#not queen


I was this close to melt today because of the heat

Three earthquakes in the last two days — I don’t want to relive the days which have passed with extreme fear two years ago :(

My eyeglasses receiving compliment today: “ooh John Lennon eyeglasses, eh?”


Signs on the alignment scale

(I’m a lawful evil sun, lawful neutral moon and chaotic neutral rising)



to whom does your heart belong?quiz

your heart belongs to your lover

you were never loved as much as you deserved growing up. your heart catches fire when you feel the love of another now, and when you return that love you do so with the full force of your soul. to you, love is like air, your lungs are begging for it with every beat of your heart. you are passionate to the end, you embody the bones of your ancestors who were buried together. you are just as loved as you are human.


what’s your ‘thing’ as a friend. i don’t mean like 'oh im the mom friend’ i mean like what’s the Thing where if one of your friends was looking for a specific interaction they’d message you first. personally i can always be relied upon to get hyped about bugs, literature, and cursed internet images.

Look at my son.

Look at him!

My handsome son!

In case anyone was curious (I doubt it) the situation with cute new math teacher has not gotten any better.

He wore a suit on our New Years Party dress-up day before winter break. A fucking well fitted suit. And a bow tie. And SUSPENDERS. If there’s one thing I like more than a tall man with a nice cake, it’s a *dapper*, tall gentleman with a nice cake. He is stupidly adorable (chronic case of baby face but it looks really good with the well shaped facial hair he’s been sporting) and has the best smile and very pretty grey-blue eyes. He cares deeply about his students, which can only be said for about half of our staff. He’s also funny and simultaneously a huge nerd. He loves jazz, but also classic rock.

I had a dream about him a few weeks ago, in which I had to watch him marry another woman, and when I tell you I was devastated for the whole fuckin day…

Y’all I am in so much trouble.

Oh yeah I also watched the James Webb telescope launch this morning and it was sooo cool! It’s the first time I’ve gotten to witness something like that in real time. But now I need a nap.

I’ve decided I’m disowning my cat.

He curled up to me last night in bed, being all cute and lovey and snuggly and wonderful.

Then he stuck his ass in my face and let fly the gnarliest fart I’ve ever smelled. Anybody want him?

The history class I support is starting the 1970’s on Monday. They always start units with pop culture and a song quiz. I’m so tempted to ask the head teacher to set me loose on my own team on that song quiz. Me versus the dozen kids in the class.

I’ll wreck them

This is just settling in, so I have to vent about it a bit but…

My dad got fired today from a job he’s been at for just shy of 21 years, almost my whole life, for something that wasn’t even his responsibility. This was after stringing him along on an unofficial, unpaid probation for 8 days. I am so god damn livid right now. He’s been there over 20 years. And he took the fall just because he’s low man on the totem pole. The real man responsible was the plant engineer’s idiot son. An $85,000 a year career down the drain because of one fucking form.

Nepotism is real. Capitalism kills. Eat the rich.
