#lawful evil



queue tag alignment chart


Signs on the alignment scale

(I’m a lawful evil sun, lawful neutral moon and chaotic neutral rising)

someone: I hate lawful good as an alignment because it’s all *describes textbook lawful neutral or evil*

me: ah. you’ve never encountered lawful good, then.

LOGOKRON DEVILMuch like certain angelic beings use truename magic, so do some devils. As one might i


Much like certain angelic beings use truename magic, so do some devils. As one might imagine, the logokron devil’s use of truemagic is meant to cause pain. Their long tongues are marked all over with magic symbols which are painful to look at, causing one to seize up and shake with insurmountable agony. Other devils are unaffected by this symbol, allowing the logokron to incapacitate enemies whilst bolstering the other soldiers in its army.

The know the true words of agony and wounding, and blending them with a person’s name can cause that person to be forever tormented, long after the devil has left their sight.

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SPECTRAL MAGEOkay so you can have ghost, but what if the ghost was, like, magic? I mean, I guess you


Okay so you can have ghost, but what if the ghost was, like, magic? I mean, I guess you could just tack on some spellcaster levels onto a standard ghost. Or you could use the somewhat superfluous spectral mage template!

Honestly there isn’t that much difference between the two types of ghosties. Except maybe that spectral mages are a bit more consistent as poltergeists since they don’t have to take breaks between levitation spells.

Mostly I like the idea of a wizard spending just, like, ages trying to figure out the elixir of life, or how to become a lichorworm that walks, only for them to accidentally blow themselves up and become a ghost.

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