#nounself pronouns


About Our Lack Of New Posts

This blog is a sideblog, meaning its connected to a bunch of other blogs that I run. This blog wasnt meant to get this big (I am immensely happy that it did though, dont get me wrong). What I mean by that is, I didn’t plan to have this many requests or even half as many followers when I created this blog. I’m overjoyed at the positive reactions and love from all of you, but the amount of requests is getting to be difficult and is discouraging me. As many of you know, I did have another Mod helping me run this account (also the creator of the neopronoun flag), however we haven’t talked in awhile and xe likely won’t be back here to help. Don’t send xem any hate or anything!! I just needed to include that last bit because without another Mod, keeping the posts regular or atleast semi-regular is difficult. As I stated before, this is a sideblog so I cannot recruit any new Mods without knowing them prior, because I would be giving my password and information away to not only this account, but several others. In other words, my privacy would be in jeopardy. Because of this I haven’t started looking for any new Mods and I’m unsure if I will for awhile. My school has shut down for 2 weeks at minimum and I’m very easily bored, so new posts might be coming soon. Thats all for now, I just wanted to inform you all of why updating here is taking so long. I apologize but I’m hoping to be back sometime soon?

Wishing you all to stay safe


A pronoun set I made


Vocaloid Related Pronouns

  • Vocaloid/Vocaloids
  • [loid first name]/[loid first name]s
  • [loid last name]/[loid last name]s
  • Synth/Synths
  • Sing/Sings
  • Loid/Loids
  • Idol/Idols
  • Singer/Singers
  • Music/Musics
  • Song/Songs
  • Vocal/Vocals
  • Tune/Tunes
  • /s
  • /s
  • /s
  • /s
  • /s
  • /s