#obey me guide



OM: New Event System Guide

Firstly, unless Solmare change their mind, the new mechanic introduced in the current event is intended to be permanent.

This is how events will function from this time forward, from the Celestial loot boxes to the lack of SSRs in the event Nightmare.

My guide for the new events is one step long and very simple:



Events in the new system no longer have rewards. Instead they have prizes available via loot boxes, a type of gambling.

Loot boxes are required in most legal systems to list their odds of each item - even if those odds are equal. Solmare has not done this and risks the game being pulled from international app stores as a result.

If the odds are indeed flat, your chances of getting the first character SSR (Simeon) is 1 in 250, as each box has 250 items. You have to get that card twice in order to open the next box.

To get the SSR costs up to 125,000 points.

Versus the old system, 100,000 for the SSR.

To get the demon UR costs 500,000 points.

Versus the old system, 285,000 for the UR.


The number of battles remains the same - 83 per day if the extra battles via adverts are available.

The base reward per battle is 120 points.

The base daily total is 9960.

The base event total is 119,520.

ie, not enough for the SSR.

(This is a keyed event so the base event total will be lower than this in fact.)


The event Nightmare contains no SSR or SR cheat cards, only URs.

The odds of pulling an event UR do not change regardless of increasing or decreasing the number of URs.

The odds remain at 0.5%, ie an average of 1 UR for every 200 pulls.

This means your chances of having a higher battle total due to cheat cards is far lower than in previous events.

The only way to get higher odds is to use a UR voucher. You can try and win one for just 625,000 points ಠ_ಠ


The loot boxes contain more prizes in terms of backgrounds, icons, and random items, as well as AP, DP and DV.

However, your chances of getting any of these is far small (1 in 250 per box), rendering most of the prizes useless, and opening the next box dependent on you earning up to 250 openings of the previous box.


By the way, the Charge Missions this time around are also more expensive - anything from $200-400 depending on your currency - and no longer count level up sales or spending DP towards the totals.

Only purchased DP counts.



  • In order to get the Diavolo and Lucifer URs you will have to earn up to 1,000,000 points.
  • Your odds of getting any one prize are 1/250.
  • Not listing odds of loot boxes is legally and ethically dubious and misleading.
  • It is possible to do 200 pulls and get only one UR.
  • This is the planned event mechanic going forward - without the 100 (x2) free pulls.
  • There is no guaranteed card prize for ftp players.


Finally, please be aware that loot boxes are GAMBLING.

Obey Me has gone from a game that included one element of gambling via gacha, to a game that is solely reliant on gambling.

Nightmare is gambling.

Event prizes are gambling.

Gambling without odds listed is horrifically irresponsible.

Gambling games are NOT SUITABLE for minors.

People with adhd, anxiety, depression, and so forth are all at higher risk of falling prey to spending spirals and gambling addiction.

Please do not waste your money


I forgot to include this earlier but -

If(!) Solmare don’t rescind their decision to have this as a permanent new mechanic, I’m expecting it to be implented the same way keys were at first.

ie every second event will have the new mechanic

(but possibly every Nightmare will only have URs, I’m not sure). And then slowly, it will become every event, as if every other event weren’t bad enough.

And all of the above very much applies.

This means that if the next event after this double anniversary one doesn’t have the new mechanic, that unfortunately does not mean it has been revoked ¬_¬

If Solmare announce that this won’t be the mechanic going forward, that will be the win for players as it means they changed their mind due to backlash, cancelled VIP memberships, and lack of participation.


As it stands atm, it’s a moral dilemma for me whether to continue writing theories as I don’t want to promote an unethical game that doesn’t list gambling odds and is based wholly on gambling mechanics.

It’s easy to say that I can just not play the events myself, but I don’t feel comfortable publicly backing a predatory gambling game, no matter how much I love the characters and the fandom interpretations of them


OM: New Event System Guide

Firstly, unless Solmare change their mind, the new mechanic introduced in the current event is intended to be permanent.

This is how events will function from this time forward, from the Celestial loot boxes to the lack of SSRs in the event Nightmare.

My guide for the new events is one step long and very simple:



Events in the new system no longer have rewards. Instead they have prizes available via loot boxes, a type of gambling.

Loot boxes are required in most legal systems to list their odds of each item - even if those odds are equal. Solmare has not done this and risks the game being pulled from international app stores as a result.

If the odds are indeed flat, your chances of getting the first character SSR (Simeon) is 1 in 250, as each box has 250 items. You have to get that card twice in order to open the next box.

