#obey me drabbles


Candy. {Lucifer x Reader/MC}

A/N: *drops everything to write this* happy birthday to the literal love of my life thank you please except this stubborn ass mc,

This is in no way birthday themed but it was written *for* his birthday so i mean,,,

Lucifer is apprehensive about sweets. He accepts them with a smile if they’re given as a gift, but he’ll normally pass them along to one of his brothers in private to spare feelings; It doesn’t suit his tastes—indulging in a piece or two every now and again is something he’ll enjoy, but the idea of “sweet” (or perhaps it was the sugar rush?) just doesn’t settle with him well.

That included MC.

Something about them was sweet—not the way they treated others with devoted kindness though that were the definition of the word—but something else, something… borderline sinful. So sweet that it stirred up filthy desires within him.

They were a tease. He wondered if they knew that? It was obvious they did things to catch his attention, so they probably did—but did they truly know? The way they looked up at him through their lashes, the curve of their lips when they’re pulled into a smirk, the way they barely stick out their tongue and bite it when they’re being cheeky, even the way they drag out their touch whenever they get the chance to reach out to him. The feel of their touch was just so sinfully… sweet, it almost made him sick. He felt… filthy. It was so tempting.

The taunts never end with them. The way they saunter past him, the sultry drawl they give his name when it passes their lips, the way they bite their lip as he’s talking to them. Were they begging for trouble? Attention? Whichever it may be, they were finding themselves on thin ice—or was he finding himself on the ice instead? Try as he might, Lucifer finds himself focusing solely on MC instead of things around him, maybe he was more in trouble than they were; with trouble always came temptation.

Once again, he found a flirty succubus standing in front of him—a wide smile, a little hidden intention in their voice, handing him a heart-shaped box. They droned on, beating around the bush about asking him for a night out; he could feel another set of eyes on him, they didn’t feel happy at all. Accepting their gift with a smile, he politely declined their offer with the excuse of too much work, which they sighed at but accepted begrudgingly. Once they walked away, Lucifer turned to find the pair of eyes that would have burned a hole into the back of his head were it possible, but found that no one was there. Shrugging it off as simply someone else with a shallow crush on him, he went about the rest of his day.

The feeling of upset eyes on him never went away.

He would scan rooms each time, but found no one looking his way. When he came up empty, his eyes were always drawn to MC, admiring the way they held their chin in their hand, eyes half-lidded with boredom—was it boredom, or was something upsetting them? He noticed them bite the inside of their cheek every so often; they knew he was looking at them, but why didn’t they meet his eye as they normally did with their usual reaction—sticking their tongue out just enough to bite it and give him a taunting look? It was odd. For some reason, it bothered him. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Sitting at his desk at the end of the day, he allowed himself a moment to breathe. He landed face first onto the stack of paper and let out a heavy sigh; maybe not knowing who had been looking at him bothered him much more than he thought it initially would. It kept him distracted all day, as well as wondering just what had been bothering MC so much that they had the audacity to ignore him; didn’t they know he hated to be ignored? He sighed once more and sat up, ready to suffer through stacks of work that needed his attention.

Hours in, he unearthed the box of candy given to him earlier. He moved it to the corner of his desk—which brother should he give it to this time? Beel was always a safe bet, he thought. Elbows on his desk, he stared at the paper in his hand, analyzing each and every word hard enough he hadn’t heard the door to his room open and close, nor did he hear footsteps walk up beside him. MC had quickly stolen the paper from his hand before he even felt their presence.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“You look like you’re about to set the page on fire if you stare any harder at it.”

They gave the paper back and leaned against the corner of his desk, smiling when he turned his chair towards them.

“I suppose you’re right; I am focusing a bit too hard on it. Probably because my mind’s elsewhere.”

“Oh? Where is it?”

Lucifer looked away, not looking at anything in particular at his desk, but MC had apparently taken his gaze the wrong way.

“Ah, is it ‘cause of this?” They tapped the box of chocolates and picked it up before he could tell them otherwise. “Love been on the mind all day, then?”

“What? No, of course not–”

“They were kinda cute, why not go for it?”

“Do you hear yourself–”

MC looked at the box indifferently and opened it, looking over the pieces in it with a scrutinizing glare. Lucifer drew his eyebrows together, tilting his head in a mix of confusion and disbelief.

“Did you… just open my box of chocolates?” he emphasized his ownership, “Without permission?”

“You weren’t going to eat them anyway.”  

They looked… irritated? He thought, at least. They looked upset as they popped one of the chocolates into their mouth, chewing awfully hard as though they were angry. He sat back in his chair and stared down his nose at them, leaning against his hand.

