

Of course we’re not done yet :3

Music Inspiration: Would It Matter - Skillet


           Hiccups mar the soft snores that should be peaceful in this stagnant room. While the distressed sleeps, the other holds him in hopes of warding off the sorrows of the day. Silver eyes bore into the darkness, kept open by the incessant thoughts that dragged his partner down.

           It’s been a year—one full year to the day since the tragedy that tore apart their family. Subsequently, the survivors are suffering for it. Their master had been gracious enough to apply leniency, neglecting to scorn faltering attention and waiving homework for the day. It’s not that the boys didn’t try to soldier on, but that they couldn’t.

           For Xehanort, the worst of it was watching his boyfriend push on despite the tears that forced their way past his resolve. It was more than once that he caught Eraqus huddled over, trying with all his might to contain the despair. Xehanort, too, had his moments where the mourning became too much to control. Still, he forced himself to stay together. He had to—for Eraqus.

           The boy with black hair stirs, prompting Xehanort’s doting. Thankfully, the old trick of ghosting fingers across his skin still works to settle Eraqus. This is all Xehanort’s been able to do for his partner: just stand by and be supportive.

           As if that really meant anything.

           Frustrated and exhausted, the boy finally admits he’s got too much on his mind to pass out right this moment. Careful, cautious movements separate him from Eraqus, a pillow taking his place. A moment is taken to ensure his boyfriend continues doing sleeping before Xehanort leaves to make a bathroom trip.

           When the door closes behind him, reminders of this anniversary bear down on him. This hall, built for a full class of students, contains only barren rooms emptied moons ago. What was once full of life is now nothing but a haunting reminder of what should’ve been.

           Before the pain can bring him down, Xehanort crosses the hall, flipping on the light in one of the bathrooms. A sigh exits his lungs, matching the unkempt hair and rings beneath his eyes. No, today was not kind to him; Eraqus looked no better.

           He feels like he’s been running from monsters all day, so the young man leans over the sink to splash water against his face. While it fails to soothe his restlessness, he hears a clink against the porcelain surface.

           Eyes fall onto the jewelry hanging from his neck. 

           Xehanort had asked all he could about the one Eraqus—or rather, Brain—was in love with in the past. Each one was quite often met with delighted talk of his old partner’s bravery and all the things that he loved. At first, Xehanort enjoyed hearing these tales of ancient times and a younger man, but as it went on, it became painfully obvious that Eraqus still has strong feelings about his past.

           Eraqus never compared the two, but that didn’t stop the doubt that Xehanort began accumulating. This was someone so amazing and selfless that Eraqus implied they’re the reason keyblade wielders still exist. Full grown behemoths were no match for the hero and even the old Foretellers bickered over honor of having the warrior in their union. This nameless person devoted their life to the light, inspiring Brain to strive for the same goal.

           How could Xehanort ever compare to that? He’s just some island reject who can’t even stop his boyfriend’s tears; in fact, he caused them, no matter what Eraqus says. Sure, he’s a fair keyblade wielder, but he’s a long way off from being any sort of hero. And it’s those differences that plague him. It eats at his brain like acid and he’s developed an obsession with it.

           The ring—not rightfully his—sits in his palm, instigating his doubt.

           What would you do?

           Palm against the frame, he surveys the useless man before him.

           Could you help him through this? Could you have saved them?

           Weary eyes close, knowing there will be no answer. Another wave of grief washes over him, tears dripping down the drain.


           Futile fists press into his eyes, trying to stop the breakdown in progress. But when his hands drop, Xehanort finds himself face to face with pure darkness.

           His heart drops and the young man staggers back a step, finding three more surrounding him. Pure malevolence threatens to suffocate him as it radiates off them. He knows what he’s supposed to do—get the keyblade and fight back—but his body merely seizes. It doesn’t help when he realizes they’re growing, stretching high above to loom over their victim.

           Then the shadows crash down on him. Xehanort cowers, waiting for the attack, but nothing happens. When he dares to look again, Xehanort finds only the empty bathroom, the silence broken only by his booming heart.

           Eyes dart around, searching for the shadows while his mind tries to get a grip. He’s alone—or so he thinks. Again, his heart wretches, for he sees not himself standing in the mirror, but someone else. It’s not even someone he recognizes, but an entire stranger, looking back at him with the same horrified expression. However, with a single blink, they’re gone. Once again, his reflection, and his alone, is his only company.

           Everything is still in the next few moments as Xehanort awaits some new shock to ambush him. When nothing happens, Xehanort determines he must be hallucinating. There’s no other explanation for it. He pushes quaking hands through his hair before trying to jolt himself awake with another splash of cold water. And when it all drains away, he waits, but there’s still only him.

           Am I finally going crazy?


           His name drags the young man back to reality—where his boyfriend is calling to him in fear. Xehanort bursts through the bathroom door. From down the hall, Eraqus’s head snaps back, panicked eyes finding his boyfriend. He rushes closer, not stopping until he collides with Xehanort and crushes him in an embrace.

           “What? What happened?” Xehanort asks, hastily pushing his partner’s hair out of the way. Between their chests, he can feel Era’s heart racing. “What’s wrong?”

           His voice cracks beneath the words. “I-I had a nightmare about…” About them. “But I woke up and…” He’s struggling to quell his adrenaline, but Xehanort gets the idea all the same.

           His arms tighten at the trembling. “It’s okay. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” His nose presses into those ebony locks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

           A sigh releases the tension created by fear. The taller boy convinces his beloved to return to his room and lay down. Eraqus would comply, but it takes ensuring Xehanort’s company to do so.