To get the SSR costs up to 125,000 points.

Versus the old system, 100,000 for the SSR.

To get the demon UR costs 500,000 points.

Versus the old system, 285,000 for the UR.


The number of battles remains the same - 83 per day if the extra battles via adverts are available.

The base reward per battle is 120 points.

The base daily total is 9960.

The base event total is 119,520.

ie, not enough for the SSR.

(This is a keyed event so the base event total will be lower than this in fact.)


The event Nightmare contains no SSR or SR cheat cards, only URs.

The odds of pulling an event UR do not change regardless of increasing or decreasing the number of URs.

The odds remain at 0.5%, ie an average of 1 UR for every 200 pulls.

This means your chances of having a higher battle total due to cheat cards is far lower than in previous events.

The only way to get higher odds is to use a UR voucher. You can try and win one for just 625,000 points ಠ_ಠ


The loot boxes contain more prizes in terms of backgrounds, icons, and random items, as well as AP, DP and DV.

However, your chances of getting any of these is far small (1 in 250 per box), rendering most of the prizes useless, and opening the next box dependent on you earning up to 250 openings of the previous box.


By the way, the Charge Missions this time around are also more expensive - anything from $200-400 depending on your currency - and no longer count level up sales or spending DP towards the totals.

Only purchased DP counts.



  • In order to get the Diavolo and Lucifer URs you will have to earn up to 1,000,000 points.
  • Your odds of getting any one prize are 1/250.
  • Not listing odds of loot boxes is legally and ethically dubious and misleading.
  • It is possible to do 200 pulls and get only one UR.
  • This is the planned event mechanic going forward - without the 100 (x2) free pulls.
  • There is no guaranteed card prize for ftp players.


Finally, please be aware that loot boxes are GAMBLING.

Obey Me has gone from a game that included one element of gambling via gacha, to a game that is solely reliant on gambling.

Nightmare is gambling.

Event prizes are gambling.

Gambling without odds listed is horrifically irresponsible.

Gambling games are NOT SUITABLE for minors.

People with adhd, anxiety, depression, and so forth are all at higher risk of falling prey to spending spirals and gambling addiction.

Please do not waste your money



How To: The Hidden 68 DV in OM

It occurred to me recently that perhaps not everyone knows about one of the sources of Demon Vouchers in Obey Me, a source that you likely already have!

While there are sporadic DV rewards for various achievements in the To Do list which give a total of 32 DV, a lot of these achievements take a long time to reach. The requirements for those are at the bottom of this post!

But the main hidden source is much more accessible - they are in the cards you already have

Each card has a Devil Tree in which you can unlock higher strengths and levels for your card, and for the rarer cards (UR+, UR, SSR) you can also unlock voice clips, wallpapers, background music, chats, clothing, and more.

But for all rarity of cards, you can also unlock ITEMS. The majority of the time, these are anything from AP and glowsticks, to food and story keys.

And in some cards - 37 of them currently - the items are DV!

How do we know this? Because fans share what they get for unlocking each item, and the OM wiki keeps track of them all

Most of these cards are low rarity, meaning that you a) likely already have them and b) their items are very cheap to unlock.

(Remember that you can filter your contacts by rarity and/or sin to more easily find these cards!)


First up, those from the three normal Nightmare chapters -

Keep reading

If you’re busy unlocking Devil Trees, why not pick up the 37 DV that are hidden in the gifts in certain cards?

So, apparently you can get DV if you unlock some card’s items? How did I not know about this.

2 vouchers I got thanks to u/Neinzz_1are
Sr - Lust - Belphie - The Secret of the Attic - 2nd item
R - Envy - Levi - Game Immersion - 1st item

Also check out this post. It’s a list of cards that should contain vouchers as well.



How To: The Hidden 68 DV in OM

It occurred to me recently that perhaps not everyone knows about one of the sources of Demon Vouchers in Obey Me, a source that you likely already have!

While there are sporadic DV rewards for various achievements in the To Do list which give a total of 32 DV, a lot of these achievements take a long time to reach. The requirements for those are at the bottom of this post!

But the main hidden source is much more accessible - they are in the cards you already have

Each card has a Devil Tree in which you can unlock higher strengths and levels for your card, and for the rarer cards (UR+, UR, SSR) you can also unlock voice clips, wallpapers, background music, chats, clothing, and more.

But for all rarity of cards, you can also unlock ITEMS. The majority of the time, these are anything from AP and glowsticks, to food and story keys.

And in some cards - 37 of them currently - the items are DV!

