#non sims

yes that’s happening

yes that’s happening

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excuse me but this game has no right to be this pretty excuse me but this game has no right to be this pretty excuse me but this game has no right to be this pretty excuse me but this game has no right to be this pretty excuse me but this game has no right to be this pretty excuse me but this game has no right to be this pretty

excuse me but this game has no right to be this pretty

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when you realize it says “20 years old” on your sidebar but now you’re 23 and you made no progress in life (nor in the sims).


and when you suddenly remember your tumblr password, realize it says “20 years old” on your sidebar but you are almost 25. time stahp!!!!!

and then you see it again when you are 25… someone stop it :((( hahah


You know what’s a damn shame? It’s a damn shame ‘Dead Like Me’ didn’t get the continuation it deserved.



Haven’t been around much the past few days because I actually went to Copenhagen to see my most favourite artist ever, Marina! I cannot speak at all right now since I totally killed my voice by singing along to all the songs, but was so worth it!

lowpolyanimals: Yorkshire Terrier from Petz: Dogz 2


Yorkshire Terrierfrom Petz: Dogz 2

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Ok here’s my short & silly little quiz that I made in 5 minutes

Answer some music and wizard-related questions and I’ll tell you what type of wizard you are

  • I’ll also rec you some bands. If u’ve been here a while u know what to expect
  • Once again, just for fun
  • Mostly based around album cover aesthetics so you should be fine even if you have no idea what songs I’m talking about

Folks we have so many court wizards with PhDs some of you are gonna have to go and become mercenaries instead

I got evil sorcerer and like i love that this quiz made me realize how evil i would be if i was a wizard in a fantasy world i absolutely woyld be the sexy dark sorcerer that lures people into a dark forest and watch them waste away cause its funny

Fr thou i howled with laughter doing this quiz thank you much op this is the best

This was so much fun; the choices were hysterical! I got Classic Wizard.

Sul Sul! ☀️   

It’s been a long time! I have to apologize to all of you for suddenly disappearing. Thanks a lot to all the ones who sent me messages during this time. ❤️ I’m fine, though the period we’re all experiencing now is tough and also considering that I live in the most afflicted region in Italy. My mental and physical health is safe.

So, what happened to me? Since October, I (unexpectedly) started working as a teacher in a kindergarten and, especially at the beginning, it was really tiring. I didn’t feel like creating CC neither playing The Sims in my spare time. Gaming is something you should do to releave the stress and not the contrary, so I decided not to force myself. I’m just sorry I didn’t tell you before…

What am I doing now? My school has been closed for a month and a half now, so I’m doing what I can from home. I’ve devoted the rest of my time to my greatest passion: ILLUSTRATION. If you want to, you can follow me on Instagram and take a look at my drawings: my account is @serena_liistro. I wold love to hear what you think about my works. ❤️

Will I ever come back to this Simblr? Yes, I will. I can’t tell you when, but sooner or later I will, especially if this stay at home will last longer. However, I don’t know what will I do with this simblr. I don’t feel like continuing making that kind of CC, but I like creating content. Maybe something related to illustration? Maybe. But how? Any suggestions? However, I think I’ll keep creating gameplays because they motivate me to play more and lookbooks ‘cause they’re fun. Obviously, I’m closing my patreon for now. Thanks a LOT to all of you that supported me through all this time ❤️  You are lovely.

I guess that’s all, my dear simmers. Just let me advise you to stay safe at home if you can to prevent this situation from getting worse. I know it’s really hard not to see your beloved ones as much as you’d like, but it’s for everyone’s safety and luckily we have technology to keep in contact. And remember to follow me on IG.

See you soon, my friends

yours, Serena

I’m not usually one to share personal stuff on my simblr, but I have some sad news. My dog Dag

I’m not usually one to share personal stuff on my simblr, but I have some sad news.

My dog Dagi passed away. We noticed on Saturday evening that he was restless and having trouble breathing. We took him to the vet on Sunday and got a pretty bleak diagnosis - he had several tumors in his belly so large that they were pressing down on his organs, and more tumors in the lungs. The belly tumors they might have been able to get rid of via surgery, but there was nothing they could’ve done to the ones in the lungs. So with a heavy, heavy heart, I went for the only other option there was. Dagi was put to sleep on Monday, April 4, at quarter to noon. Today would have been his 17th birthday.

I’m aware that there is a lot to be thankful for here. He was born into our family and spent his whole life with us; he was loved, coddled and spoiled, and reached a ripe old age for a dog; he held up really well in his twilight years and never lost his appetite, not even in his final moments (he had barbecue the day before the euthanasia, the pig!). As far as dogs go, that’s is about as much as any pet parent could ask for; I did all I could’ve done, and I’m fully aware of that. It’s just…

I never realized how heavy his absence would hit me. I’ve had this crooked-pawed lil’ Wiener wannabe for 2/3rds of my existence and he was such a constant presence in my life. He was a family pet, but he’s always been *my* dog, and I was his hooman, his pack leader. Also the only one who knew 100% how to handle him, because honestly, he could be a bit of an ass sometimes. We had some good moments and some bad moments and some funny ones, and like any dog, he showed me what pure, unfiltered, unconditional love looked like. Not having him around anymore feels so weird… almost like I lost a limb, an essential part of myself.