“Who said I wasn’t going to?”

“You never do.”

“Maybe I was this time. They’re mine, after all.”

“So… what’s different, you like the succubus that gave it to you this time?”

Lucifer’s eyes widened for a moment, disoriented with the realization that just slapped him in the face along with the bitter look in MC’s eyes and tone of voice. So, it had been them? The very eyes he constantly lost himself in were the ones full of… jealousy? He doubled over with laughter before he could stop himself; he laughed even harder when MC shouted at him. He hadn’t laughed this hard in a very long time, he had to wipe tears from his eyes when he sat back up.

“Why are you laughing?”

“I’m just… surprised.”


“Nothing, nothing.” He waved off the cross glare they shot him and laid an arm on their thigh, resting his head on it and tried to give them the beautiful, teasing look they love to give him. “So, you’re just going to steal my candy?”

“Already told you,” they tossed another piece into their mouth, “you weren’t going to eat it anyway.”

Lucifer watched them closely; when they took another piece, they were sure to look away from him. They were obviously teasing with him now, hoping to catch his attention, and keep it on them. He didn’t think they’d be so jealous over something that wasn’t even there, but it was clear now that they did indeed know how much of a tease they were on a daily basis. They bit into it slowly, undeniably letting it melt in their mouth just to savour the sweet taste of whatever it took to mess with him.  

Lucifer’s smirk dropped as he continued watching them, his mouth suddenly needing the taste of something sweet. The moment they glanced down at him to see if he was still watching them, he knew what he wanted—what they wanted—and he’d be a fool not to act on it.

He sat up once again, but not without lightly cupping MC’s face to turn it towards him first. MC leaned down towards his sitting form as he guided them there; his smirk returned as he leaned in close as well, letting his half-lidded eyes bore into theirs and his breath fan across their face.

“First, you steal something that’s mine, then you have the audacity to taunt me with it. You’re getting a little too bold, don’t you think?” When he was met with silence paired with a sly look and a glance from his eyes to his lips and back, he leaned in just enough to keep their lips a hair away from one another. “It seems you’ve eaten all of it without giving me so much as a taste. I think you might owe me an apology of sorts.”

“An apology?” They were noticeably melting against his hands, almost begging for him to bridge the gap between them. “What for?”

“Maybe for stealing my candy. Or,” he smirked once more, “perhaps for getting jealous when there’s no reason to be. If you liked me, you could have just said so. But no… you had to keep teasing, taunting, being a cheeky little one, didn’t you?”

The corners of MC’s lips twitched as they tried to hide their smile and hold in a laugh; he knew it was because of his tone of voice—they always described it as ‘a dad trying to be sexy’ and they definitely let their opinion be known– but he didn’t care. He was on a mission now, to make a point. A statement. A mission to get what he wanted now that he knew all of their teasing was genuine; a mission to get a taste of the thing so sinfully sweet.

“An apology, MC. Don’t I get one?”

They licked their lips slightly, just barely grazing his own and gave him a smirk evil enough to send small chills down his spine.  

“I’m sorry…” they whispered, “that you were kind of dense–”

That set him off. He moved his hands from their face to the back of their head, pulling them the short distance to his lips and kissed them roughly. He was taken back—only for a moment—when they kissed back with just enough force, though their touch was gentle when they held onto his arms. It was his turn to tease them, to taunt them, to make them want him so bad they could just never get enough; his turn to show them just what they do to him on the daily. Over and over again, he parted just to come back to them with more desire, more need, more passion.  

He tried to part their lips with his tongue, almost pathetically begging to be let in only for them to deny with a light-hearted giggle. Pulling away just enough to bite down on their lip, he slipped it in as they gasped; he could feel them try to smile as his tongue explored their mouth, mentally mapping anything he could. Even with his tongue in their mouth, they had to be stubborn and mess with him, now teasing him with their own so that he’d give in and fight for dominance.

When he won, he drew his hands back down to their face, gently caressing their jaw for a moment before pulling away from them completely, playing it off as though he were aloof to what he had just done. Ignoring the love-struck look on their face, the flushed look of their skin and just how swollen their lips had become–alright, he did take a small peek—he spun around in his chair, picking up the earlier discarded paper and kept the back of his chair towards them.

“Hmm,” he hummed, eyes completely unfocused on the paper, “I suppose that apology will work.”

Lucifer gave a genuine smile when he felt MC’s arms wrap around his neck, their lips eagerly falling just at the corner of his lips. He tossed the paper aside once again and spun around once again, grabbing a hold of their hips to pull them close.

“I guess a little sweet now and again wouldn’t be so bad as long as I steal it from you.”

