden stick and all.   


4. If you could have a supernatural power, which one would you like to have?
- Telekinesis all the way! And a very strong one, preferably. I’m a lazy piece of trash 90% of the time, and having the ability to move objects with my mind would mean I’d never have to get up for anything. xD 

5. How many foreign countries have you visited? If none, what’s your favourite place out of those you visited? (You can answer to both questions, if you want :D)
- All right, let’s count… there’s Austria, Spain, Italy, France, Monaco, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania, and Serbia, so a total of 12 countries. Not bad so far, though I’d love to travel even more! Travel is addictive that way. As for my favourite visited place… oh my, that’s a tough one. Every location is charming in its own unique way. 

6. If you could write the next big besteller, what would be its genre?
- Mystery/Horror with a healthy dose of psychological thriller. 

7. What’s your favourite drink?
- Boring obvious answer: water. But when I’m at a café or restaurant, I have a habit of ordering either Schweppes (lowkey quinine addiction?) or a cider of some sort.   

8. Can you play any instrument? If so, which one?
- Nope, I’m hopeless with instruments. I’d much rather listen to others play. :D 

9. If you could learn any language in just one day, which one would you pick?
- Uhm… all of them? ;___; I’m a huge enthusiast for learning foreign languages (which is why I decided to major in translation studies), but if I were given the opportunity to master a foreign language in just one day, then I’d probably go with a difficult one that doesn’t use latin script, like Chinese/Japanese/Korean, or maybe Greek.   

10. Laptop or desktop? Which one do you prefer?
- A healthy combination of both, haha. :D But if I had to choose, then desktop. 

11. Which was your first live concert? If none, which one would you like to be your first?
- My parents used to take me to quite a few live performances when I was a wee kidlet, but I guess the earliest concert I actually remember going to was that of a hugely famous regional schlager singer. I have only vague recollections of the concert: all I know is that I was there, I was young (kindergarden aged, maybe?), and that my kid brother cried and wanted to go home because it was too loud in the concert hall for him. 

My 11 new questions are:

1. If you could be related to a celebrity, who would it be and why?

2. What was the last movie you saw? Did you like it?

3. If you could work for any big corporation/company for a year, which one would you pick?

4.  Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Describe a recent one you had.

5. What was the last book that made you cry?

6. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

7. List six favorite names (3 male, 3 female) that are typical for your country.

8. How many photos do you currently have on your phone?

9. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 30 and copy the first two sentences. What would you think the book is about, if you were to judge only by the copied excerpt?

10. A distant relative has just died and left you a fortune. What is the first thing you do with the money?

11. If you could have any fantasy creature as a pet, which one would it be?


Rules: put your music player on shuffle and write the first 10 songs. No skipping!

Plot twist: I’m totally going to rig this one. I posted quite a fewmusic memesbefore, so I want to make sure the songs don’t repeat.

Die Ärzte - Junge

Scorpions - Blackout

Sixx A.M. - Stars

MGT & Ville Valo - Maybe I Maybe You

Disturbed - The Sound of Silence (since I already mentioned it in the previous meme, might as well add it here)

The Prodigy - Firestarter

Alice in Chains - Sunshine

Axel Rudi Pell - Carousel

Black Sabbath - Into the Void

Misfits - Dig Up Her Bones

I tag @simper-fi,@ove51,@vampireacademysims,@dirk-dreamer,@silverspringsimmer,@rebellinasmith,@zoragraves,@timeparadoxsims,@voleste,@ilikefishfoodand@blackswan-sims for either of these memes, or both, or none! It’s all up to you :)

me recently:

*downloads 30+ new pieces of new cc at a time*

*puts it in my mods folder*

“phew, thats enough sims for today”


Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag people you’d like to get to know better.

I was tagged by @dogsill,@devdollhouseand@eggbeatersims thank you!

I’ll tag: @synthsims,@luumia,@simsontherope,@wrixles,@clovervalley,@thesimsters-stories,@plumbobbles,@plumbastic&@joliebean 


I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings//I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair//I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward


I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year//I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand


I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends//I have made an online friend//I met up with someone I have met online


I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise//I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me//I enjoy the smell of the beach//I know what snow tastes like//I listen to music to fall asleep//I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire//I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season


I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love //I make up scenarios to fall asleep// I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs

Another redone habitat complete with also redone plaza that now offers some more shade.Another redone habitat complete with also redone plaza that now offers some more shade.Another redone habitat complete with also redone plaza that now offers some more shade.

Another redone habitat complete with also redone plaza that now offers some more shade.

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