#ns spoilers



WoT Musing: Moraine and Rand’s parallels

It’s been a while since I re-read New Spring, but it’s fascinating to me the parallels between Rand and Moraine that only leap out at me now:

Both reject the idea of responsibility and power (Rand his destiny, Moraine the Sun Throne) and go to great lengths to avoid the Tower’s machinations upon them. Both desire freedom and adventure out in the world. Both are full of stubborn pride and have fierce tempers with a tendency to lash out (especially with The Power) when that pride is infringed upon or they feel disrespected. Both are haunted by unearned dark reputations (Rand’s from being the Dragon, Moraine from being a Damodred) but are ultimately are driven by altruism and virtue that often goes ignored or unseen by others.

It really shines a interesting light on a lot of their early interactions, and their mentor/student relationship up until Moraine’s death, in particular the way Rand’s behavior can get under Moraine’s skin in a way nothing else can: because she sees a reflection of her own youthful arrogance, and knows how badly that can go. And knows that, the world may not be able to afford the time for Rand to learn better.