How do we know this? Because fans share what they get for unlocking each item, and the OM wiki keeps track of them all

Most of these cards are low rarity, meaning that you a) likely already have them and b) their items are very cheap to unlock.

(Remember that you can filter your contacts by rarity and/or sin to more easily find these cards!)


First up, those from the three normal Nightmare chapters -

Demon SRs:

The School for Demons (Sloth) - A

The Secret of the Attic (Lust) - A, G

The Living Room (Envy) - A

Demon Rs + Ns:

The Cynical Fourth-Born (Greed) - A

The Catnapping Seventh-Born (Gluttony) - A

Game Immersion (Envy) - A, G

The Noble Demon (Gluttony) - A

The Otaku Third-Born (Pride) - A

Sleep Is the Best Medicine (Pride) - A, G

The Avatar of Wrath (Gluttony) - G

Memory SSRs + SRs

The Battle King - M

A True Gentleman - M

Chibi Lucy II (Wrath) - M

Chibi Beel II (Greed) - M, G

Memory Rs + Ns

Chibi Levi I (Sloth) - M

Chibi Levi I (Greed) - M

Chibi Satan I (Sloth) - M

Chibi Asmo I (Sloth) - M

Little D. of Greed (Envy) - M, G

Little D. of Envy (Envy) - M

Little D. of Gluttony (Greed) - M, G

Little D. of Sloth (Sloth) - M


Next up we have the cards available via Lonely Devil -

Demon Cards:

All I Want for Christmas Is You (SSR) - Dark Santa

Truth or Tale (SR) - Rub That Lamp

Memory Cards:

Romance Royale (UR) - Glass Slippers

In Pursuit of Presents (UR) - Dark Santa

Create Your Own Avatar? (SSR) - Calling Out to You

Who Took the Pudding? (SSR) - Devil’s Detective

Until You Fall Asleep (SR) - Good Night Devil

A Miserable Client (SR) - Devil’s Detective


Two of the cards are available in Akuzon-

Mysterious Phenomena (UR)

Love, Friendship, and Justice (SSR)


And the remaining cards are from past event Nightmares -

Colorful Panic (demon UR) - True Colors

Color Trouble (SSR) - True Colors

Take It Easy (SR) - Picnic Time

In High Spirits (SR) - Picnic Time



In order to unlock each item, and know which of the multiple items contains the DV, see below! I’ve grouped the cards by their sins so you know which resources are required.

(Note - all items are of the titled sin unless otherwise specified. I have also confirmed most of these cards and made some corrections to what is on the wiki. Cards with a “?” after item number are those I do not own.)


• Colorful Panic - Item 3?: 15 Sports Drinks, 5 Skulls, 3 Handkerchiefs, 8k

• All I Want for Christmas Is You - Item 1: 10 Gems, 10 Sloth Gems, 5 Watches, 2k

• The Otaku Third-Born - Item 3: 15 Gems, 5 Mugs, 3 Drinks, 4.5k

• Sleep Is the Best Medicine - Item 1: 5 Gems, 3 Gluttony Gems, 3 Watches, 2k


• Color Trouble - Item 2: 20 Gems, 10 Mugs, 5 Drinks, 4.5k

• In Pursuit of Presents - Item 3?: 15 Drinks, 5 Skulls, 3 Handkerchiefs, 8k

• The Battle King - Item 3: 15 Mugs, 5 Sunglasses, 3 Skulls, 6k

• A True Gentleman - Item 1: 10 Gems, 10 Gluttony Gems, 5 Watches, 2k

• The Cynical Fourth-Born - Item 2: 10 Gems, 5 Watches, 3 Mugs, 3k

• Chibi Beel II - Item 1: 5 Gems, 5 Sloth Gems, 5 Watches, 2k

• Chibi Levi I - Item 3: 15 Gems, 5 Mugs, 3 Sports Drinks, 4k

• Little D. of Gluttony - Item 2: 10 Gems, 5 Watches, 3 Mugs, 3k


• The Living Room - Item 1: 5 Gems, 5 Wrath Gems, 5 Watches, 2k)

