#obey me lucfier



Request: hi!! this isnt really fluff¿ but i have a headcannon request! could you do the brothers reacting to seeing mc just absolutely jammimg out on the drums/guitar to some hardcore metal rock for the first time?like the bros go looking for mc and find them in the RAD music room just blasting music, going ham. mc never told them that they like metal etc, so this is the first time finding out mc’s love for metal and performing. -Anon

A bit of a strange request, but I shall comply!


  • He was walking through the halls of rad, looking for you.
  • When suddenly loud music started blaring from the band room.
  • Lucifer had suspected it to be some rebellious demon, so he headed to the band room to check it out.
  • However when he found you, he was more than a little surprised.
  • Lucifer isn’t a huge fan of metal music, but he could tell you were experienced.
  • You played the guitar with ease, but he couldn’t quite recognize what song you were playing.
  • He allowed you to finish one song before entering the room.
  • “Your rather good on the guitar, may I ask what song you were playing?”
  • You tell him its a song you actually wrote, and he grows very proud.
  • Lucifer supports you greatly and inspires you to preform if you’d like to do so.


  • Whats taking them so long?
  • Mammon had told you to meet him outside at 6:30, and it was nearly 7:00 already.
  • He had half the mind to go inside and get you!
  • …So he did.
  • On his way to your room however he started hearing noise from the music room.
  • Mammon’s curiosity got the better of him, and he peeked in, to see you flawlessly playing the drum set.
  • He was shocked to say the least.
  • Why hadn’t you told him huh? Were you trying to keep it a secret?
  • As much as Mammon wanted to burst in and demand answers, he waited for you to finish the song first.
  • “Oi! Why didn’t ya tell me you played music?”
  • Mammon actually really enjoys your music, and will encourage you to play on stage.


  • M-Moe…
  • Levi was about to head home from Rad when he passed by the band room.
  • He was a bit curious as to who would stay after school just to play, so he peeked his head in.
  • When he saw you were the one playing the electric piano he froze.
  • Levi himself has experience with pianos and soundboards, and he begins to wonder if maybe you could bond over it.
  • He doesn’t really move until eventually you notice him by the door.
  • You stop playing, which helps Levi snap out of it.
  • “N-Normie you can play the piano? So can I! M-maybe we could play together… If Y-you want to…”
  • He doesn’t really care if you play on stage or not, but if you do he probably wont join you.
  • He loves to play with you, but in private please…?


  • Interesting.
  • That’s kinda his whole reaction…
  • Satan isn’t a huge fan of medal, but he doesn’t dislike it either.
  • When he catches you in the music room, playing a large base guitar, he didn’t hesitate to let himself in. 
  • When you notice him, and stop playing he encourages you to continue.
  • Its clear to Satan that you have experience, your holding the guitar properly, and even though Satan has never played himself he knows the notes are perfect.
  • “Ah, don’t stop on my account. I’m merely here to observe.”
  • Wont make you preform, but if you do he will 100% support you.
  • Its hard to tell if he likes your music or not, because he just kinda watches silently.


  • Oh what do we have here? Is little Mc more talented than we thought?
  • Asmo was coming to your room to show off his new perfume, but when he entered he saw you sat on your bed with an electric guitar.
  • You had blearily just started playing, and Asmo is already squealing.
  • You almost stop, but when Asmo starts cheering for you to play for him you decide to finish the song.
  • After finishing Asmo applauds you, and pulls you into a tight hug.
  • “Darling how dare you hide this talent from me for so long! I’ve got to show you off even more now!”
  • Asmo will defiantly want you to preform.
  • He cant let such raw talent go to waist, especially when its someone so very close to him.
  • If you really don’t want to ply in front of a crowd he wont force you to.


  • Beel actually enjoys Rock music quite a lot.
  • He was looking for Belphie, and decided to check the music room.
  • He was only a bit shocked to see you sat on a stool by the large drum set.
  • You hadn’t started playing, but Beel entered, and sat down on the floor, looking up at you expectantly.
  • after a moment of hesitation you began to play for him.
  • Beel smiled while you played, even though he hadn’t said anything you could tell he enjoyed it.
  • “Thank you for playing for me Mc. I like your music.”
  • It was a simple complement but you could tell he meant it.
  • Beel probably wont even consider you playing on stage, but if you tell him you plan to he’ll come to every performance.