           As he rests his head on the pillow, Eraqus asks, “You okay?”

           “Yeah. I just needed a drink,” Xehanort says, settling in as well. “Now try to get some sleep. We’ve got class in the morning.”

           Eraqus curls in against Xehanort, drawing lazy circles against his back. “What if we don’t go to class tomorrow?” His tone lacks the usual mischief, instead being soberly genuine.

           “That’s irresponsible, Eraqus.”

           “But I don’t wanna.”

           “I know.”

           There’s surprisingly little argument from Eraqus; instead, it takes him little time to resume his slumber. Considering the breakdown he’d had earlier that day, it’s well warranted. However, Xehanort remains awake. Instead, his thoughts drift back to the faceless hero.

           What would you do?

           And that question never stops haunting him. Over and over, in his every action, he compares his life against the fantasy he’d never known. It drives him, pushes him to strive for his goals—to create a better life for Eraqus—no matter the cost. That’s what they would have done, surely. It’s what they did do. He knows it.

Lol, writing out that title was so fucking funny to me. 


           That booming thud jars the young man awake. Fueled with startled adrenaline, he spouts the first thing that comes to mind.


           Every eye in the room stares at the young man, some with annoyance and some amusement. Master Odin, on the other hand, is as stoic as ever.

           “That’s right. D is the correct answer, Eraqus. However, I understand, based on your exam scores that you originally guessed B. So can you explain to the rest of us why D is the actual answer?”

           “Uh…” His gaze frantically searches his barely-passed exam paper, trying to find out what question they’re on. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Xehanort, drumming his fingers against the table—four of them.

           Question four.

           “Um, D is correct because a keyblade user’s ability is augmented by the keyblade, so using specific charms to boost specific skills is vital against certain enemies. In this case, using the magic boost from Lady Luck would be more effective against enemies with elemental weaknesses than the other charms that are strength based.”

           All the attitudes from earlier have become awe—even Master Odin is surprised by his answer. The only one not impressed by Era’s answer is Xehanort, who smacks a hand against his face.

           “While that concept is indeed correct, that answer applies to question four, which you also got wrong. We are on question eight.”

           His eyes drop to his paper. “Eight?!”

           The class laughs at his mistake, which isn’t a new experience for him. Even the master is a bit lighter towards Eraqus as he says, “Perhaps if you spent less time napping, you would be able to pay attention to the rest of the class.”

           “Aw, but Fleetfoot needs his beauty sleep,” snickers Bragi.

           “Eraqus is pretty enough without sleeping through my class.” The class erupts at the master’s response. Even Eraqus cracks a smile as his ears burn.

           Things have been going better for Eraqus since he spilled his darkest secret to Xehanort. That goofy demeanor he used to fake is much more realistic and the nightmares aren’t quite as frequent. He still feels the guilt—he’ll never be able to forgive himself of everything—but he knows there no use dwelling on it and that he has to start repenting now. He’s far happier because he’s no longer alone.

           That doesn’t stop Eraqus bickering with his new boyfriend.

           “Why the hell did you tell me we were on question four?!” Eraqus complains after class as the group heads towards the dorms.

           “I didn’t. I tapped four fingers twice,” Xehanort nags back. “What was I supposed to do? Tap eight fingers.” The young man mimics the ridiculousness of tapping eight fingers at once. “Did you want us both to get caught?”

           Bragi and Vor snicker at the lover’s quarrel. Then the little blond says, “But that sure was a smart answer you gave the Master.”

           “Smartest thing I think Tardy Fleetfoot has ever said in his life,” agrees Bragi.

           A corner of Xehanort’s mouth quirks. “If you keep that up, somebody might start to think you know more than you let on.”

           Bragi throws his arms behind his head. “I dunno. Not sure I’ll ever forget that time he tried to convince us he could use the flare spell.” Xe’s silver eyes dart to Era who grins. “But dude can barely pass his classes.”

           “Not that you’re one to talk, Mr. D’s-Get-Degrees,” Vor mocks.

           The red-head retorts, “Hey, I’m pulling C’s at the moment.”

           “At the moment.”

           “Ah, what do you know.”

           Their argument devolves to raspberries until Vor falls back to walk beside Eraqus. “Hey.”


           “I’m really glad you’re feeling better.”

           The young man smiles. “Me too.”

           There’s a pause. Then she asks, “Was it Xe?”

           That grin turns cheesy. “Maybe.”

           Vor’s not nearly as childish as she looks, however, she does gasp as she covers her mouth with her oversized sleeves. “Did you kiss?” He can’t help that he’s still smiling even as the blood rushes to his face. Vor whispers her screams, “Are you dating now?!”

           It doesn’t matter if Eraqus answers or not; this girl already has it in her head what it is and she bolts past Bragi towards the others. Watching her frenzy, Bragi lifts a fist towards Xehanort. Xe shakes his head but takes the fist bump before Bragi ambles ahead to watch Vor’s show.

           “You realize they’re going to be all over us for the next week, right?”

           “Meh, pretty sure they all knew it was gonna happen anyway.”

           “You think so?”

           “You’re observant: you think I only just started loving you?” Eraqus winks.

           It’s not very often that Xehanort is abashed. “Look, things have been kinda crazy lately.”

           “I won’t deny that.” Era playfully bumps into his boyfriend. “But thanks for sticking it out anyway.”

           Xehanort is so cute when he’s embarrassed. “Yeah yeah.”

