#o fourreau


Video with a surprising focus, that makes it quite clear why masturbation is referred to as jerking…

#o fourreau    #jouissance    #p debout    
  1. For starters, please realize that you are on your own for this : here is the recipe, but the decision to try it is yours.
  2. Be careful : hot liquids are involved, so you could burn yourself if you are careless.
  3. Also, don’t use your mother’s beloved cooking utensils, unless you want to take part in an emergency family summit conference.

For homemade sex toys, nothing beats the thermoplastic elastomer gel which has similar consistency and feel of human flesh (as we have already seen). All you need to make TPE gel is a source of mineral oil and some thermoplastic elastomer resin powder or pellets. The recipe is similar to making gelatin. The mineral oil and thermoplastic elastomer resin will need to be combined in proper proportions, then heated together. After several minutes of heating, the mineral oil and resin will form a sticky syrup that you will need to pour in a mould. The sticky syrup will then gradually become a soft solid material as it cools down to room temperature.

While you successfully obtain some thermoplastic elastomer gel each time you follow the recipe, some experiment will need to be done to find the ideal mineral oils and resins, and the ideal proportions of those too. Don’t forget to take notes to be able to replicate your recipe, in case you find a revolutionary blend !

Mineral oil : The best mineral oil for elastomer gels are of pharmaceutical grade (FDA-gradeorUSP-grade for instance) because they are 100 % safe for human contact and ingestion. Technical oils are also safe for human contact, but they cannot be ingested. Never use motor oils, machine oils and engine oils because they contain additives that are toxic and carcinogenic. Weight of mineral oil does not correspond to its volume : 500 ml of mineral oil will not weigh 500 grams. To learn the actual weight, you need to check the specific gravity of your mineral oil by looking at the manufacturer’s website… or use a cooking scale, of course. Most mineral oils that can be bought in grocery stores or drugstores can be used in homemade thermoplastic elastomer gels, but not all of them will provide great results. Johnson’s Baby oil, for instance, will reportedly yield very weak gels that tend to break easily.

Thermoplastic elastomer resin : Use only specialized food-grade thermoplastic elastomer resins. Do not use ordinary thermoplastic elastomer resins that are designed to make rubber tires and grips; they are unsafe for human contact and they break easily when combined with mineral oil. A reader named Dave wrote to tell me that he’s been using Platinum cured silicone with great success.

Other stuff needed

  • A stove (ideally gas because it generates constant heat)
  • Lab thermometer
  • 1000 mL Pyrex beaker or an aluminium pot you won’t mind losing if things go wrong
  • Stirring rod or metal spatula
  • A mould of your choosing


  1. Mix the resin and mineral oil into a glass beaker or aluminium pot (according to the proportions mentioned below).
  2. Heat the mixture at low-medium heat. Keep the temperature of the mixture between 120 and 170 degrees Celsius.
  3. Slowly stir the mixture : after about 15 to 20 minutes, the resin and mineral oil will gradually meld together.
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until you get a consistent viscosity.
  5. Once you have evenly mixed the TPE, pour it into your epoxy or glass mould.
  6. Allow the elastomer gel to cool down to room temperature before removing it from the mould.

Basic 10:1 elastomer gel : This is a combination of 10 parts by weight of Food Grade mineral oil or Technical Grade mineral oil mixed with 1 part of FDA-grade thermoplastic resin. If you have 100 grams of FDA-grade thermoplastic elastomer, you will add 1000 grams of mineral oil to make a 10:1 Gel. The 10:1 elastomer gel is used for heavy duty sex toy application because it has higher tear-resistance compared to the 12:1 gel. The resulting 10:1 elastomer gel is also harder than the 12:1 gel, so if you want extra sensation from the ribs or knobs from a sex toy then this type of gel is the right one for you. On the downside, the 10:1 elastomer gel will be more viscous when melted compared to the 12:1 gel, making it harder to pour in moulds. Increasing the temperature of the stove will make the 10:1 gel less viscous but care must be taken to avoid burning the gel.