• Game Immersion - Item 1: 5 Gems, 3 Pride Gems, 3 Watches, 2k

• A Miserable Client - Item 3: 10 Drinks, 5 Sunglasses, 3 Skulls, 6k

• Little D. of Greed - Item 3: 15 Gems, 5 Mugs, 3 Drinks, 4.5k

• Little D. of Envy - Item 3: 15 Gems, 5 Mugs, 3 Drinks, 4.5k

• Until You Fall Asleep - Item 2?: 10 Gems, 5 Watches, 3 Mugs, 3k


• Romance Royal - Item 3?: 15 Drinks, 5 Skulls, 3 Handkerchiefs, 8k

• Create Your Own Avatar? - Item 3: 15 Mugs, 5 Sunglasses, 3 Skulls, 6k

• Chibi Lucy II - Item 1?: 5 Gems, 5 Greed Gems, 5 Watches, 2k


• Who Took the Pudding? - Item 3: 15 Mugs, 5 Sunglasses, 3 Skulls, 6k

• The Secret of the Attic - Item 2: 10 Gems, 5 Watches, 3 Mugs, 3k

• In High Spirits - Item 3: 10 Drinks, 5 Sunglasses, 3 Skulls, 6k


• Love, Friendship, and Justice - Item 2: 15 Mugs, 5 Sunglasses, 3 Skulls, 6k

• Truth or Tale - Item 3: 10 Drinks, 5 Sunglasses, 3 Skulls, 6k

• Take It Easy - Item 1: 5 Gems, 5 Sloth Gems, 5 Watches, 2k

• The Catnapping Seventh-Born - Item 2: 10 Gems, 5 Watches, 3 Mugs, 3k

• The Noble Demon - Item 3: 15 Gems, 5 Mugs, 3 Drinks, 4.5k

• The Avatar of Wrath - Only item: 5 Gems, 3 Wrath Gems, 3 Watches, 2k


• Mysterious Phenomena - Item 2: 15 Drinks, 5 Skulls, 3 Handkerchiefs, 8k

• The School for Demons - Item 1: 5 Gems, 5 Pride Gems, 5 Watches, 2k

• Chibi Levi I - Item 2: 10 Gems, 5 Watches, 3 Mugs, 3k

• Chibi Satan I - Item 2: 10 Gems, 5 Watches, 3 Mugs, 3k

• Chibi Asmo I - Item 1: 5 Gems, 3 Lust Gems, 3 Watches, 2k

• Little D. of Sloth - Item 3?: 15 Gems, 5 Mugs, 3 Drinks, 4.5k

• The Witty Sorcerer I - Only item: 5 Gems, 3 Lust Gems, 3 Watches, 2k


As you can see, the requirements for unlocking vary and which number item it is in the devil tree determines expense - ones that are the first or only gift are extremely cheap, often needing only four or five steps unlock to reach it from the beginning, while others are much further along the tree branches.

Overall however, this is a very cheap way of getting DV.

The total is 37 DV!

Not too shabby, and as new cards are constantly released, perhaps more in the future will have DV hidden away in the items too, so be sure to check the OM wiki^^


To Do DV Rewards

As I mentioned up top, there are also DV rewards for completing several of the To Do Achievements, although many will require a lot of playing:

• 12k hard battle wins (1 DV)

• 15k hard battle wins (2 DV)

• 800 DP spent in Nightmare (1 DV)

• 1k DP spent in Nightmare (2 DV)

• 700 total gifts given to Surprise Guests (1 DV)

• 950 jobs for each demon (7 x 1 DV)

• 1450 jobs for each side character (5 x 1 DV)

• 600 items given to each character (12 x 1 DV)

Which gives us another total of 31 DV!


A grand total of 68 DV ^-^


Remember too that you can exchange 45 Raven for 1 DV in Akuzon, and that the best way to farm Raven is to do a ten pull in Chapter G everyday. It doesn’t take long to get to the point where you get 8-10 raven per 10 pull in G once your cards are all skilled up to level 10 from repeats

Additionally, the Congratulations Flash Sale that pops up when you level up is the best sale in the game. 5 DV for 99 DP is a fantastic rate (normally it is 27-30 DP per 1 DV, this is 19.8 DP per 1 DV), and I advise always taking that sale offer when you can.

(It appears after level 15 for every 5 levels, then every three levels, two levels, then every level from about 60 onwards.)

The only offer that is better is Solomon’s Summoning Sale that pops up during Nightmare Revivals and offers 10 DV for 150 DP - also unmissable whenever possible!

There are also various special log in events, occasional inbox gifts, and the odd few DV here and there in Levi’s Boot Camp and some of the limited events in To Do, so keep your eyes peeled ^^

And finally, remember that in every non-birthday event, it is possible to get to the end of page one of rewards with no bonus cards at all. And page one always has a total of 10 DV. At one to two events a month that’s 10-20 DV you might be missing out on, and it’s especially easy to do now if you have VIP as event battles are completely skippable.

Happy unlocking!


OM! Guides Masterpost