           Eraqus notices Xe fidget, as he has been lately, by playing with the ring hanging from his neck. Despite it being some form of comfort, Eraqus knows that the ring’s mysteries bother Xehanort; he got cracked ribs for it after all. But of all Era’s secrets, that’s probably the one that hurts the most. Even though he’s been asked multiple times, Eraqus hasn’t divulged the truth behind the jewelry.

           Eraqus reaches out, taking Xe’s worrying hand to displace the ring. The two eye each other before Xehanort does a one-eighty and drags Eraqus in the other direction.

           “Ah, hey! Where are we going?”

           “The training grounds.”

           “What? But class already ended today. I don’t wanna train anymore.”

           His determination aimed straight ahead, Xe growls, “Quit complaining.”

           As promised, the boy in black doesn’t stop until they reach the training grounds, where he pulls Eraqus around to face him.

           “Fight me,” he says, filled with determination.

           “What? Why?”

           A fist squeezes at the jewelry on the chain. “If I win, you tell me what the ring is.”

           He gets it now. “Oh yeah? And what if I win?”

           “If you win…I’ll do your next ten assignments.” Eraqus bursts out laughing and Xe snaps, “What?!”

           “You want me to bet one of my biggest secrets against ten assignments?”

           “Okay, fine. What doyou do want?”

           “Nothing. I’m not betting my secret.”

           Xehanort stews. “I’ll do whatever you want—bet whatever you want.”

           The desperation coming from Xe is shocking. Yes, Eraqus expected Xehanort to ask about it again and again but he didn’t realize it bothered his boyfriend this much. It’s almost painful how much Xehanort wants to know the only thing Eraqus wants to keep to himself. He doesn’t understand why, but it’s clear that Xehanort needs this.

           The ivory haori slips from his shoulders. “Fine, but on top of whatever I ask, you can’t ask me about this ever again.” Xehanort nods in agreement and Eraqus brightens. “Good. Now lighten up.”

           “Lighten up? I could be betting my life on this.” Despite his words, Xehanort does relax somewhat.

           “You think I’d take your life for this?”

           “No, but I’m willing to bet it.”

           “Geeze. You’re crazy.”

           His opponent cracks a laugh, taking his place on the field. “Says the guy who tried to aero himself out a third story window.”

           Era stands at the opposite side. “That aside, I’m not taking your life. But I’m not gonna make this easy.”

           Throwing his arm back, Eraqus draws a keyblade he hasn’t used in fifteen years: the Master’s Defender. The look of surprise written on Xe’s face is so satisfying.

           “I’m about to wreck that winning streak of yours.”

           Shaking his shock, Xehanort grins and summons his keyblade. “Nah. I love you, but you’re gonna stay in second place.”

           There’s a pregnant pause. Then it happens: boots grind against the dirt a split second before the boys fly at each other. Keyblades collide with a screech, sparking with force. There’s a brief struggle, but the stronger Eraqus pushes Xehanort back. Not willing to back down so easily, Xehanort pushes off the back foot and retaliates.

           Concerning their competitions, Eraqus only put in as much effort as he felt—often not much, even if he pretended otherwise. This time, however, is different and Xehanort is finding that out very quickly. He may not be up to par with his old master self, but Eraqus is giving it his all, putting Xe on defense more than he’s used to.

           Xehanort, to his credit, manages to fend off Eraqus and get in his own attacks now and then. Though he’s struggling, he refuses to admit it.

           The boy in black taunts a foe that perhaps he shouldn’t. “C’mon old man. Surely you’d know a good spell or two that would knock me on my ass.” His attack is easily blocked.

           Eraqus swings back, catching only air. “Of course I do. Problem is, this body’s still young. Let me put you in the body of a toddler and see if you can keep up.”

           “Sounds like a bunch of whining to me.”

           Weapons cross again. Xehanort holds for a moment, until the point of the keyblade in his face glows purple. His resistance is short lived as the violet field brings Xehanort to his knees. Standing over him, Eraqus grins.

           “You think so?” Seeing this strong young man bowed before him does feed Eraqus’s ego a bit.

           “Gravity spells, huh?” Xe’s voice shakes as his body fights against the magic.

           “Oh yeah. I’ve got a lifetime’s worth of combat knowledge. Your saving grace is this body’s limitations.”

           “Well then—” The heavy gravity fades and Xehanort stands. “—I’d better take advantage of that.”

           Their back and forth continues, Xehanort always at a disadvantage. He did almost catch Eraqus with a raid attack; Era was prepared for the keyblade, but didn’t realize Xehanort knew how to apply magic to the technique and ended up encased in ice. Unfortunately for Xehanort, it wasn’t strong enough to contain Eraqus and resulted in a surprise comeback for the captive.

           Then Xehanort makes a mistake. Eraqus watches him set up for an attack Xe hasn’t used yet but that Era recognizes. Zantetsuken is a last resort kind of move—very powerful while using the last of the user’s energy. Just as the glow envelops the attacker and he moves to attack, Eraqus enforces his own last resort. Xehanort is stuck in time. The next part of the attack teleports Eraqus behind his victim where he strikes in a flurry. Due to his limited ability, the combo cannot be completed and Eraqus backs away. However, by the time Xehanort is free, he feels the damage.

           A knee trembles; Xehanort is struggling to stay standing. Eraqus loosens up because he knows. Only a second later, the silver-haired boy goes down.

           “Dammit,” he growls on his back.

           Eraqus flops down beside him, equally exhausted. “Get used to this feeling, kid.”

           “Oh shut up.” He’s disappointed but Xe made a deal. “So what do you want?”

           The joy of victory slips away. Xehanort’s dying to know that ring means, which is understandable; it would probably bother Eraqus too.

