#obey me new characters


Things Mc Probably has done in the Devildom Part 7

We gave up on trying to make sense of how we ended with 10 demon husbands,2 Angels, An immortal sorcerer as husbands + a reaper wife…and how absolutely idiotic they are

…ok pro is we have an angel and imp(LilD’s)sons and we acquired a fluffy, scally babies

Update!(thanks to @hoodlum-on-d-rise) i realized

Demon husbands are 13…adding Karasu,Aku and Majolish

Based on the silhouettes from the new characters I’m guessing

  • 1st is either a human person (they might be nb) or maybe a reaper.
  • 2nd looks like a RAD uniform so could be Mephistopheles.
  • 3rd I’m gonna guess Raphael.


on a scale of “I will die for him” to “I hope you starve and die”, can you rank the brothers and/or dateables?

I will die for him

  • Mammon
  • Luke (Ik he is not dateable but I had to include him)
  • Beelzebub
  • Diavolo
  • Lucifer

I will kill for him

  • Simeon
  • Luke
  • Solomon
  • Mephistopheles
  • Barbatos
  • Satan
  • Leviathan

I hope you starve and die

  • Belphegor (suck it homicidal cowboy)
  • Raphael (for now, we’ll see how his character develops)

{ I don’t have that strong feelings for Asmodeus so I don’t know where to put him. }


[ Tagging:@otome-scribbles,@ice-icebaby,@amor-immortalem@absolutepokemontrash,@hoesoflamentation,@domreader-headcannon-scenarios,@devildomwritersposts,@its-not-a-phase-mom-i-d8-demons,@anotakugardener,@otromeru,@yukihaie,@demonfamilytherapist​,@books-and-catears​ and anyone else who sees this on their dash and wants to join! ]
