#not a module


The Snow Miku voting has begun! Here are the nominees for this year!

Which do you like most?

just a lil update from janitor mod! this blog is still on hiatus for an unknown amount of time; combinations of adult stuff, jobs, heath reasons and also new/different interests are rendering this blog inert, but we’re both doing ok!

nyanoraptor:Hatsune Miku, kitty edition! Design be me, art by parfaerie!


Hatsune Miku, kitty edition! Design be me, art by parfaerie!

Post link
nyanoraptor:nyanoraptor:my take on an anthro miku! angy hachune miku for good measurenyanoraptor:nyanoraptor:my take on an anthro miku! angy hachune miku for good measure



my take on an anthro miku!

angy hachune miku for good measure

Post link



Fun game to play: Click the randomizer button for my blog [ here ] and draw the module you land on.


I’m always looking for an excuse to draw a good miku


did the randomizer sunday prompt from @mikumoduleoftheday !!! kind of rushed but here’s bandaged heart miku ❣️❣️❣️


Sorry for my absence..

CW: talk of mental disorders, medication, & therapy





i’ve been gone for a while, and i’m very sorry for it. i graduated college last month, which is good, but two months ago, i got diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. i have been taking this diagnosis pretty hard, especially since it will hinder my chances of finding a job.

i won’t go into detail about my illnesses, but having another one tacked onto the other ones i have, it’s overwhelming. specialized therapy is not available near me, so i have to hope that the medicine i’m taking will help me.

i’m very stressed, have no motivation, yet also want to do everything all at once. having multiple people in your head all wanting to do completely different things, is a huge burden on your health. i’m not deleting this account or leaving, but i thought you all should know the reasons for my infrequent activity.

the support you’ve all given this account means a lot to me, even though what i’m doing here isn’t much. i’m actually a digital artist and now working on vocaloid covers, and i hope to share what i make with you! i’ll make an account for my vocaloid related projects, and drop the link once it’s ready.

i still do apologize, though, for vanishing with no explanation so many times. this account, though relatively easy to manage, is hard to keep up with.

while i’m absent, you can all still submit modules i haven’t posted. this would actually be welcome, since it takes a bit of stress off of me while still being able to post.

last thing, i’m very grateful for all of your guys’ patience with me. i hope i can get better, so i can provide you guys with posts again. thank you for reading, and thank you for your support.