           But what is it Eraqus really wants?

           He takes a deep breath. “That’s an engagement ring. The last time I saw it, I gave it to my significant other with the promise I’d return and propose with it. But I never saw either of them again.” His breath wavers and the sky blurs, but he manages to keep a grip on his emotions. “I don’t know how or why you have it, but I’d like to think that it’s a sign.”

           Xe’s voice is soft. “A sign?”

           “I know it’s weird,” he laughs. “But maybe it means I was supposed to meet you; that you were sent to save me.”

           “What does this have to do with the deal?”

           “One day, I want that ring back. And I’m gonna use it to ask you to marry me.”

           Xehanort sits up. “What?!”

           Eraqus grins. “Can’t back out now.” Gods, a flustered Xe must be the most beautiful thing in all the worlds. “But until then, hold onto it for me, okay?”

           The young man hesitates for a moment. Then, his hand fidgets with the ring and he lies back down.


           A warm feeling blossoms in Eraqus’s chest at the feel of Xehanort’s fingers between his.

           He’s made many mistakes, he thought he’d spend the rest of his existence suffering alone, but for the first time in a long time, there’s light in his life—granted to him by his last light. And he can’t help thinking that, with Xehanort at his side, things might go right this time around.

Lol, writing out that title was so fucking funny to me. 


           That booming thud jars the young man awake. Fueled with startled adrenaline, he spouts the first thing that comes to mind.


           Every eye in the room stares at the young man, some with annoyance and some amusement. Master Odin, on the other hand, is as stoic as ever.

           “That’s right. D is the correct answer, Eraqus. However, I understand, based on your exam scores that you originally guessed B. So can you explain to the rest of us why D is the actual answer?”

           “Uh…” His gaze frantically searches his barely-passed exam paper, trying to find out what question they’re on. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Xehanort, drumming his fingers against the table—four of them.

           Question four.

           “Um, D is correct because a keyblade user’s ability is augmented by the keyblade, so using specific charms to boost specific skills is vital against certain enemies. In this case, using the magic boost from Lady Luck would be more effective against enemies with elemental weaknesses than the other charms that are strength based.”

           All the attitudes from earlier have become awe—even Master Odin is surprised by his answer. The only one not impressed by Era’s answer is Xehanort, who smacks a hand against his face.

           “While that concept is indeed correct, that answer applies to question four, which you also got wrong. We are on question eight.”

           His eyes drop to his paper. “Eight?!”

           The class laughs at his mistake, which isn’t a new experience for him. Even the master is a bit lighter towards Eraqus as he says, “Perhaps if you spent less time napping, you would be able to pay attention to the rest of the class.”

           “Aw, but Fleetfoot needs his beauty sleep,” snickers Bragi.

           “Eraqus is pretty enough without sleeping through my class.” The class erupts at the master’s response. Even Eraqus cracks a smile as his ears burn.

           Things have been going better for Eraqus since he spilled his darkest secret to Xehanort. That goofy demeanor he used to fake is much more realistic and the nightmares aren’t quite as frequent. He still feels the guilt—he’ll never be able to forgive himself of everything—but he knows there no use dwelling on it and that he has to start repenting now. He’s far happier because he’s no longer alone.

           That doesn’t stop Eraqus bickering with his new boyfriend.

           “Why the hell did you tell me we were on question four?!” Eraqus complains after class as the group heads towards the dorms.

           “I didn’t. I tapped four fingers twice,” Xehanort nags back. “What was I supposed to do? Tap eight fingers.” The young man mimics the ridiculousness of tapping eight fingers at once. “Did you want us both to get caught?”

           Bragi and Vor snicker at the lover’s quarrel. Then the little blond says, “But that sure was a smart answer you gave the Master.”

           “Smartest thing I think Tardy Fleetfoot has ever said in his life,” agrees Bragi.

           A corner of Xehanort’s mouth quirks. “If you keep that up, somebody might start to think you know more than you let on.”

           Bragi throws his arms behind his head. “I dunno. Not sure I’ll ever forget that time he tried to convince us he could use the flare spell.” Xe’s silver eyes dart to Era who grins. “But dude can barely pass his classes.”

           “Not that you’re one to talk, Mr. D’s-Get-Degrees,” Vor mocks.

           The red-head retorts, “Hey, I’m pulling C’s at the moment.”

           “At the moment.”

           “Ah, what do you know.”

           Their argument devolves to raspberries until Vor falls back to walk beside Eraqus. “Hey.”


           “I’m really glad you’re feeling better.”

           The young man smiles. “Me too.”

           There’s a pause. Then she asks, “Was it Xe?”

           That grin turns cheesy. “Maybe.”

           Vor’s not nearly as childish as she looks, however, she does gasp as she covers her mouth with her oversized sleeves. “Did you kiss?” He can’t help that he’s still smiling even as the blood rushes to his face. Vor whispers her screams, “Are you dating now?!”

           It doesn’t matter if Eraqus answers or not; this girl already has it in her head what it is and she bolts past Bragi towards the others. Watching her frenzy, Bragi lifts a fist towards Xehanort. Xe shakes his head but takes the fist bump before Bragi ambles ahead to watch Vor’s show.

           “You realize they’re going to be all over us for the next week, right?”

           “Meh, pretty sure they all knew it was gonna happen anyway.”

           “You think so?”

           “You’re observant: you think I only just started loving you?” Eraqus winks.

           It’s not very often that Xehanort is abashed. “Look, things have been kinda crazy lately.”

           “I won’t deny that.” Era playfully bumps into his boyfriend. “But thanks for sticking it out anyway.”

