#obey me reader



Love Them, Hate Them



Summary:Belphie loves humans, but Belphie also hates humans.

TW: Character’s death, mentions of violence

My submission for @humanityobmz’s fanzine.

I co-wrote this with @candymeowz Show her some love if you like this piece :D

Belphie loves humans.

Together with his little sister Lilith, they always venture to the Human World, observing in awe at this peculiar species. They’d sneak out together from their work and responsibilities in favour of watching the little humans who live in the land below. It has become a weekly routine for the two.

Such an interesting and curious species.

Humans; sometimes dark energies filled their souls and caused them to act more inhumane than demons themselves as they continue to sin and spread corruption across the land. While sometimes, their souls were filled with so much purity that even angels couldn’t compare.

Belphie loves this side of humankind. Filled with flaws and weaknesses, humans are tested with obstacles and hurdles throughout their years of living. Some will fail and give in to their temptations while some successfully overcome them and still retain their pure souls.

Unlike his ever so cheerful life in the Celestial Realm, Belphie much preferred humans who fell to their knees, only to rise back up and try to be better the next day. Their kindness and humility also showed no bounds as they continue to support one another as a team.

Such commendable acts from a species that won’t live as long as angels and demons; admirable, brave, and very human-like.

But who would’ve thought such weak creatures are powerful enough to be the sole cause of his beloved sister’s death.

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You can find this amazing work in the Humanity zine!! For only ten dollars, get this, and twenty-five other pieces of content!! Support the charities now by buying here!
