

Accepting punishment with dignity- not optional.

So, despite years of living in a domestic discipline marriage, I broke a big rule 24 hours after a severe spanking. I. KNOW. BETTER.

Punishment spankings aren’t a common occurrence. My husband’s expectations of my behavior are extremely high now. My expectations of him are quite high too! There aren’t small violations in our dynamic. He handles disrespect as soon as it begins to show up. If he doesn’t expect obedience and isn’t willing to discipline me for it, then it’s not a rule.

Newer DD’ers might think this was a harsh punishment, or overreaction. But we are seasoned now. This isn’t new. I begged for him to be consistent and give me “more”. So this is what more looks like.


24 hours after I’d been punished for disrespect, we were sitting on the couch watching a movie when I asked if I could please lay on my stomach with my head in his lap. He raises an eyebrow and asks “Why?”

Ummmm well, i really can’t sit.”

“Is that so?”

I nod, realizing a little too late I should have kept my mouth shut and finished the movie.

“You don’t have to sit.” I’m relieved…until.

“You’ve got some thinking to do. Head to the corner.”

My jaw almost drops but I snap it shut quickly. I stand, he yanks my pants to my ankles, and points to a corner in the living room.

I shuffle feeling about 2 ft tall. He finishes the movie while I’m on my knees with my nose to the corner, hands on head, and bruised butt on display. Thankfully, it’s not an epic length movie!

He calls me to him and lays me on my back on the couch, teasing me saying all the sexy yummy things he plans to do to me.

But then he lifts my legs in the air, wide open. “But naughty girls don’t get orgasms. Hold ‘em open.”

His belt jingles off and he lands twelve strikes on my thighs. They don’t touch any spots he spanked yesterday, because he’s not crazy.

“spankings are supposed to hurt, naughty girl.”

“Yes. Sir.”

He positions my head at the edge of the couch and lets me drop my legs.

“You’ve got something to take care of, dear.”

I open wide for a very thorough face fucking

“Are you going to whine tomorrow?

No sir.

“What aren’t you going to whine about?”

My sore ass, my sore thighs, my sore knees, and being so wet I might explode, sir.”

He laughs.

Good girls get taken care of. Be good tomorrow.


I did not whine. I did not flinch once when I sat or avoid sitting. I accepted the pain as part of my submission.

And I got taken care of… three long, long days later. He watched me edge and i met his needs with blowjobs, but I did not get any relief for three miserable days.

Good girls get orgasms.

Naughty girls miss movies, hurt when they sit, and disappoint their partners.

Overkill for squirming and trying to lessen the sting of a thorough spanking? Not in our dynamic. If he’d let it slide, I’d have resented it. And he knows that.

So he reminds me just exactly who the boss is. ❤️❤️

We rarely like the same movies, like ever. I’m waiting up for his movie to end, I’ve hardly paid attention but tried to not annoy him with my phone.

I cannot stand this movie. I’ve seen it before. He doesn’t like my movies either. But I don’t whine. I’m curled up by him with an e-book. If we waited to pick a movie we both liked we would sit here for 16 years.

I’ll be a good girl until this movie is over. I hear there are rewards girls who don’t complain.

Submission y'all. In the little things, not just the sexy things.

1. I ask for one. Erotic, playful spankings turn me on. They relax my brain and make me feel gushy and emotional about my husband.
2. He wants it. He has stress to work out too. My submission turns him on. And he says it’s just fun to spank me.
3. I’ve deliberately disobeyed. An extremely rare occurrence in our home. I am one sorry lady when that happens.
4. I’m behaving like I may need one soon. Attitude, acting scattered or edgy are his first red flag that a realignment is needed. Not outright disrespect or disobedience, just enough off that he makes our roles and rules crystal clear.
5. It’s Friday. Stress Relief Fridays are how we strive to start the weekend. I get a good girl spanking, reminded of his expectations, I repeat them back to him and promise to obey. Every Friday, I get some kind of discipline with this chat.
6. It’s the week before my period. I have always had terrible PMDD. One week before my period hits, we have a discussion.
7. I let a cuss word slip in front of the kids. Lines, so many lines…. then “Naughty Corner time” time with the paddle in my hand until he’s ready, over the knee, mouth soaping and lecture, back over the bed for more spanking, and never sex after. I’ll take him in my mouth after but there is NO pleasure allowed for me. these spankings are THE WORST. He worked very hard to break this habit 3 years ago, he has NO tolerance for regression in this area.
8. Overuse of screen time, texting after bedtime, reading on phone when I wake up at night.
9. Disrespect: including but not limited to, tuning out while he talks, interrupting, correcting him in public, whining, arguing, nagging over a honey do item, snippy tone of voice, masturbating without permission, failing to address him properly.
10. Losing keys or debit card. Surefire sign I need help shutting down the noise and prioritizing tasks. Not a guaranteed spanking, but a discussion. If I haven’t told him I’m feeling overwhelmed and then this starts happening, he’ll paddle for sure.

6:15-8 am. children wake up. One of us get out of bed with them and let the other sleep. We discuss this the night before. This weekend it’s my turn to get up with the kids.

Breakfast, throw in laundry, keep an eye on kids while they play. Fold clothes, catch up on music housekeeping in between kid stuff.

Kids watch some cartoons, on Apple TV, not suffering through whatever was on TV like I did in the 80s.

Husband wakes up mid morning. I shower while he hangs with the kids.

He showers and kids eat lunch. Kids settled in for nap or quiet time, depending on age.

Saturday nap time is our planned fun time. I wait face down with my legs opened, but heels pressed together. He likes walking in to this view. Today I’m not in an ounce of trouble, my attitude has been great. I’m rewarded with brief control of a vibrator. He snatches it away right before I orgasm and flips me over on my back. He slams into me while twisting my nipples. I nearly come out of my skin. Orgasm is still denied.

He holds me down by my neck and finishes. He stays in me and tells me I can make myself cum, quickly. I comply.

He rolls off of me and lies back. “Keep cumming. I want to watch that face. Don’t stop until I say so.”

He wedges the vibrator against my asshole. My fingers get to work. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to ask before I cum. “May I, Sir?”

Permission granted. He takes control of the vibrator and my nipples. I don’t want to cum again, I am so tired and feel gross. I am limp and can’t think.

He drives me to two more orgasms, then tucks me in.

I sleep for an hour, then ask to soak in the tub. I am so, so sore. He agrees and takes the kids outside.

We figure out dinner, return Redbox rentals, play with with kids. A few bills come in the mail, he talks to me about when certain expenses are due and how that will impact discretionary spending for May. May is an expensive month for parents of school age kids!

The saga of Children’s Bedtime begins. We survive bedtime and he heads for the man cave. He’s exhausted and doesn’t want to think. He asks if I need anything from him. I say no… I know he wants to veg out and I need sleep badly.

I’m given 30 min to watch a show, read or entertain myself on phone. No chores allowed. He doesn’t come up to make sure I’m off by said bedtime. He knows I’ll obey.

I refill my vitamins after taking Saturday dose, wash face, brush teeth and put pajamas on.

Sometimes he takes me in the middle of the night. I Try to always go to bed ready, cleaning up shaving and putting on preferred panties. My neck is sore so I turn on heating pad. I punch out this blog and now I’m off to bed.