           Xehanort is so cute when he’s embarrassed. “Yeah yeah.”

           Eraqus notices Xe fidget, as he has been lately, by playing with the ring hanging from his neck. Despite it being some form of comfort, Eraqus knows that the ring’s mysteries bother Xehanort; he got cracked ribs for it after all. But of all Era’s secrets, that’s probably the one that hurts the most. Even though he’s been asked multiple times, Eraqus hasn’t divulged the truth behind the jewelry.

           Eraqus reaches out, taking Xe’s worrying hand to displace the ring. The two eye each other before Xehanort does a one-eighty and drags Eraqus in the other direction.

           “Ah, hey! Where are we going?”

           “The training grounds.”

           “What? But class already ended today. I don’t wanna train anymore.”

           His determination aimed straight ahead, Xe growls, “Quit complaining.”

           As promised, the boy in black doesn’t stop until they reach the training grounds, where he pulls Eraqus around to face him.

           “Fight me,” he says, filled with determination.

           “What? Why?”

           A fist squeezes at the jewelry on the chain. “If I win, you tell me what the ring is.”

           He gets it now. “Oh yeah? And what if I win?”

           “If you win…I’ll do your next ten assignments.” Eraqus bursts out laughing and Xe snaps, “What?!”

           “You want me to bet one of my biggest secrets against ten assignments?”

           “Okay, fine. What doyou do want?”

           “Nothing. I’m not betting my secret.”

           Xehanort stews. “I’ll do whatever you want—bet whatever you want.”

           The desperation coming from Xe is shocking. Yes, Eraqus expected Xehanort to ask about it again and again but he didn’t realize it bothered his boyfriend this much. It’s almost painful how much Xehanort wants to know the only thing Eraqus wants to keep to himself. He doesn’t understand why, but it’s clear that Xehanort needs this.

           The ivory haori slips from his shoulders. “Fine, but on top of whatever I ask, you can’t ask me about this ever again.” Xehanort nods in agreement and Eraqus brightens. “Good. Now lighten up.”

           “Lighten up? I could be betting my life on this.” Despite his words, Xehanort does relax somewhat.

           “You think I’d take your life for this?”

           “No, but I’m willing to bet it.”

           “Geeze. You’re crazy.”

           His opponent cracks a laugh, taking his place on the field. “Says the guy who tried to aero himself out a third story window.”

           Era stands at the opposite side. “That aside, I’m not taking your life. But I’m not gonna make this easy.”

           Throwing his arm back, Eraqus draws a keyblade he hasn’t used in fifteen years: the Master’s Defender. The look of surprise written on Xe’s face is so satisfying.

           “I’m about to wreck that winning streak of yours.”

           Shaking his shock, Xehanort grins and summons his keyblade. “Nah. I love you, but you’re gonna stay in second place.”

           There’s a pregnant pause. Then it happens: boots grind against the dirt a split second before the boys fly at each other. Keyblades collide with a screech, sparking with force. There’s a brief struggle, but the stronger Eraqus pushes Xehanort back. Not willing to back down so easily, Xehanort pushes off the back foot and retaliates.

           Concerning their competitions, Eraqus only put in as much effort as he felt—often not much, even if he pretended otherwise. This time, however, is different and Xehanort is finding that out very quickly. He may not be up to par with his old master self, but Eraqus is giving it his all, putting Xe on defense more than he’s used to.

           Xehanort, to his credit, manages to fend off Eraqus and get in his own attacks now and then. Though he’s struggling, he refuses to admit it.

           The boy in black taunts a foe that perhaps he shouldn’t. “C’mon old man. Surely you’d know a good spell or two that would knock me on my ass.” His attack is easily blocked.

           Eraqus swings back, catching only air. “Of course I do. Problem is, this body’s still young. Let me put you in the body of a toddler and see if you can keep up.”

           “Sounds like a bunch of whining to me.”

           Weapons cross again. Xehanort holds for a moment, until the point of the keyblade in his face glows purple. His resistance is short lived as the violet field brings Xehanort to his knees. Standing over him, Eraqus grins.

           “You think so?” Seeing this strong young man bowed before him does feed Eraqus’s ego a bit.

           “Gravity spells, huh?” Xe’s voice shakes as his body fights against the magic.

           “Oh yeah. I’ve got a lifetime’s worth of combat knowledge. Your saving grace is this body’s limitations.”

           “Well then—” The heavy gravity fades and Xehanort stands. “—I’d better take advantage of that.”

           Their back and forth continues, Xehanort always at a disadvantage. He did almost catch Eraqus with a raid attack; Era was prepared for the keyblade, but didn’t realize Xehanort knew how to apply magic to the technique and ended up encased in ice. Unfortunately for Xehanort, it wasn’t strong enough to contain Eraqus and resulted in a surprise comeback for the captive.

           Then Xehanort makes a mistake. Eraqus watches him set up for an attack Xe hasn’t used yet but that Era recognizes. Zantetsuken is a last resort kind of move—very powerful while using the last of the user’s energy. Just as the glow envelops the attacker and he moves to attack, Eraqus enforces his own last resort. Xehanort is stuck in time. The next part of the attack teleports Eraqus behind his victim where he strikes in a flurry. Due to his limited ability, the combo cannot be completed and Eraqus backs away. However, by the time Xehanort is free, he feels the damage.

           A knee trembles; Xehanort is struggling to stay standing. Eraqus loosens up because he knows. Only a second later, the silver-haired boy goes down.

           “Dammit,” he growls on his back.

