
Title: from that unknownAuthor: flirtygaybrit (ao3) | dragneto (Tumblr)Artist: nowrunalongWord Count

Title:from that unknown
Author:flirtygaybrit (ao3) | dragneto(Tumblr)
Word Count: 26k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DC Extended Universe
Summary: For three decades Clark Kent has been haunted by an unsettling specter with fiery eyes, and at last seeks to understand and confront the genesis of his fear. In the present, Bruce discovers an unfortunate truth, and must come to terms with certain ghosts of his own.

Or: Superman is dead, but not exactly gone.

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Title: the warmest and most ardent of colours
Word Count:5,382
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: No Specific Continuity

Summary:Bruce has been to dozens of countries. Hundreds of cities. And now, here, bathed in radiant sunlight hundreds of miles from the ever-present gloom of Gotham, Bruce feels the way Vermeer must have felt when he found that girl with the pearl earring, or when Van Gogh looked in the mirror with those bandages on his head after he’d tried to cut off his own ear.

It feels like a compulsion; a need. He has to record the image of this statue-still man sitting on the stone steps of the Florence Cathedral, because if he does not, no one else will ever see what he does right now in this instant.

Or: the one where Bruce is an artist.

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Title: Wishing on StarsAuthor: ComposerofDiscordArtists: SDeeys & NowrunalongWord Count: 16kRati

Title:Wishing on Stars
Word Count:16k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairings: Female Hernan Guerra/Female Kirk Langstrom
Continuity: Justice League Gods and Monsters + Pre-Capes genderbend AU
Summary: It’s the summer of Keira’s senior year when Keira meets Hermania for the first time. When Hermania can’t afford the fixes Keira made to her car, she finds another way to make up for it and the two find themselves falling into an unlikely friendship and more.

[read the fic|see nowrunalong’s art|see SDeeyS’ art]

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Title: LifelineAuthor: colonel_bastardArtist: nowrunalongWord Count: 13.7kRating: Teen and Up Audien

Word Count:
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: DC Extended Universe

Summary: It’s not the first time Martha Kent has been woken up by a phone call from her son in the middle of the night. It is, however, the first time that Clark has asked her if she can talk to Bruce instead.

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