#not plants


i love ids on fruitverse reblogs bc its always

[the worst looking photoshopped hand youve ever seen. like it is absolutely horrible. and its holding a very blurry danny devito. whoever did this needs to be fired asap]

like give ur editing skills more credit!!!



Said this to a dear and much-loved friend today, but I think maybe we all might need to see it:

  • Long-fic is not the rent you pay to be a part of fandom.
  • Fic, full-stop, is not the rent you pay to be a part of fandom.
  • Art is not the rent you pay to be a part of fandom.
  • Constantly creating is not the rent you pay to be a part of fandom.

Fandom is a community, not a corporation, your productivity is not a payment you have to make to be here.

@ the fruitverse fam



thank you everyone this is the greatest gift anyone could give me

[ID: The follower count for i-give-plants-to-people reading 171 /End ID]

guys im crying…. how dare you stop me from being immature…… i just wanted to make the funny joke…

legit though thank you!! each person here deserves a plant, so i edited some more together, in case what i had in stock wasnt your thing :) also lets hope tumblr mobile fixes the quality issue soon….

[ID: A series of outstretched hands holding poorly photoshopped plants out to the veiwer. From left to right, the plants are as follows: A string of pearls, a single sunflower, and a glass terrarium holding succulents resting on rocks /End ID].

If you’d like me to give you or someone else a specific plant, send in an ask and I’ll make it happen!









are you guys genuinely getting upset over the “i-give-blank-to-people” blogs

i run two of them i cant possibly get angy about them


yes, they’re so annoying >:((

oh yes! so irritating, giving me mangoes and ralsei and axes! god!

*narrows eyes* i especially hate the pumpkin reese’s one

agh yeah that ones the worst dude

I cannot fucking stand any of them I hate it here on Tumblr life is hell people are trying to have FUN in my notes and I cannot stand it !! This Definitely Impacts Me Personally And I Am Not Ruining Other People’s Fun Because I’m A Dick

tumblr is ruined bc of them. i will never use this website again if they exist for five more minutes. if i see one more person being generous i will Lose My Mind


‘bodily autonomy for some marginalized groups but not all’ will literally never, ever work. the right to abortion and the right to medical transition and the right to engage in gay sex and the right to take birth control are inextricably linked by the core right of bodily autonomy. shooting one kills them all. support others’ bodily autonomy or yours will be taken too



hinge tindle bumble ENOUGH i am making my moves on inaturalist




I’m thinking of starting a plant YouTube channel!

Does anyone here like watching plant YouTube videos? If so, what kind of content do you like to watch the most (Informational, plant tours, nursery tours, repotting videos, etc.)? Is there anything you want to see that you feel like is missing from the general plant YouTube content?

Exciting things are in the works, y’all!

a couple sneak peaks



I’m thinking of starting a plant YouTube channel!

Does anyone here like watching plant YouTube videos? If so, what kind of content do you like to watch the most (Informational, plant tours, nursery tours, repotting videos, etc.)? Is there anything you want to see that you feel like is missing from the general plant YouTube content?

Exciting things are in the works, y’all!