           Eraqus flops down beside him, equally exhausted. “Get used to this feeling, kid.”

           “Oh shut up.” He’s disappointed but Xe made a deal. “So what do you want?”

           The joy of victory slips away. Xehanort’s dying to know that ring means, which is understandable; it would probably bother Eraqus too.

           But what is it Eraqus really wants?

           He takes a deep breath. “That’s an engagement ring. The last time I saw it, I gave it to my significant other with the promise I’d return and propose with it. But I never saw either of them again.” His breath wavers and the sky blurs, but he manages to keep a grip on his emotions. “I don’t know how or why you have it, but I’d like to think that it’s a sign.”

           Xe’s voice is soft. “A sign?”

           “I know it’s weird,” he laughs. “But maybe it means I was supposed to meet you; that you were sent to save me.”

           “What does this have to do with the deal?”

           “One day, I want that ring back. And I’m gonna use it to ask you to marry me.”

           Xehanort sits up. “What?!”

           Eraqus grins. “Can’t back out now.” Gods, a flustered Xe must be the most beautiful thing in all the worlds. “But until then, hold onto it for me, okay?”

           The young man hesitates for a moment. Then, his hand fidgets with the ring and he lies back down.


           A warm feeling blossoms in Eraqus’s chest at the feel of Xehanort’s fingers between his.

           He’s made many mistakes, he thought he’d spend the rest of his existence suffering alone, but for the first time in a long time, there’s light in his life—granted to him by his last light. And he can’t help thinking that, with Xehanort at his side, things might go right this time around.

In celebration of my most recent obsession series, I made the cutest little OTP boys.


Seriously, I fell in love with this plot/idea/ship thing, but the number of times I read “Brain and Xehanort” and cracked up is innumerable. But I’m freaking stick to it. I love it. BRAINORT FOREVER!

AN: Immediately Post KH3


           “Here.” The old master takes the arm of the defeated Seeker, pulling it over his shoulder. “Ready?”

           There’s a softness he hasn’t seen in a long time. “Yes.”

           Engulfed in light, their old forms revert to the time Eraqus fell in love with Xehanort. His grin is met by Xehanort’s sheepish smile and acceptance washes over them—it’s time for them to go.

           Reunited hearts drift away, beginning their journey to Kingdom Hearts.

           One of them echoes as they float away. “You know, you kept me waiting a long time.”

           “You knew the whole time, didn’t you?” asks the other. “That we were the same person.”

           “I had my suspicions, but it would’ve been wrong of me to say so without being certain.”

           There’s a sigh. “You’ve always been a pain in the ass.”

           “Yeah, but you love me.”

           “I never stopped.”

           An even brighter light takes them, transporting the wayward hearts to a realm far away.

           Blurry sight gives way, finding the boys home—at Scala ad Caelum. He can’t help smiling, his grin growing as he stares at his partner. Silver eyes, as beautiful as ever, turn on him.


           “Huh?” He surveys himself. This is Brain, just as he was when they first met. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, all things considered. You okay, darlin’?” Old habits are easy to pick up.

           His partner, as he stands, looks conflicted. “Should I…Is it okay for me to be Xehanort?”

           “What d’you mean?”

           Those eyes must see the terrible deeds stained on those hands. “After everything I did, is it right for me to be Xehanort?”

           Brain intervenes, taking a hand. “Don’t think like that. You had the best intentions just…a flawed way of going about it.”

           Shoulders droop, but Xehanort agrees. “Isn’t that an understatement.” The pair let out soft, weary laughter. “So what do we—”


           The boy in black takes an impact that knocks him to the ground. “Vor?”

           She nearly strangles Xehanort with her embrace. Brain watches as a few more familiar faces join the petite blond in mauling the young man and tears well in Brain’s eyes. It’s them; all of them—together again.

           Amid the celebration, Bragi brings attention to the odd man out. “You really know how to make a dramatic plot twist, don’cha Fleetfoot.”

           Startled, Brain asks, “You know?”

           “Pfft, you thought we wouldn’t find out?”


           “I wondered when I’d finally get to meet you.”

           That’s his voice—or more accurately, that’s the voice of his second life.

           Beyond the group of former classmates stands a mirror image of the young man Brain impersonated for an entire lifetime. He’s radiant and regal and everything that he should have been. This is the newborn life taken by Brain.

           His name slips past Brain’s lips. “Eraqus…”

           The boy in white approaches without hesitation or even a sign of contempt on his face; meanwhile, Brain steps back, recoiling like the coward he is. Every inch of him is frozen in fear as his relative stands before him, beaming.

           “It’s nice to meet you, grandpa.”

           It’s not adding up. “You…You’re not mad?”

           His eyes downcast. “I used to be. Hatred and despair were all I knew, but someone else taught me compassion and pity.”

           He never deserved any of this.

           Eraqus continues, “I’ve thought about this meeting a million times over and what I would say to you. I used to think about screaming and fighting or even avoiding you altogether. I don’t know if I can forgive you, but knowing your true history and the sorrow that drove you to such lengths, all I could ever come up with was ‘I’m sorry.’”

           “Sorry?” Brain’s lips quirk in a smile but he’s falling apart. “You’re apologizing to me?”

           That is a pure smile far too good for Brain. “You’ve suffered more than a single lifetime; I think that’s enough.”

           The broken man collapses. At his side joins his grandson consolation and Brain clings to him as he sobs an endless string of apologies that could never make up for what he did. Yet Eraqus accepts them all.

           Some time passes before Brain can rein in his emotions and, while the group seems happy enough to wait, someone else is not.  


