#not nonbinary




If you’re in Texas and you’re trying to stay warm during the power outages, here’s some tips from an Illinoisan currently living in Texas. Obviously battery powered heaters or heated blankets can be great, as is a fire in a fireplace. But if those aren’t options for you, try:

1. You can use tape around the edges of doors and windows to prevent drafts, or use towels or blankets to stuff around it. We currently have blankets taped up covering our doors and towels taped over most of our windows. Avoid going into rooms with an outside wall or multiple/large windows, they’re going to be colder.

2. If you’re getting power back every now and then, fill a sock about 2/3 full with rice, lentils, or dry beans, stick it in the microwave for about 30 seconds at a time, checking to see when it’s nice and warm. Then put it at your feet under a blanket.

3. If you have a gas stove, boil a pot of water. You can make tea or soup with it, but even just boiling water will help warm and humidify the home a little. Good for avoiding nosebleeds.

4. Set all your faucets to drip. Moving water in the pipes keeps them from freezing, which is good because you don’t want them to burst.

5. Got a significant other? Kids? Pets? Cuddle them. Never underestimate how much it helps to have another warm body sharing a blanket with you.

6. Do NOT drink alcohol. Yes, it makes you feel nice and warm. It also causes you to LOSE body heat.

7. Move around! Even just bicycling your legs will get your blood flowing, which will help warm you up. Then you can go right back to bundling up.

Signal boost this if you can, texas has dangerously low temperatures (single digits Fahrenheit and lower) and people are without power or heat all over the state.



Check out this article about Ana Roxanne, an amazing intersex musician talking about her album Because of a flower. support intersex musicians and listen to her work! 

Some quotes: 

“ A year after, she realized that she might have an album on her hands. “They all seemed to carry this thread of meaning,” she says of the songs on Because of a Flower. Throughout, she uses symbols like water and tonal harmony as metaphors for the transcendent beauty of gender fluidity. “

“ When I learned that most flowering plants are hermaphrodites, that felt significant to me. I saw flowers in this new sense because they’re universally very beautiful. Whereas historically, intersex people are not seen in the same way.”

“ Honestly, just meeting other intersex people, being able to learn from them, and share our different experiences and our individual conditions that we have. I’ve learned so much just from talking to them, hanging out with them, and seeing their research and experiences that they share on the internet. It takes a lot. It can be very exhausting just because it’s such an intimate thing to be talking about your body. It’s not just about your chromosomal makeup, it’s about your body parts. It’s so personal. It’s been amazing to feel a solid community. Being able to meet intersex people who will sometimes message me online and say, “You were an inspiration to me when I came out.” “

celebrate intersex artists!!!
