#not pos


(D0nt r€blog) Leaving anti-recovery comments on recovery/mental health content is not just annoying, it’s cruel. Think about which people you’re exposing to what ideas.

I really do have sympathy for all of you, you are welcome on my blog and in my community. But if a post doesn’t help you personally, the least you could do is not drag others down with you. I know that sounds cruel, but I’m tired of people leaving triggering comments and basically convincing others on why they think they shouldn’t try to recover. I don’t understand how you could bring yourself to do a thing like that in a space full of vulnerable people.

I haven’t been doing too well. I keep on waiting for the current stressful thing I’m going through to be over so I can relax and try to get back on track, but before it even can, some new stressful thing happens to me, and now I have to deal with that, too. I’m a bit overwhelmed with stress. I’ve been trying to do yoga to manage it, but in the meantime I’ve also picked up some horrible habits, like trying to sleep as little as possible so I can have more time to get everything done. I know this is futile; I’ll work slower because I’m so sleep-deprived, but I don’t know what else to do with so much on my plate.

That’s about what’s been going on for the past year, give or take a few months. I just feel like explaining everything that I’ve been dealing with, at least a little, to somebody, and for some reason I find it easier to vent to an audience of people I don’t know well than to one person close to me. I ghosted my therapist and now she doesn’t have time for me anymore (understandable, on me not her /gen), and I don’t think I can handle opening up about my issues to someone else, so I don’t imagine I’ll be seeing one soon. I did see a group therapy opportunity that seemed interesting, so I guess I might try that, but I’m not sure.

Anyhow, thanks for listening. Thanks for reading. I’ll get through this, I just don’t know when, and I’m getting very tired. But I’ll get through it at some point. I just need to be able to rest. Hopefully soon. Would like to book a massage and maybe a spa visit, I have some money saved for something else, but I may as well spend it on that. I’ll get more money eventually, and right now I’m just basically hoarding it.