The 12:1 elastomer gel : This gel is composed of 12 parts by weight of Food Grade mineral oil or Technical Grade mineral oil mixed with 1 part of FDA-grade thermoplastic resin. This formulation is known as the 12:1 Gel. If you have 100 grams of FDA-grade thermoplastic elastomer, you will add 1200 grams of mineral oil to make a 12:1 Gel. Most sex toy manufacturers use the 12:1 gel formulation. The higher the amount of oil, the softer the gel will be but at the cost of decreased tear resistance. The 12:1 Gel is also less viscous when melted and pours out more easily from the melting pot.

Troubleshooting notes

  • Burned gel or burned rubber smell : If you smell burning rubber then you have set the temperature too high. Take your time in melting the TPE by setting your stove at low heat. Make sure the temperature never exceeds 170 degrees Celsius.
  • Gel is too viscous and does not flow out of the glass beaker or pot : The temperature is lower than the optimal level. You can resolve this issue by increasing the heat.
  • Too many bubbles in the Gel : The number of bubbles trapped in the gel can be reduced by mixing it slowly and by using a metal or glass stirrer during the mixing process. Ideally, a magnetic stirrer would be used, but this would require a specialized heating plate.

Basically, sex toys are made of one of three common materials. These materials vary in softness, texture, cost, strength… and toxicity (yes, you read that right !)

  1. Elastomer Oil Gels — Also known as thermoplastic elastomer gels (TPE gels). This is the type of material which comes very very close to the real feel because TPE gels can be made as soft as possible. Human flesh can be seen as a type of gel (which is why it is quite jiggly), and thermoplastic elastomer gels can be considered as a very simplified synthetic version of it. TPE gels in general are very safe health-wise since they are made using food grade mineral oils and FDA-grade polymers. Elastomer gels are hypoallergenic and it is the material of choice for allergic people. The only downside to TPE gels is their low tear resistance, and this explains why TPE gel toys are usually encased in a hard plastic shell. Two known examples of TPE gel-based toys are Fleshlightsand Tenga Flip-holes.
  2. Silicone — Silicone has long been a favourite material for sex toys. Its main advantage is its strength. Silicone is stronger compared to TPE gelsorPVC sex toys but its feel is harder and it is less flexible. Silicone is the material of choice for full-size sex dolls (with or without an internal structure) due to its resiliency. It also offers a smooth non-porous surface that is found to be very enjoyable to rub against, especially when lubed. (Sex toys such as the Cobra-Libre take advantage of this property.) Be aware that solid silicone is totally incompatible with liquid silicone, so choose your lube wisely !
  3. PVC — Polyvinyl chloride (embedded with phthalates to enhance its softness) was traditionally used a lot and still is in lower quality toys. Although this material is also good for sex toys when it comes to feel, the main problem with phthalates is that they are a real health hazard : they are toxic for your testicles… So, basically, PVC-made sex-toys enhanced with phthalates will make you more sterile the more you use them. Duh ! It is the reason why most of the time you now see “phthalate-free sex toys” labels on many sex toys.

When it comes to feel and texture, elastomer oil gels are the best to realistically simulate the feel and softness of the vagina and rectum. Elastomer oil gels are also extremely safe health-wise, so this material would be ideal, except that TPE gels are weaker and this is why they are cannot be used in full sized sex dolls. For these bigger sex-toys, silicone is still the material of choice. Unfortunately, it is not very realistic in simulating flesh because it is harder and less pliable. As for PVC toys, they should be avoided altogether.

   — Durability : PVC ≊ Silicone > TPE
   — Realism : TPE > Silicone ≊ PVC
   — Healthiness : TPE > Silicone > > PVC
   — Cost : PVC ($) < < Silicone ($$$) < TPE ($$$$)
