


Seems Yato is desperate to make some new artist friends! Hiyori is going to have to save his flat ass once again.

Signups close in 3 days! Visit our pinned post for information and signup forms.


Can I interest you in my religion?

Signups close in 6 days!!


Our final countdown begins! 7 days left to sign up for the Noragami Reverse Bang 2021! Last day is June 30th.

We are currently in the need of more artists! Signup to join Yato and our growing family of artists! ❤️

See our pinned post for signup links and more information.




Word Count: 9148 (5/5 chapters)


Hiyori follows his gaze downward, where she can just make out the extravagant costumes of Heaven’s upper class twirling in the streets. They’ll probably be at it until dawn, when the Regalia head out. And then they’ll go back out the following night, and the one after, and the one after that, and every day that follows; an endless parade of indulgence, gods among men.
“Sickening, isn’t it?” says Yato.

Happy Noragami Reverse Bang time! Here is the Hunger Games AU @eerna​ and I have been obsessing over for months hope you enjoy~