Candy. {Lucifer x Reader/MC}

A/N: *drops everything to write this* happy birthday to the literal love of my life thank you please except this stubborn ass mc,

This is in no way birthday themed but it was written *for* his birthday so i mean,,,

Lucifer is apprehensive about sweets. He accepts them with a smile if they’re given as a gift, but he’ll normally pass them along to one of his brothers in private to spare feelings; It doesn’t suit his tastes—indulging in a piece or two every now and again is something he’ll enjoy, but the idea of “sweet” (or perhaps it was the sugar rush?) just doesn’t settle with him well.

That included MC.

Something about them was sweet—not the way they treated others with devoted kindness though that were the definition of the word—but something else, something… borderline sinful. So sweet that it stirred up filthy desires within him.

They were a tease. He wondered if they knew that? It was obvious they did things to catch his attention, so they probably did—but did they truly know? The way they looked up at him through their lashes, the curve of their lips when they’re pulled into a smirk, the way they barely stick out their tongue and bite it when they’re being cheeky, even the way they drag out their touch whenever they get the chance to reach out to him. The feel of their touch was just so sinfully… sweet, it almost made him sick. He felt… filthy. It was so tempting.

The taunts never end with them. The way they saunter past him, the sultry drawl they give his name when it passes their lips, the way they bite their lip as he’s talking to them. Were they begging for trouble? Attention? Whichever it may be, they were finding themselves on thin ice—or was he finding himself on the ice instead? Try as he might, Lucifer finds himself focusing solely on MC instead of things around him, maybe he was more in trouble than they were; with trouble always came temptation.

Once again, he found a flirty succubus standing in front of him—a wide smile, a little hidden intention in their voice, handing him a heart-shaped box. They droned on, beating around the bush about asking him for a night out; he could feel another set of eyes on him, they didn’t feel happy at all. Accepting their gift with a smile, he politely declined their offer with the excuse of too much work, which they sighed at but accepted begrudgingly. Once they walked away, Lucifer turned to find the pair of eyes that would have burned a hole into the back of his head were it possible, but found that no one was there. Shrugging it off as simply someone else with a shallow crush on him, he went about the rest of his day.

The feeling of upset eyes on him never went away.

He would scan rooms each time, but found no one looking his way. When he came up empty, his eyes were always drawn to MC, admiring the way they held their chin in their hand, eyes half-lidded with boredom—was it boredom, or was something upsetting them? He noticed them bite the inside of their cheek every so often; they knew he was looking at them, but why didn’t they meet his eye as they normally did with their usual reaction—sticking their tongue out just enough to bite it and give him a taunting look? It was odd. For some reason, it bothered him. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Sitting at his desk at the end of the day, he allowed himself a moment to breathe. He landed face first onto the stack of paper and let out a heavy sigh; maybe not knowing who had been looking at him bothered him much more than he thought it initially would. It kept him distracted all day, as well as wondering just what had been bothering MC so much that they had the audacity to ignore him; didn’t they know he hated to be ignored? He sighed once more and sat up, ready to suffer through stacks of work that needed his attention.

Hours in, he unearthed the box of candy given to him earlier. He moved it to the corner of his desk—which brother should he give it to this time? Beel was always a safe bet, he thought. Elbows on his desk, he stared at the paper in his hand, analyzing each and every word hard enough he hadn’t heard the door to his room open and close, nor did he hear footsteps walk up beside him. MC had quickly stolen the paper from his hand before he even felt their presence.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“You look like you’re about to set the page on fire if you stare any harder at it.”

They gave the paper back and leaned against the corner of his desk, smiling when he turned his chair towards them.

“I suppose you’re right; I am focusing a bit too hard on it. Probably because my mind’s elsewhere.”

“Oh? Where is it?”

Lucifer looked away, not looking at anything in particular at his desk, but MC had apparently taken his gaze the wrong way.

“Ah, is it ‘cause of this?” They tapped the box of chocolates and picked it up before he could tell them otherwise. “Love been on the mind all day, then?”

“What? No, of course not–”

“They were kinda cute, why not go for it?”

“Do you hear yourself–”

MC looked at the box indifferently and opened it, looking over the pieces in it with a scrutinizing glare. Lucifer drew his eyebrows together, tilting his head in a mix of confusion and disbelief.

“Did you… just open my box of chocolates?” he emphasized his ownership, “Without permission?”

“You weren’t going to eat them anyway.”  

They looked… irritated? He thought, at least. They looked upset as they popped one of the chocolates into their mouth, chewing awfully hard as though they were angry. He sat back in his chair and stared down his nose at them, leaning against his hand.

