#obey me satan wholesome


More time spent walking soon was complimented with the arrival of their destination. Mammon was behind Satan, mainly aiming his interests in looking around, rather than touching anything. There were a lot of things on the shelves- including objects that weren’t quite library items. However, they were a nice touch. Good thing Mammon brought his wallet. 

Not that Satan knew that, of course. 

“Alright, I have a general idea of what we can do first. However, if we can’t follow it directly that is fine. We just need to make sure not to get lost. I think we are perfectly capable of doing that, right?” Satan chuckled before slightly punching Mammon in the arm, who only huffed with a smile and a roll of the eyes. 

“Yeah, Yeah, I know. I will try to stay on task, alright?” he puffed up his cheeks in defiance, before looking over to the first corner. “So is that where we are goin’ first?”

After looking back to his small plansheet, Satan nodded to his older sibling, before putting it under his arm. 

“Yeah, that would be it. Let’s go while there is a bit of free space.” the blonde walked ahead of the white haired sibling, gently pulling him along. Mammon didn’t mind that he was being tugged along, in all honestly. It reminded him of all those times Satan was showing him to his newest projects. Back when he was way more ambitious. “From what I read, this is supposed to be an exhibit of rare flowers. They got ahold of some resin for the human realms, and preserved these with the help of of some demon magic.”

“That is pretty cool!” he slightly exclaimed, before going back to relative silence. He looked around a couple other demons, before he finally got to see an un-onscured version of these plants. Most of them are from the human realm. He has seen a lot of them before- but- Satan wouldn’t know that. 

All of these flowers were so new. They were a pure experience for him, and Mammon would be damned if he let himself ruin it for his sibling by saying. “Oh, I’ve seen these before." 

Satan went to admire a lot of the differing colors, and shapes, and sizes. In the end, his eyes fell on a strange flower indeed. The flower was colored a soft chiffon hue with a peach pink blush on the ends of the petals. The petals of the flower formed in what looked like a cluster- giving it a pompom like shape. 

Looking down at the label, Mammon remembered what this flower was from one of those human flower shops. Dahlias. 

Specifically a PomPom Dahlia. There was another Dahlia species nearby that maintained the same formation in general relativity. Most likely an Anemone Dahlia- with how dtifferent some of the patterns seemed. 

"This human realm flower looks cool.” the older sibling noted to the younger blonde, before pointing at it. 

The two soon started to talk about it, making some small talk over this pretty, and somewhat unnatural, dare some say, unnerving plant. 

Eventually, the two shifted their attention to other flowers, either admiring them, or poking fun at them here and there. After about five minutes, they walked over to a different table, and looked at the contents, before looking at each other. 

There were some really old pieces of paper, with what looked like exremely aged writing, and drawings. Stuff that didn’t seem to belong in their own histories. It must have been a human based artifact that they were willing to share. 

Mammon soon wrapped his arm over Satan’s shoulders, slightly hesitant, just in case the other didn’t want to be touched. Satan didn’t seem to mind it, looking over to Mammon with more of a curious expression than an angry one. “What’s up? What do you need?” he questioned the older demon, before folding some of the papers he had used to write a few things down under his arm. 

“I don’t need anything I just needed to tell you one thing. C'mere real quick-” Mammon made a small gesture with his hand, becking the other in for him to be whispered to. 

Satan, of course, complied, before Mammon laughed, and started to give him a noogie. 

“Mammon, stop, you’re messing up my hairrrr.” the blonde complained, before pulling himself free of the others arm, and crossing his own, as he looked up to him. “Look at what you did- Mam-” he pointed up to his hair, a somewhat cross expression tugged on his face. 

Mammon started to suddenly get apprehensive- before putting his hands up, and backing up as he waves his hands, feeling as though he had critically upset the other sibling. 

“H-Hey, Satan! I didn’t mean to upset ya- sorry- I’ll just- uh- I’ll just go-” he was backing up, getting ready to leave, before Satan lunged forward a little bit, and put his own hands up into Mammon’s hair, laughing a bit. “Ah-?!”

“I will get my revenge- don’t you try to stop me!” he exclaimed a little quietly, chuckling to the older sibling as he started vigorously shake his hands around Mammon’s mop, making the hair look wild and untamed. Sort of like if ‘bedhead’ 'Bad-hair-day’ and 'Stress 100’ all combined into one unholy chimeric abomination. This would be it.

Mammon started to playfully whine, falling to his knees on the floor in the library. They both might have been either getting weird stares, or small chuckles, but he didn’t care.

He was having fun.

Satan was still roughing up his head, making sure that at least some of it was knotted. At this point, Mammon flopped back on the floor, and stuck up his hands. 

“Noooo, mercyyyyyy! Not my glorious mane! How could you do this to me you monsterrrrrr!” he rolled over on his stomach, and continued to whine to the younger sibling, who only laughed back, putting his talk planning sheet off to the side. 

The other people in the book-fair were mainly amused. Both of them were relatively silent, despite the dramatic sound to both of their voices, so they weren’t disturbing anyone or anything. The people running the book fair were also fair amused by this whole ordeal. Soon, though, the interaction had to end. Both of the men got up from the floor, dusting bits of dander, fallen hairs, and dirt from their clothing. 

Mammon’s head was a hot mess, and Satan’s was a little roughed up but still in a distinguishable hairstyle. 

The siblings took some time out to breathe, going to a few more stations in the Book Fairs Event. Most of these included small trinkets, pieces of history, some strange items, a couple stories, and a lot of estranged miscellenious events. 

Time was flying by. 

Going by so quickly. 

The greedy part of mammon continued to call out, wishing feelings like this would last forever. The last time he remembered ever play wrestling with Satan was when the other was still a very young child. 

It was a special kind of energy that can’t simply be replicated. It was special to him. 

At the end of the night, both of the demons leave the Book Fair with several small bags, and some 'samples’ that someone had given them. Satan was rambling on in excitement about the few new books he got, and Mammon continued to listen in interest as they walked home.

The air was cool, and the moon was full. 

Beautiful nights like these were ware… he wondered if he could have them… forever.

((To Be Contiued))
