#novas nonsense





*Scions watching WoL run circles around the G’raha minion*

Thancred: You know, I heard circling is a predatory thing

G’raha: Aye, it is…Should I be worried?


G’raha:What about Y’shtola? I’ve seen them circle her mammet as well

Y’shtola: I could take them

Thancred: What are you smiling about?

G’raha: Circling is a predatory behavior

*WoL running circles around a Thancred minion*

Thancred: Oh for Twelve’s sake

Concerned stranger: Ma’am, are you alright?

*Y’shtola standing there as WoL runs circles around her*

Y’shtola:Yes, I’m alright. This is, unfortunately, a common occurrence.

I won’t say he’s pretty, but BRAIN BRAIN BRAIN BRAIN!!!!!!!

I hope y’all appreciate the bullshit I go through

Axel: (Placing a cup in front of Isa) Here’s your tea, just like me

Isa: ???

Axel: Spicy ginger

I enjoy my zines and have fun with them, but there’s something weight-lifting about clearing the promos from my blog when it’s all done. 


It was truly a blast being part of this zine and the book looks amazing!

Oooooo! A package for Nova!!!!

WoL:Is there a cat under that blanket?


G’raha: Mrrrp?

WoL: Yep

Super excited for the big bratty bastard kitty fic I’m working on!

Hopefully should be done soon.

torn between my usual, natural sass and pure innocence that must be protected

Terra: (carrying Vanitas under his arm) Here, have this

Aqua: (being used as a pillow by Ven) I already have one

This one too, except I have histhroat

I really…REALLY dislike gacha games…but this man has me by the throat and now I have a problem

In celebration of my most recent obsession series, I made the cutest little OTP boys.
