#not soz


Sometimes I feel like my classics education has been radically different to everyone else’s on tumblr:

- I barely did any Catullus.
- Ovid is definitely better than Vergil.
- I actually really like Socrates/Plato?
- I barely see any Aristophanes on my dash? Which is weird for a bunch of people so enamoured of dick jokes. I did a LOT more Aristophanes than I did Catullus.
- fandom needs more Seneca.
- where is the love for Greek drama in general? There is not enough.
- Herodotus? Thucydides? Where are???
- definitely not enough Hesiod in this fandom.
- basically just not enough Greek stuff. Genuinely this fandom seems top heavy on Latinists. I mean that both in the sense of people who prefer Roman stuff, and people who prefer Latin language above other modes of study.
- shout out to the Hellenists studying Ancient Greek. I know you exist.
