
eldamaranquendi: Sauron in Numenor (Melkor`s temple) by Елена Куканова Нуменор, храм Мелькора “Работeldamaranquendi: Sauron in Numenor (Melkor`s temple) by Елена Куканова Нуменор, храм Мелькора “Работ


Sauron in Numenor (Melkor`s temple) by Елена Куканова

Нуменор, храм Мелькора

“Работать над образом Саурона начала я именно с маски потому, что с его способностью к перевоплощению, способностью казаться тем чем нужно казаться в конкретных обстоятельствах, с каким лицом его не изобрази - будет не совсем правда, и эта золотая маска передаст его сущность гораздо ближе чем любое из его обличий.

Любые ритуалы, обряды, складываются веками, но поскольку культ Мелькора в Нуменоре возник в считанные годы, на глазах одного поколения, мне представляется что Саурону пришлось разработать некое действо, которое должно было впечатлить в первую очередь самого Ар-Фаразона и высшие круги. Думаю, это носило достаточно театрализованный характер, в любом случае это должно было быть зрелищно величественно и эффектно, (в духе Мелькора, которого люди напоминали эльфам больше всего).”

@  Елена Куканова

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edithshead:from Perchance to DreamKate Moss by Mario Sorrentifor Harper’s Bazaar, 1998ARMENELOS: Sil


fromPerchance to Dream
Kate Moss by Mario Sorrenti
for Harper’s Bazaar, 1998

ARMENELOS: Silmariën was not sorry to leave her home for Andustar. If she could not be queen, she would rather be elsewhere. But the city was sad to see her go.

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TOL UINEN: The bay of Rómenna was where some of her most fervent devotees sailed from. The prayers o

TOL UINEN: The bay of Rómenna was where some of her most fervent devotees sailed from. The prayers of the Uinendili (as they were called) lifted her from amid the ocean’s roots to heed their prayers.

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Geographical Resource: Rivers and Lakes of Valinor,  Aman and Númenor

Rivers and streams of Beleriand
Lakes of Beleriand 

I’ve been really enjoying my Flora, Fauna and Environment of Arda series and I want to write more about geography and climate in general so I’ve been putting together a series of geographical resources!

Requests are always welcome!

A map can be found here of Aman and herefor Númenor

Flora, fauna, geography and environment of Arda 

This is a very short one as unfortunately there aren’t many named bodies of water in these places but I did the best I could! As always please feel free to ask more!


One of the only named rivers was Nunduinë, the second biggest after Siril. It flowed West from the center of the island and formed the lake Nísinen before its mouth at the sea. 

The greatest river of Númenor was Siril, also starting in the center of the island on the holy mountain of Meneltarma and flowing South from there to the sea after passing though a slower area of reeds and marshes.

Nísinen is the only named lake. It was formed from the river Nunduinë and was located on the Western side of the island not far from the sea


Lórellin was a lake in the gardens of Lórien where the Vala Irmo, lord of visions and dreams dwelt with his spouse, Estë the gentle, the healer of the weary or hurt. Estë lived upon an island in the center of the lake and throughout the day, marked before the rising of the sun by the prominence of the light of Laurelin, she slept, waking at night to walk the gardens.

North of Tirion was the stream Sirnúmen which flowed from a spring called Kapalinda. It was located on the Western side of the Pelóri mountains and ran towards the Plain of Valinor and Telperion

Híri is a small river that flows through Sirnúmen nearby Formenos. Little is known about it. 

In the Book of Lost Tales which is largely considered not canon, on the island of Tol Eressëa, there is the bridge of Tavrobel over two rivers, Afros and Gruir. Neither are elaborated upon in detail. I plan to go into Tol Eressëa for another post! 

Again this is unfortunately pretty short but as always I take requests for geography and environment posts!

I was experimenting some new technique, but it’s too sketchy for me. :p Sauron and the other p

I was experimenting some new technique, but it’s too sketchy for me. :p

Sauron and the other priests of “the cult of Morgoth” helplessly witness the wrath of Ilúvatar drown the island of Númenor.

Sauron can never be a pretty boy again after this. :’(

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