#oakleafpancake art


07. Young

Was wondering what to do when I remembered @sarascamander’s AU with Maddie and Daniel’s child/teenage feud, so we have these two thinking about how they want to strangle one another

05. Deceive

The reference for the drawing came from here. This is a little fan art I made for @redrose-arrow with her double agent Maddie AU

02. Trouble

As the ship began to gather way, Will stared at the mounted figure in the surf, buffeted by the waves. Halt was so near and yet now so impossibly out of reach. His eyes stung with tears and, faintly, he heard Halt’s voice.

“Will! Stay alive! Don’t give up! I’ll find you wherever they take you!”

Choking on tears, the boy raised his arm in farewell to his friend and mentor.

“Halt!” he croaked, but he knew the Ranger would never hear him. He heard the voice again, carrying over the sounds of wind and sea.

“I’ll find you, Will!”
