#obey me bey



Masquerade (OC x OC)

time for some more self indulgent work <3. Ft. @obeymebabes ‘s OC, Bey.

Judson was prepared to spend another night studying and reading. He had planned on it, in fact. So then why was he desperately searching through his closet for a suit?

Of course, it was because of Bey. Her chokehold on him led to this. He would argue with himself the entirety of the evening that he wasn’t jealous. He would tell himself that he didn’t care that she had a date to this ridiculous ball. He was going simply to make sure that she was happy. He would go in, find her from across the room and then leave after making sure all was well.

All the internal monologging might have made him forget just one small detail, however.

This was a masquerade ball, and he hadn’t thought to buy himself a mask.

After skillfully obtaining a mask, Judson made his way inside. The ball room was filled with soft glittering light, and everything looked as if it were straight out of a fairytale. He couldn’t believe just how much effort went into turning their old academic style university into something straight out of a period piece like Downton Abbey or a Jane Austen novel. If he hadn’t come on a mission, he could marvel at this all evening, but for now he had to stay focused.

He pushed carefully past masked figure after figure for upwards of what felt like an hour. Soon he became defeated and decided to find his way over to the refreshment table to get a drink. As he sipped on a clearly alcoholic beverage, his eyes scanned over the ballroom once again, hoping to recognize Bey. As his eyes found her, all the other people in the room seemed to stop moving. It was as if time was frozen and all the lights had suddenly shifted to her. It was not the first time he had experienced this feeling but in this setting she was breathtaking.

Her dress glimmered in blues and blacks, her favorite colors. It formed perfectly to her body, and made her look like the princess he had seen in all his fantasies.

With no hesitation, he quickly made his way over to her. Tonight, with her looking like this, he would not let his feelings go to waste.

Crying sobbing absolutely in love with these two


@obeymebabes your oc is not safe from me

(Also I don’t like the nose but I’m still in the process of perfecting how I draw them so forgive me )



I don’t have a whole lot to post when it comes to writing. Mostly self indulgent OC x character fics that I’m not sure any of you would be interested in, given that you’re not here for my OC.

So instead I’ll share my updated demon girlie’s design. Because I’ve certainly improved at learning how to digital art, and I’m really proud of how it came out. It took forever to finish.

Introducing the new and improved Bey, who now finally has her proper, more powerful demon form. Featuring her sword from the Celestial Realm, and a little bit of magic just to make things fun.

Note: Background belongs to Solmare, because your girl here can’t draw backgrounds.

Me, when I realize I’m super behind on requests, haven’t finished the fics I’ve wanted to work on, and keep coming up with new fic ideas:

Alternatively: When Bey sees an exchange student doing something that will probably get her in trouble.


Needed a new pic on discord so I drew my current mood through my OC, which is also very fitting to her character.

Figured I’d share since I rarely draw her.~