           Eraqus releases Brain just in time for a familiar feline to tackle him. Baffled, the man stares down at the silver spirit in his arms.

           “Chi-chi?!” The Chirithy buries their face against his shirt.

           Another spirit skips to a stop before them, peering up at Xehanort. “Do…Do you remember now?”

           Xehanort, a warm smile on his face, leans forward to nuzzle his spirit’s forehead. “Yeah. I missed you, Chia.”

           Seeing them reunited is heart-melting; however, as mentioned, Chi-chi isn’t so sweet.  

           “What took you so long?!” they complain.

           He chuckles, wiping at his eyes. “Sorry, I had a lot of things to do.”

           “I bet you were just being lazy.”

           A bit of that old sass come out as Brain pinches their cheek. “Thanks, pal.”

           It’s Xehanort’s turn to laugh. “Well, they’re not wrong.”

           Once the laughter at Brain’s expense dies, Eraqus speaks again. “It was Chi-chi who guided me here and introduced me to the Master.” He smiles. “Oh right. We should head to the citadel, Master Ephemer is waiting to see you both.”

           Gods, if any more surprises come his way, Brain may die a fourth time. “Ephemer’s here?”

           Eraqus grins. “Yeah. Where else would he have gone?”

           Xehanort pulls Brain against him. “You okay, sweetheart?”

           “Yeah, just…wow.”

           Urd puts a hand to her hip. “We’ll go ahead and let the Master know you’re on your way.”

           “You two take a moment to collect yourselves and meet us up there, okay?” Hermod tacks on.

           The group gathers to leave and Chia and Chi-chi take their leave. Eraqus stands to join the group, looking surprisingly comfortable among them. In spite of all that happened, he looks truly happy among the native Scalans, which is more than Brain ever could’ve hoped for his grandson.

           “It’s easy to see where Eraqus gets his good looks from,” Xehanort teases.

           Brain takes the bait. “Hey, are you hitting on my grandkid?”

           “He looks good.” Heads bump together softly. “But you’re the one I fell in love with.”

           “Geeze, and here I thought I’d be the one consoling you.”

           “Really?” Xehanort rubs at the tear stains on his lover’s face. “You took my leaving pretty hard. Surely I’ll have to make up for that someday.”

           Brain laughs pitifully. “Guess in the whole scheme of things, we’re both massive disasters.”

           Xehanort agrees. “Maybe that’s why we’re meant for each other.”


           A bashful hand rests against the back of his neck, catching on a string of metal. The ring bumps against his chest.

           He has it—he still has it. Even after everything that happened, this little piece of metal has weathered it all, somehow seeing these two lost souls through lifetimes and to Kingdom Hearts. It’s a shame it never got to be used as intended.

           But maybe that can change.



           “Before anything else happens—” Brain does his best to prop himself up on one knee, pulling the chain over his head. “Will you marry me?”

           Xehanort chuckles, extending a hand. “Didn’t you get the note I left in the box?”

           Taking said hand, Brain places a kiss against the knuckles. “Just answer the question. Please?”

           Xe rolls his eyes, but smiles anyway, his expression made of pure adoration. “Yes.”

           The proposer fiddles with the chain, nervously dropping the ring in the process. Fair cheeks turn rosy as his lover laughs, but he presses on, slipping the ring where it was always meant to be.

           A light emanates from the gems, consuming the ring entirely before it dies out. Old dinned metal shines brand-new and dull gems sparkle radiantly; it looks exactly as it did the day Brain bought it.

           “You really outdid yourself with this one,” Xehanort says, admiring the band.

           “Yeah, well, I spent weeks looking for the perfect one. Lauriam kept nagging me about being picky. Said you’d like it no matter which one I picked.”

           “And he was right.” Brain frowns as Xe laughs. “But thank you for going through all the trouble to make it perfect.”

           Brain’s stomach flips and he gives a cheesy smile. Then Xehanort leans forward, connecting their lips in a long-awaited kiss. Immediately, Brain gives in to his partner’s every notion. He always enjoyed taking his time, memorizing the feel of his darling’s mouth on his, learning every little detail and reaction, exploring his love’s feelings. There’s certainly regret and apology—nothing Brain himself didn’t have—but there’s happiness, desire, and missing. Most importantly, there’s love. Like the ring, it’s weathered centuries and survived the deepest darkness, but it, too, goes on.

           However, despite being a submissive make-out partner, Brain can’t contain this feeling of freedom blooming in his chest. His burdens are gone, he doesn’t have an ulterior motive to act on, and he’s reunited with the person he loves most.

           Brain takes Xehanort by the waist, tugging him closer as he falls backwards. A surge of contentment rolls through Brain as Xehanort lays flat against him and his hungry hands snake into silver hair. With his mouth, he begs for more, having been deprived of such affection for so long, and Xehanort graciously gives it to him.

           While the pair could indulge for eternity, there are people waiting on them. Xehanort breaks first, pulling away in spite of Brain attempting to follow. The chagrin dissipates, in favor of admiration. As always, his beloved is beautiful.

           This is everything he’s ever wanted. Brain never wanted to do all those things; he never wanted the prestige and power he created; he never even wanted to be a Dandelion. He just wanted to be with the person he loved. Now that’s everything they have.

           Soft laughter engrosses the couple, their happiness clear as the sky above.

           And it’s all they need.

This is pretty in line with KH:DR if I’m being honest. P:


           “You don’t have to leave.”

           Though his voice is steady, Eraqus feels his world crumbling around him. Nevertheless, here he stands, the vision of the young man before him flickering. He can’t let this turn out like last time; he’ll be destroyed if it does.