When I got back home from the vet’s that day, I caught myself looking around the livingroom for him, although I knew full well he wasn’t there anymore. I realized then that it wasn’t just a pet I lost, but also all the little rituals that we had: cooking the homemande food he loved so much in his senior years; the edible bribes we had to give him to get him to go out into the yard to pee, cause otherwise he’d just pee on the floor; his lil’ head poking around the corner of the couch when I was sitting at the computer and he wanted something; the yellow snout poking my leg when I ate breakfast/lunch/dinner and he wanted a bite. Now that he’s gone, all those small things are gone too, and our home feels that much emptier for it. Incredible how such a small animal could fill up so much space with its mere presence.

Time heals most wounds and I’m sure that’ll be the case here, too. The feeling of loss will get dulled eventually and what’ll remain will be all the great memories we made together. I just hope I don’t cry myself into a coma until then. I miss you, lil’ buddy.

A yellow dog comes only once and is hisself: brilliant, final, and entire.

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woke up early this morning to my room flooding. the whole place is covered in water running from all of the ceiling lights like a tap, its the craziest thing. there was a tropical storm today but this had never happened before. luckily i had woken up before it started otherwise the water could have hurt me in my sleep. i had to move most of my valuables out of there because more and more water was pouring out from the ceiling in different places. It feels so weird because my room is my safe space and seeing it getting destroyed like that has really taken a toll on me today. i went to work anyways and just left it like that after calling maintenance, hopefully the damage isn’t too terrible and they’ll be able to fix the problem because its rainy season so more storms will be incoming. i also broke my pinky yesterday so its just been rough. unlucky my mac was one of the things in the pathway of the water, and it hasn’t been able to turn on since. i’ve just been trying not to think about it otherwise i wouldn’t be able to just carry on with my day. All the cc i was working on was in there so i’m just at a loss for words. I don’t know if i can fix it, but i’ll probably just end up having to buy another laptop when i travel to the us or uk in june/july. I might be able to borrow my moms laptop for the time being or maybe something else will work out but i just don’t know right now. just thinking about having to reinstall everything is stressing me out. i really was excited for these months releases too, i don’t want to think about having to remake everything but that’s what i might end up having to do. (if i can find another laptop to use) either way there will be a delay for cc this month or possibly no cc at all, but i will do my best to see whats possible and update you guys when i have a solution.

If any of you want to join me on my late night stream, come and say Hi on my Twitch!

Just did my first stream playing horror game shitting my pants I forgot to post my link twitch here. But would you guys be interested in me making poses maybe?

I’ve finally settled down and got kitty installed on my lap. Will start working on stuff soon~

Sorry guys didn’t inform you but I’m currently on hiatus for a little bit longer because of my upcoming move. (Kinda stressful because I’m moving to another country ) I will try to start posting at the end of this month as soon as a get settled. Sorry again and I miss y'all

@episims tagged me! Thank you!!

Five songs you’ve been listening to on repeat recently?

Shakira - She Wolf (just popped up in my head a few days ago, no idea why xD)
Marina - Homewrecker
The Asteroid Galaxy Tour - Heart Attack
Black Kids - I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance
Kate Nash - Do Wah Doo

Very upbeat songs all of them, suppose I’m just in a good mood recently :)

Last movie you watched?

I think it was About Time, because I felt like some Rachel McAdams.

Currently watching?

Nope nothing

Currently Reading?

I’m re-reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at the moment, probably the reason for the overall good mood recently.

An album tag this time. I was tagged by @janika31, thank you! Rules: go to this site and choose your

An album tag this time. I was tagged by @janika31, thank you!

Rules: go to this site and choose your top 7 albums!

I’m not really an album person, so I’ve just picked a few albums from my library. Here are my top 7 albums in no particular order:

1.Arctic Monkeys -  Favourite Worst Nightmare

2.The Strokes  - First Impressions of Earth

3.Lana Del Rey - Born to Die

4.Tame Impala - Currents

5.Wallows - Nothing Happens

6.Fall Out Boy - Folie à Deux

7.The Asteroids Galaxy Tour -  Out of Frequency (Deluxe Edition)

I tag… @linacheries,@plumbtales,@pikselis,@slyndseysims,@oawus,@ashleighssims. No pressure!

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I was tagged by @lilithgrunt <3. Here we go, 10 songs by hitting shuffle:

1. Mac Demarco - Freaking out the Neighbourhood

2. Arctic Monkeys - Arabella

3. Tame Impala - Eventually

4. The American Analog Set - Gone to Earth

5. Lana Del Rey - Ride

6. Glass Animals - Youth

7. The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again

8. David Bowie - Heroes

9. Syd Matters - To All of You

10. Speedy Ortiz - No Below

I really have no idea who to tag. This tag has been going around for a while, though, so I’ll just tag some random simblrs that I follow: @suratan-zir,@gummifish,@grilledcheese-aspiration,@ello-sims,@trotylka. Feel free to ignore if you’ve already done this or don’t want to!

‪… guys ….? I’ve got my first student job at university and I might cry. ❤️‬

Not@johnnysilvercock making me literally sob both sad and happy tears with his Kerry and V cyberpunk playlist. Excuuuuuuuuuuse me Merlin how dare you make me have all these feels?!

thanks ilu XD
