#not science



A calico cat dressed up as the Tenth Doctor from the TV show Doctor Who. Wearing a red and blue tie tucked into a dark pinstripe suit under a large light brown jacket. With a pair of 3d glasses.ALT

“Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey… Stuff.”

I was not expecting the oxytocin that flooded my brain at this picture. As a super serious animal behaviorist, I now must make a Rose Tyler outfit for Ellemere.

Excuse me while I figure out what size denim jacket I need for the kitty. (Look out @arrows-for-pens)

curiousgeorgiana:Stumbled across this really useful tool for anyone doing NaNoWriMo or planning ancuriousgeorgiana:Stumbled across this really useful tool for anyone doing NaNoWriMo or planning ancuriousgeorgiana:Stumbled across this really useful tool for anyone doing NaNoWriMo or planning an


Stumbled across this really useful tool for anyone doing NaNoWriMo or planning any writing schedule—Pacemaker.

You can customize a variety of settings for your word count schedule—like writing significantly more on the weekends, or less, taking a few days off, or even generate a random daily word count target. Then you can display the schedule by calendar, graph, or table and share it with others.

Plus you can adjust the date range, so if you fall behind, it’s easy to update the word count plan and catch up.

Check it out here.

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