#this may exacerbate the issue


i’ve decided i’m not going to do or post anything more with/on this blog. i was a person with significantly poorer judgement when i first started this, and i have been throughout the time in which i’ve run and posted on it.


i deleted my reblog of this post in which i said this (i understand i shouldn’t have done that, i did so on impulse), but i essentially asked why people didn’t tell me why my choice of wording was racist, commenting on how it seemed my followers simply didn’t care. two people who replied to that post have explained why this was not my place to do, as it’s on me to judge what i say and i shouldn’t be using my own misjudgment to call out racism as a white person, and i agree with them. i did not intend to pin the blame for my own racist wording on my followers, but as i said even then, my intent does not matter if it’s ultimately harmful. 

i feel sorry for what i said and taking as long as i have to respond to criticism of it, i regret it, but i can’t make amends for it. i’ve used this blog to voice opinions that were either not my place to voice or should not have been voiced on a platform this big without a proper warning multiple times, as i did when i made an untagged post about ableism, particularly towards autistic people, that pinned responsibility for standing up to ableism on those who successfully mask being autistic or are considered “high functioning” by neurotypical people due to my own insecurity as an autistic person.

some people forgave me for that, but i’m not seeking forgiveness by making this post. i’m saying i want to leave this blog in the past, and not continue to use a platform that i’ve hurt and disrespected people through.
