#obey me little devils


Mammon leans back on the couch, reading a small book. As of late, he had been restless, and found a lot of comfort in staying awake in a room that wasn’t his. Overall, his mood had been a constant dragging sensation. Nothing but annoyances, or grief. 

The tired, white haired demon flipped a page in his book, and soon, felt a small nudging on his arm. 

Looking down, he smiled, seeing the Little Devil of Greed. also known as ‘Lil D No. 2′. The small devil grinned at him in their typically mischievious way, before floating down, and plopping down on Mammon’s chest. 

“Papaaaaa” the small devil whined playfully to the Demon of Greed. “Papaa, I’m bored…” the small devil continued. 

Mammon groaned, and put the book down. However, he maintained a pretty soft expression. “Lil G. It’s late, there’s not much i can do with you right now. What do you want me to do?” the white haired man asked, 

The small devilish creature smiled as it moved it’s small stick like hands a bit. “Read?” he asked, before crawling up closer to mammon’s head, and looking up at the book. “I like hearing you tell stories.” the devil said, before settling down again. 

Naturally, Mammon’s older brother instinct took over, and he sighs- a small smile crossing his lips as he sat up on the couch. “Fine, Fine. Come ‘ere goofball.” he pat the small pillow right next to him, the little golden eyed devil letting out a small cackle-like laugh- though it more in playfulness. It plopped down on the pillow and looks up, seeing a few small drawings on the book. 

The avatar of greed started to read the modest book with enthusiasm, smiling down to the devil, then turning the page to read again. He made sure to read somewhat silently, that way he wasn’t waking anyone up- but in about ten minutes, the other visiting little devils were all on the couch with him and Lil’ G- listening to the story. 

The rest of the night went by quickly, all of them enjoying their family-like activity together.

“Once, in a far off land- the skies were stained black with unknown auras of the night sky- burning stars pierced the darkness- and from them- a guardian was borne. He was calm, and fair. One might say that he was an image of arguable perfection. Noble, and pure, this guardian was. He could pierce enemeies with his sword- romoured to be white-hot to the touch. Every monster he slain fell from the skies- leaving behind a trail of light. Thus- ‘Falling Stars’ were discovered.”