           In the four years since the tragedy, things have only gone downhill. Eraqus had just begun healing from the trauma of his past, only for it all to come crashing back down. The darkness had taken even more people from him and Eraqus couldn’t forgive himself.

           At his side stood Xehanort, ever steady and always pulling him forward—at least for a while. Recently, Xehanort had been secluding himself, burying his nose in books and going off-world alone. These things wouldn’t normally be a problem, but the fact that his boyfriend refused to let Eraqus join is what hurt the most, driving him back into his depression.

           And then Xehanort announced that he was leaving. Eraqus was crushed. He knew Xehanort was looking for something, but he refused to let Eraqus in on it. They’ve had this argument several times now and, while he wants to scream at the seeker for trying to leave without a word, Eraqus is far more desperate for him to stay.

           “What happened wasn’t your fault.” It was mine.

           Xehanort lifts his gaze from the graves. “I Just want to see what’s out there before the Mark of Mastery exam.”

           “That’s not for a while. Besides, you’ve already seen what’s out there.” That’s how we lost them.

           The young man shakes his head. “Not everything.”

           Fear gnaws at Eraqus’s insides. “What are you looking for?”

           Silence. Then, without a word, Xehanort turns to walk past Eraqus.

           Fists clench, but he puts on a front. “So you’re gonna run away just as the underdog’s about to take the lead?”

           That stops Xehanort in his tracks. Only the sound of pouring rain consumes them until Xehanort speaks.

           “Don’t you miss them?”

           The front falters. “Of course I do.”

           “What about the Dandelions?”

           Unsure of where this is going, Eraqus answers. “Every day.”

           From his pocket, Xehanort pull the chain necklace. “And what about them?”

           At the sight of the ring, Eraqus clams up. It would be a lie to say he hasn’t been thinking of the past often as of late, and he’s pretty sure that Xehanort is aware of that. Still, his silence frustrates Xehanort who turns back.

           “Don’t you want to see them again?”

           “What does it matter? We can’t change the past.”

           “You don’t know that,” snaps Xehanort. “I’m going to try, even if it’s the last thing I ever do. I’m going to fix this, E—”

           That feels like a knife to the heart. He can’t remember the last time he heard Xehanort say his name; in fact, he’s certain his young lover has gone out of his way to avoid saying it. Eraqus has his suspicions as to why, but gods he wishes he was wrong.

           “Say it.” Eraqus stands firm as Xehanort turns an empty stare on him. “Say my name.”

           His fist tightens on the chain. “I’m going to fix this, for you, Grandmaster Brain.”

           There it is. Xehanort is doing everything he can to separate himself from Eraqus, using a name from another life Xehanort had nothing to do with. At least as far as Xehanort knows.

           Along with Eraqus’s suspicions that Xehanort would leave him, he’d begun to piece together similarities between them. Simple things from Xehanort’s specific way of eating things to the way his nose crinkled when he laughed. Then there was the way he treated Eraqus; it may be sharper than the one he called “darlin’” but there’s no doubt that Xehanort was always trying to protect him.

           Of course, Eraqus told himself over and over that these were merely coincidences—it was wrong of him to compare the two. Still, the thought never left him. In fact, the more he dwelt on it, the more right it seemed. The sheer fact Xehanort had that ring already connected them.

           But how could he tell him that without possibly destroying who Xehanort was? How would he take the idea that he may be someone else reincarnated? Would he be able to accept that Eraqus really did love him for him and not just because he might be someone else?

           None of this would be happening if only Brain had been strong enough.

           “Anyway, I think it’s best that I gave this back to you.” The ring flies through the air at Eraqus, denying him the chance to refuse.

           “We made a deal,” Eraqus argues.

           Xehanort’s response is empty. “Hopefully, when I’m done, you can keep your promise to the one you actually bought that fore.”

           Tears meld with the rain on his face as his emotions begin to get the better of him. “Why are you doing this?!”

           “I already told you why.”

           “So you’re just going to leave me for a mission that might not even work?!” Eraqus yells. “Risk your life for what’s likely to be a failure?! I know you’re not stupid, so why are you doing this to me?!”

           It’s small, but Xehanort’s shoulders shudder in laughter. “Because I love you.”

           It’s happening again and anything he says to make Xehanort stay will be meaningless. This is how it always is. Someone’s always hurting to protect him.

           “Wait!” He rushes forward, snagging the seeker’s wrist. “Marry me!”


           As if the strongest gravity spell befell him, his knees hit the stone path. “Marry me! Please! I’m begging you!” Xehanort doesn’t answer and the fear from long ago swells. “I don’t know what to do without you! I’m scared to be alone again! Please don’t leave me! Not you too!”

           “You…” Even Xehanort’s voice quavers. “You’ll be okay.”

           “No, I won’t! My union, my friends, my partner: I lost them all! I can’t-…Please don’t make me do this again!”

           Warm hands cup his face just before a soft kiss meets his forehead.

           “I’m going to fix this.”

           Eyes filled with pity watch Eraqus as Xehanort backs away. Then, the boy in black lifts his hood and walks away.

           “YOU SAID YOU WOULD BE RIGHT BESIDE ME!” His sanity fraying at the seams, Eraqus slams a fist against the ground. “…To make sure I don’t sink any lower.”

           But Xehanort never looks back.

           Without Xehanort, Eraqus truly does fall. The happiness that was his saving grace is gone, replaced with a hatred for the darkness that surpassed obsessive. He sought tirelessly to go beyond the strength he had as an old master, determined to win this time.

           And it led him down a very dark road.
