#not arcana










the cha cha slide in full metal armor

“sliiide to the left”

*indescribably loud screeching of metal against asphalt*

“one hop this time”


“two hops this time”

*clonk clonk*

“everybody clap your hands!”


Ask and ye shall receive ft. my drunk ass
Any other requests? Send ‘em my way! 

… apparently they now have a youtube channel filled with doing shenaniganry in armor.

Including the chicken dance

And the YMCA.

Y’all didn’t reblog the best one 

Lmao this is the kind of thing YouTube will destroy if it can.

“This lipstick is from the blood of your enemies and don’t you forget it”

So is The Bride’s name Athena? I know that’s the actress is name but is there another reason why it’s not Hera?

I’ve listening to Viva Las Vegas (the Richard Cheese and Allison Crowe version) and Zombie by The Cranberries everyday for the past week or 2

So I know Army of the Dead isn’t the best movie of all time, but can we all agree that Martin was more at fault than Kate was.

Like Kate just wanted to save her friend, but Martin is the reason why almost everyone died. Like he couldn’t have taken an Alpha’a head on the way out?

And why didn’t Lily give Zeus his Bride’s head back was it because of how much it was worth?


when i start saying weird shit to you thats the equivalent of a cat exposing its tummy


Was anyone gonna tell me that JD Pardo was in Twilight or was I just going to have to find that out myself?

From this:

To this:



Post link
Commission ~

Commission ~

Post link


i miss pretending to be a mermaid ‍♀️

trying to get rid of stress by drawing mermaids

hey guys, so I know I haven’t been giving you much content lately, but a majority of my quotes are things I hear at school and with everything going on lately mine has been canceled for the rest of the year. I am sorry but I promise you I’m doing my best with what I have.

Ofbdhdd I accidentally reblogged the wrong post a second ago idk how but-


I hate to do this but this is my last resort as it is.

Indigenous, disabled, and out of medicine! I struggle to get up and take care of myself regularly without this and I fully ran out last night.

0/$60 - Anything helps!

Cashapp: $Nativoid

Venmo: Indigepunk

I also have paypal and FB pay, DM me for info to those


ik I already have the post about my switch circulating rn, but it’s not terribly urgent and can be dealt with over time.

Something that is urgent, however, is running out of meds that I need to eat and sleep and having to resort to depression meals bc of executive dysfunction and the extreme stress of having very prized possessions (that cost me a lot of money) stolen.

I rlly need to deal with my anxiety so I can feed and care for myself properly so if folks are willing to boost and/or donate I would be eternally grateful

I’ll need around $80(I usually lowball it by about $30 but I can’t afford to do that this time :/) to cover it. I currently only have $5 that was donated to help replace my switch and I rlly don’t want to take away from that fund.

c*shapp: $Nativoid

V*nmo: Indigipunk

DM for Paypal or other methods