“Who said I wasn’t going to?”

“You never do.”

“Maybe I was this time. They’re mine, after all.”

“So… what’s different, you like the succubus that gave it to you this time?”

Lucifer’s eyes widened for a moment, disoriented with the realization that just slapped him in the face along with the bitter look in MC’s eyes and tone of voice. So, it had been them? The very eyes he constantly lost himself in were the ones full of… jealousy? He doubled over with laughter before he could stop himself; he laughed even harder when MC shouted at him. He hadn’t laughed this hard in a very long time, he had to wipe tears from his eyes when he sat back up.

“Why are you laughing?”

“I’m just… surprised.”


“Nothing, nothing.” He waved off the cross glare they shot him and laid an arm on their thigh, resting his head on it and tried to give them the beautiful, teasing look they love to give him. “So, you’re just going to steal my candy?”

“Already told you,” they tossed another piece into their mouth, “you weren’t going to eat it anyway.”

Lucifer watched them closely; when they took another piece, they were sure to look away from him. They were obviously teasing with him now, hoping to catch his attention, and keep it on them. He didn’t think they’d be so jealous over something that wasn’t even there, but it was clear now that they did indeed know how much of a tease they were on a daily basis. They bit into it slowly, undeniably letting it melt in their mouth just to savour the sweet taste of whatever it took to mess with him.  

Lucifer’s smirk dropped as he continued watching them, his mouth suddenly needing the taste of something sweet. The moment they glanced down at him to see if he was still watching them, he knew what he wanted—what they wanted—and he’d be a fool not to act on it.

He sat up once again, but not without lightly cupping MC’s face to turn it towards him first. MC leaned down towards his sitting form as he guided them there; his smirk returned as he leaned in close as well, letting his half-lidded eyes bore into theirs and his breath fan across their face.

“First, you steal something that’s mine, then you have the audacity to taunt me with it. You’re getting a little too bold, don’t you think?” When he was met with silence paired with a sly look and a glance from his eyes to his lips and back, he leaned in just enough to keep their lips a hair away from one another. “It seems you’ve eaten all of it without giving me so much as a taste. I think you might owe me an apology of sorts.”

“An apology?” They were noticeably melting against his hands, almost begging for him to bridge the gap between them. “What for?”

“Maybe for stealing my candy. Or,” he smirked once more, “perhaps for getting jealous when there’s no reason to be. If you liked me, you could have just said so. But no… you had to keep teasing, taunting, being a cheeky little one, didn’t you?”

The corners of MC’s lips twitched as they tried to hide their smile and hold in a laugh; he knew it was because of his tone of voice—they always described it as ‘a dad trying to be sexy’ and they definitely let their opinion be known– but he didn’t care. He was on a mission now, to make a point. A statement. A mission to get what he wanted now that he knew all of their teasing was genuine; a mission to get a taste of the thing so sinfully sweet.

“An apology, MC. Don’t I get one?”

They licked their lips slightly, just barely grazing his own and gave him a smirk evil enough to send small chills down his spine.  

“I’m sorry…” they whispered, “that you were kind of dense–”

That set him off. He moved his hands from their face to the back of their head, pulling them the short distance to his lips and kissed them roughly. He was taken back—only for a moment—when they kissed back with just enough force, though their touch was gentle when they held onto his arms. It was his turn to tease them, to taunt them, to make them want him so bad they could just never get enough; his turn to show them just what they do to him on the daily. Over and over again, he parted just to come back to them with more desire, more need, more passion.  

He tried to part their lips with his tongue, almost pathetically begging to be let in only for them to deny with a light-hearted giggle. Pulling away just enough to bite down on their lip, he slipped it in as they gasped; he could feel them try to smile as his tongue explored their mouth, mentally mapping anything he could. Even with his tongue in their mouth, they had to be stubborn and mess with him, now teasing him with their own so that he’d give in and fight for dominance.

When he won, he drew his hands back down to their face, gently caressing their jaw for a moment before pulling away from them completely, playing it off as though he were aloof to what he had just done. Ignoring the love-struck look on their face, the flushed look of their skin and just how swollen their lips had become–alright, he did take a small peek—he spun around in his chair, picking up the earlier discarded paper and kept the back of his chair towards them.

“Hmm,” he hummed, eyes completely unfocused on the paper, “I suppose that apology will work.”

Lucifer gave a genuine smile when he felt MC’s arms wrap around his neck, their lips eagerly falling just at the corner of his lips. He tossed the paper aside once again and spun around once again, grabbing a hold of their hips to pull them close.

“I guess a little sweet now and again wouldn’t be so bad as long as I steal it from you.”
