#mod art




this came to me like a psychic punch

inspired by @archangel-fucking-judas​ and this particular post about the submas twins

also adaman is a BITCH to draw

+Bonus from mod chandelure

nyanoraptor:nyanoraptor:my take on an anthro miku! angy hachune miku for good measurenyanoraptor:nyanoraptor:my take on an anthro miku! angy hachune miku for good measure



my take on an anthro miku!

angy hachune miku for good measure

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I’m very proud to announce that our staff team has worked very hard on a website that houses essentially everything you need to know about BLBR!

The information is up to date, easy to continue to update, and it contains a wealth of artwork to enjoy too!

Please take a look!

Huge thanks especially to my fellow mods for all their hard work put into this! It was a very hard-fought team effort.

A gift for Edie’s player!

First steps as of right now are contacting pre-accepted folks! I have a question for those involved about entry. I may have mentioned this, but those sheets are almost finished up!

Thanks for your patience! As usual, BLBR runs at the pace that works best for us here… and it’s been a brutal few months for our mod team. I hope that at least provides some reassurance to anyone here waiting to get in or planning on applying in the future that if you have hard times, we’ll give you that same understanding. BLBR will be there when you feel ready.

-Admin Koby

I survive because I have died.

Spades (pictured here as a young adult) references pieces of a rough past– a cruel mother, a childhood spent sick and hungry, a series of mistakes and lies.

The Court is built of cats from similar walks of life. Spades sought to create the place of growth and love she needed in the past, and she hopes she’s succeeded.

Feline prophets sleep beneath the city.

Redacted is staying with the Court out of fear for their life. Whose to say what’s lurking around every corner? Whose to say they’re even safe in the Court?

You were said to be descended of his descendants, though no one who lives was there to see him born or raised. You know of his early life only because he told you stories of his youth. Threaded between the gaps in his recollections, the long pauses as he struggled to feel around for his memories, was his supreme age.

The Grandfather of All Cats, a mysterious figure seen in a recent and still developing vision by a few Court cats.

A new character, Havenshiver has already made a huge impact, even though they have only just joined the Court! In their introduction, she presented a somewhat motherly front, making a positive first impression on that cats she was met with while fleeing the storm.

I personally really admire Havenshiver and her ability to adapt and change! She grew up in a violent atmosphere, which likely shaped her worldview, but it’s still admirable that she instead choses to be loving and caring now! A mediator rather than an instigator, and I know for sure the Court needs a few more of what Haven brings to the table!

As one of the new arrivals to the Court, Havenshiver has only just started hinting to how good of an impact she will have on this group. I cannot wait to see her grow and develop in the future!!

- Buzz [doodle by Buzz as well]

Havenshiver has put herself out there for a council position as well! The re-election is happening as we speak. I love her immediate commitment to help things out, and goodness will she realize just how much of a mess the Court is. Delicious, I love it. 

- Koby

modmad:I decided to invent a character based on a colour. It was really fun so I might do it again


I decided to invent a character based on a colour. It was really fun so I might do it again.

This is ‘No.’

No can’t talk. He has trouble understanding people but he likes them and tries hard to be good and helpful and make them happy, but he never gets it right so all he ever hears is the word ‘no’, which he now presumes to be his name. He cries a lot.

Hey remember when I made the most depressing character ever

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not a brilliant day so decided to vent doodle because at least that’s more productive than pou

not a brilliant day so decided to vent doodle because at least that’s more productive than pouting at the wall

also a casual reminder that if Ishimaru wanted to he could pretty much hand anyone’s ass to them on a plate

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Asahina I don’t think you’re taking Ishimaru’s efforts to stimulate your educationAsahina I don’t think you’re taking Ishimaru’s efforts to stimulate your educationAsahina I don’t think you’re taking Ishimaru’s efforts to stimulate your education

Asahina I don’t think you’re taking Ishimaru’s efforts to stimulate your educational fervor seriously enough

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some more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved psome more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved psome more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved psome more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved psome more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved psome more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved psome more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved psome more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved psome more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved p

some more assorted toonkind doodles this time from three fps games which were just, so good. loved playing these a lot :’D

featuring Rhode and the Engineer:

featuring Alibi and Starr:

featuring Seamus, Bob and Rad!:

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Mullet baby

~Keith month. Day 2:Family

I’m trying to catch up!

Next prompt: Kosmo

missnk: I draw Midler and Alessi together a lot but my other ship is secretly “Midler wants to knockmissnk: I draw Midler and Alessi together a lot but my other ship is secretly “Midler wants to knockmissnk: I draw Midler and Alessi together a lot but my other ship is secretly “Midler wants to knockmissnk: I draw Midler and Alessi together a lot but my other ship is secretly “Midler wants to knock


I draw Midler and Alessi together a lot but my other ship is secretly “Midler wants to knock all of Rubber’s teeth out but… ok maybe she’ll give him a try once”.

The top one was for a prompt on the Jojo 60 min account where they wanted either him, Abbacchio, or Rykiel. I should do it more often? A shame about the big ol difference in time zones. There’s always a bunch of cool art to check out from participants and I’m glad people liked my sleazy Rubber Soul.

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missnk:I never really talk about Rubber Soul because I’ve been weirdly… shy about crushing on him missnk:I never really talk about Rubber Soul because I’ve been weirdly… shy about crushing on him


I never really talk about Rubber Soul because I’ve been weirdly…shy about crushing on him since I got to him when I went through Stardust Crusaders a couple of years ago. He a rude, rude, slime boy.

I’ve also been way into the idea of him and Midler having some weird tension. What sort of tension that is is up to you, really. I just like to imagine he enjoys riling her up until she yells at him and gets ready to throw something at his face.

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pelopelolo:Midler? Who’s that?? aka, I like to pair Daniel with Mariah and Terence with Midler but


Midler? Who’s that??

aka, I like to pair Daniel with Mariah and Terence with Midler but I have a massive guilty pleasure for Terence to turn her into one of his dolls 8′)


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