#not a plush


i’ve decided i’m not going to do or post anything more with/on this blog. i was a person with significantly poorer judgement when i first started this, and i have been throughout the time in which i’ve run and posted on it.


i deleted my reblog of this post in which i said this (i understand i shouldn’t have done that, i did so on impulse), but i essentially asked why people didn’t tell me why my choice of wording was racist, commenting on how it seemed my followers simply didn’t care. two people who replied to that post have explained why this was not my place to do, as it’s on me to judge what i say and i shouldn’t be using my own misjudgment to call out racism as a white person, and i agree with them. i did not intend to pin the blame for my own racist wording on my followers, but as i said even then, my intent does not matter if it’s ultimately harmful. 

i feel sorry for what i said and taking as long as i have to respond to criticism of it, i regret it, but i can’t make amends for it. i’ve used this blog to voice opinions that were either not my place to voice or should not have been voiced on a platform this big without a proper warning multiple times, as i did when i made an untagged post about ableism, particularly towards autistic people, that pinned responsibility for standing up to ableism on those who successfully mask being autistic or are considered “high functioning” by neurotypical people due to my own insecurity as an autistic person.

some people forgave me for that, but i’m not seeking forgiveness by making this post. i’m saying i want to leave this blog in the past, and not continue to use a platform that i’ve hurt and disrespected people through.


how would you all feel about me doing what i used to do here on twitter? it’d be harder on there for various reasons, but it’s what i primarily use now, and i’ve been itching for something to do.

i. did not follow up on this i’m sorry

how would you all feel about me doing what i used to do here on twitter? it’d be harder on there for various reasons, but it’s what i primarily use now, and i’ve been itching for something to do.

via looking through my archive to find what i linked in the ask i just answered, i found out that i apparently used to say “non-white people” instead of people of color, and i want to say i’m sorry for doing that and recommend for people to not do that. i can’t control what people say, but i can feel uncomfortable with what i’ve said in the past and hope for others to not say what i did

i highly encourage people to put photo ids on my posts, the post of others, and their own posts. it’s something i wish i’d done while i ran this blog

for a while now, i’ve been noticing more and more people filling the niche of this blog in my place while i became more erratic with running the queue and eventually took hiatus. i’m perfectly fine with that, and it’s not really the point of this post.

the point of this post is to say that with seeing this growth of people doing what i had been doing, combined with the fact that i’ve gained no interest in continuing to run this blog in the way i did before, i think it’s safe to say that outside of posting plush here and there i personally really want to post, or posting plush submitted to me, i pretty much won’t be running this blog anymore.

thank you so much to everyone who kept track of this blog throughout its two and a half years of existence and reblogged my posts. running this blog was overall a delight, inspiring, and eye opening for me. i’m so glad i’ve brought joy and help to so many people! two memories that especially stick out to me are how i helped someone find a replica of a plush they lost in a house fire, and how i helped someone find a replica of a plush their sibling held dear while going through cancer treatment. i honestly never thought i’d have that much of an impact on anyone, and knowing that i did makes me feel whole.

i’m also glad i got to introduce hoody pet and the big brown cat plush to so many people. seeing drawings and memes about them always makes me smile

while i brought a lot of happiness with this blog, i’ve also made some mistakes while running it that sometimes hurt people. i regret those mistakes, especially what i did in july, but i feel they’ve helped me learn and grow as a person, and that’s also important to me. i aim not to repeat the mistakes i’ve made on this blog in my adult life, as i’m rapidly approaching legal adulthood this month (started this blog when i was 15)

one more thing: i really wish i could’ve done more for the people who sent me plush to find. plush identification and finding is really hard, but i feel like i could’ve done it a bit more had i been more dedicated. it was too much at once, i guess

anyway, thank you all again! i wish you all the best, especially ebayfriends, do follow that blog if you haven’t already.


here’s a very rushed doodle of hoody pet i did in paint 3d with a trackpad, i made the feet too big

To anyone who has reblogged the plushies I post with their stories of how they owned the same one as a child (or still do), thank you! You guys make my day and are one of the reasons I love running this account. :)

do you have a funky guy that you’d like to see featured on this page? send them in to me! if they don’t belong to you, please send in the link you got them from. if they’re yours, add any info you’d like to be featured :) either way, you’ll get credit! 

Introducing my current obsession…

Pocket dragons!

These figures were made by Real and Muff Musgrave, husband and wife. They were sculpted and painted by hand. By 2006, when Real and Muff retired, there were over 300 different dragons!

Look at them.

Real also made paintings of the little guys!

There was also a show! You can find the first episode on youtube, it’s called Pocket Dragon Adventures!
