#not entirely writing


I’ve been meaning to read Iron Widowby@xiranjayzhao​ since it came out, and finally had an opportunity. So glad I took it off my to-read shelf!

While marketed as YA it easily appeals to adults as well. It’s science fiction (think Pacific Rim jaegers) with a massive infusion of traditional Chinese culture and mythology, shades of the Hunger Games (without be remotely like the Hunger Games), and a romance that does not fit into the hetero-normative monogamous box. Another bonus is that it includes a variety of disabilities (physical, chemical abuse, and PTSD) without being ableist or unrealistic. As a disabled person, this brings me joy.

There are a number of reviews that grump about a lack of world building, and they would be grossly mistaken. However, if you are accustomed to only Western world-building shorthand, you may miss the significant East-Asian world building that is very much present. This is a world as diverse as China (which currently recognizes 56 distinct ethnic groups), with the same kinds of inter-clan bias and strife that you will find in China’s history.

This is brilliantly written, and I’m very much looking forward to Zhao’s future books. 


For more reviews and to follow my utterly random reading schedule, find me on Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7792099.S_N_Arly     

nordfjording:fidgetspringer:northerndogs:Since it’s 17th of May, Norwegian National Day, I (again) h




Since it’s 17th of May, Norwegian National Day, I (again) heard some funny doofus saying that every positive comment you got wearing a men’s bunad was that out of pity, since men’s bunad’s are inherently silly and unattractive.

I think men’s bunad’s are one of the most awesome garments ever. They’re lavish and old fashioned, and friggin’ cool! I want one.

Adding my region’s men’s bunad because I happen to think it looks awesome!

I think people are just confused :)

Men’s bunad are waaaay cooler than modern Eurocentric formal wear for male presenting folks, and I think people who claim to find it silly and unattractive are just deflecting their own sense of inadequacy and shiny-button envy.

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