#not a character

chronocreature: And I am permanently preoccupied with your pastI’ve been around long enough nowTo knchronocreature: And I am permanently preoccupied with your pastI’ve been around long enough nowTo kn


And I am permanently preoccupied with your past
I’ve been around long enough now
To know that the good things never last, they never last

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canonlgbtcharacters: i’m now dating the guy i drew this for/the owner of High Bitch, my master plan canonlgbtcharacters: i’m now dating the guy i drew this for/the owner of High Bitch, my master plan


i’m now dating the guy i drew this for/the owner of High Bitch, my master plan worked

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Hello everyone! It’s been a while. I have some important updates.

I will be taking a break from this blog. It will not be indefinite, but character posts will stop for the time being. I just have too much on my plate. I’m working full time as a pharmacy tech in training and it’s so overwhelming. I have dreams and goals I want to achieve but I have very little time to work towards them. And I just don’t have the energy to keep up with the asks and the posts right now.

My New Year’s Resolution this year is to make a game, or at least make a lot of headway on one. I have tried so many times to keep up with an art blog, to get my name out there, but it feels impossible to stand out at all in the pool of the internet. I want to be able to thrive doing something I love - I wanna make games, write game reviews, wrestle, draw, cross-stitch, take care of cats. It’s so hard to pin myself down and figure myself out. It’s difficult being autistic and trying to find your place in the world.

I want to share my creations and my ideas and my art with the world, with all of you. I’ve thought about starting a game review site. It’s a big hobby of mine anyways, maybe I could focus in on it? If I do, I’ll keep you all updated.

I love this blog so much. It’s been a constant in my life for 4 ½ years. It’s something I’ve put a lot of effort into, and that I will come back to eventually, even if it’s in a different form. I will still post here, interact with you guys, try to share my art. I hope that’s ok with all of you.

This is not goodbye. It’s just see you later.

lol my posts have been not showing up in tags bc of the submission tag, huh

Mod Lapis here, it upsets me to say this but we are going to be deleting in a few days. All of us mods have all been going through some things and have lost some motivation to keep adding characters to the queue. There are only 5 posts queue’d up so once those characters are up we will wait another day and then delete. I’m sorry if this upsets anyone as well, we hope you understand! It’s been really fun.

If you wish to follow the mods you can find mod lapis at @lili-zwinglis and mod xion at @gemme-blanche.(Note: Mod Jojo isn’t comfortable sharing his personal.)

frompawntoqueen:Protect your blog from acephobes. Like to charge, reblog to activate 


Protect your blog from acephobes. Like to charge, reblog to activate 

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it’s my birthday today *blows party toot*

Happy birthday!!!!



Every time we get a bisexual female character yall insist she’s a lesbian just cause you can’t stand the thought of that character being with a guy. If you hate men fine but don’t try to push that shit on canon bi characters

On some real shit i am so so so glad that this post is gaining so many notes because it is a testimony to the many many bisexual and pansexual people who get their representation erased because of people who insist on ignoring canon.

All off-anon requests have been answered. If you didn’t receive a rejection, your request is in the queue!