  • Belphie normally doesn’t like rock music, its loud and makes it difficult for him to fall asleep.
  • However when he’s actually feeling awake he doesn’t mind it.
  • Belphie was headed to your room, hoping to take a nap when he heard deep music coming from your room.
  • He entered your room, pretty much ignoring your shock as he layed down on your bed.
  • “Keep playing if you want. We can nap afterwards.”
  • You shrugged, and continued to play the base guitar.
  • Belphie couldn’t care less if you preform or not.
  • Every once in a great while Belphie will ask you to play for him when he’s still lucid.


Request: Bro i just got back from my first volleyball practice in like a year. eVERYTHING HURTS. could you have the brothers react to an mc who hurts from practicing a sport? thank you -Anon


  • Lucifer is good at noticing subtle changes in your posture or the way your walking.
  • Usually he’ll get it slide, unless it seems to be hurting you a lot.
  • Today when you came home you had strained a muscle in your arm, unfortunately you also had cooking duty.
  • Since it was your arm Lucifer hadn’t noticed anything until he noticed you cutting vegetables with your non-dominant hand.
  • You were struggling quite a bit so Lucifer decided to intervene.
  • “You shouldn’t strain yourself. Now show me where it hurts.”
  • He’ll get you some medicine or ice, and offer to do the most strenuous work for you.
  • He’s decent at massages, but getting one from him is a rarity.


  • Usually your pretty good at tolerating your aches and bruises.
  • Because of this Mammon either doesn’t notice, or doesn’t intervene.
  • But the moment he notices you limping through the door he’s at your side.
  • “Oi what happened huh? Why’re ya limping like that?”
  • He tries his bast to sound more annoyed than worried, but the frown on his face gives away that he cares.
  • Mammon give pretty good massages, not a good as Asmo or Beel, but it will still feel great.
  • If you ask him for ice or some food he’ll scoff and act as though you’ve made some outlandish request.
  • Still gets it for you though.


  • Levi is not stranger to sore spots.
  • He can spend literal hours sat still hunched over a screen.
  • But he isn’t familiar with the soreness that comes with exercise since he exercises so little.
  • At first when he notices you rolling your shoulder he thinks you actually got hurt.
  • “Mc what happened!? Is your arm hurt? Did your fall or something?”
  • After a brief explanation Levi will calm down and brainstorm solutions.
  • He’ll give you an ice pack, or a heating pad, whichever you’d prefer.
  • He’s not the best at massages because he too anxious to press very hard.
  • Offers to just relax with you for a bit to help your arm feel better.


  • You’d think this man would be on it, but he’s kinda just… not…
  • Most of the medical books Satan has read are on diseases or anatomy, sores aren’t often covered in enough detail for him to look into.
  • Of course he does have a few potions that could help dull any pain, but he doesn’t know if it will really “fix” anything.
  • He’ll probably notice that your had hurts when your reading a book in his room.
  • He notices your holding the book and turning the pages with one hand.
  • “Are you in pain? If so can i take a look? Perhaps I can find something to help.”
  • He doesn’t give the best massages… perhaps you should ask Asmo if that’s what you want.


  • You think you can hide form this man? Think again.
  • Even if you aren’t sore yet Asmo knows if you will be.
  • “How did I know your back was sore? Doesn’t matter! Come on i’ll give you a nice massage and a bath!”
  • Dramatic boy is dramatic.
  • His massages are literal Magic.
  • Even if you were complaining at first, his massage will probably make you think twice.
  • This becomes a post game routine.
  • And a post practice routine…
  • Pretty much just any chance he gets.


  • The King Of Massages!
  • Beel himself gets a lot of soreness from exercise so he knows the perfect spots to massage.
  • Don’t tell Asmo but… Beel gives better massages.
  • Beel wont hesitate to offer help when he notices your limp.
  • Want an ice pack? Hes on it. Comfort food? Obviously. Cuddles? Heating pad? Stretches? Beel knows almost every way to help with sore muscles.
  • “Your sore? I know just what to do. I get sore a lot from exercise too.”
  • Honestly if Beel wasn’t your first choice, then you need to rethink some things.


  • Belphie is rather lazy, so he doesn’t notice how sore your shoulder is until he accidentally leans on it.
  • Of course he immediately stops when you yelp.
  • “Wha- Did I really hurt you? I didn’t press that hard..”
  • He sounds both sorry and bored at the same time.
  • When you explain what happened he seems relieved.
  • Belphie wont offer a massage, but if you give him puppy dog eyes he’ll give it a try.
  • His massages are fine, but they’re always cut short when he falls asleep from moving so slowly.