#not an idea




Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Target: Self
Components: V

Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires.

Find it on my Etsy!



makes me insane that Leomund’s Tiny Hut is called that when it’s a fucking ten foot radius. that’s a gigantic hut. that’s nearly four times the size of my bedroom. that’s Leomund’s Average Yurt. you can’t fit that in half the rooms in a dungeon. your party doesn’t even have to sleep within whispering distance of each other in there if they don’t want to. they’re chihuahuas on a california king mattress.

i keep seeing people in the tags compare this to something roughly like a 10x10 foot room and go “yeah that’s pretty big i guess”
i need you to know that a radius is not comparable to the side of a square.

ID: a bunch of sketched figures in a square that they mostly fill, then a circle with a lot of extra space. more details to follow. end ID

on the left is your three-foot gnome, six-foot-somethings half-orc and elf, four-foot-something dwarf, and the whatever-foot-tall DPS who refuses to take off their hooded armor and cuddle because their backstory was too fucked up and they’re shy now—plus the 5-and-a-bit-foot-long wolf that you picked up with a DC 15 animal handling check after you made sad eyes at the GM for long enough—all sleeping pretty comfortably in a 10x10 square room they found in the dungeon.

on the right is them in Leomund’s HashtagTinyLiving Hut. you could fit two more parties in there and the sad one still has room to play solitaire (literal) and brood.






reblog with the race/species you play most often in ttrpgs in the tags

the duality of man

then there’s folks who know what they’re about

also this genre of player

but my favorite is this absolute chaos


There is nothing in D&D more pure and sacred than the Natural 20 of Love.

Like, when a characterin the moment is panicked or furious or desperate in some way to protect someone they love, and then the playerrolls a 20 on an extremely difficult check, and it’s the gameplay equivalent of that thing where mothers lift burning cars off their children?

The 20 of Love is proof that the dice know what they’re doing, okay.

Anyway last night our ranger got a nat 20 to find the trail of his baby sister’s kidnappers, despite the fact that she was taken with no bloodshed from a crossroads, and there had been a lot of foot traffic from people looking for her AND some light rain in the week-and-change since.

And I felt some emotions about it.
