#obey me shall we date fic



Class is in Session

***I present to you, the Hive’s Valentine’s Day surprise! This one is inspired by a conversation I had with Aldi (@avatar-mikazuki) a while back about how Levi is the only brother who struggles in the Seductive Speechcraft class; which means all the bros are some pretty smooth talkers. I hope you all enjoy! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Summary: Now that your class has finished discussing the theories of how to apply seductive speechcraft at RAD, it’s time to apply that knowledge. Unfortunately for you, you’re the only human in the room and are the perfect test subject to practice with.

CW: It’s gonna get SUGGESTIVE. Nothing explicit, but there are some implications. Especially with Asmo. This one gets quite sensual.

“Alright class,” your teacher crooned as he set his briefcase onto his desk. “As you know we’ve been discussing the theory behind seductive speechcraft for the past few months. Now I think it’s time for you all practice it and try it out for real.”

Satan frowned and raised his hand, “Professor, how are we meant to practice it? You said Seductive Speech was something we’re supposed to do to mortals when trying to tempt them or lure them into a deal. We’re in the Devildom.”

The teacher nodded in acknowledgment. “That’s correct. Fortunately, we were given a solution to that little issue this year.”

You tensed as your teacher’s eyes fell onto you and a smirk climbed onto his face. “MC, would you come to the front of the class please?”

Mammon jumped up from where he had been leaning back in the chair beside you. “Oi! Why do ya need the human?”

The teacher smiled at the class as you made your way over to him. “Well, Lord Mammon, with the exchange program, we have the rare opportunity to practice your skills while remaining here in the Devildom,” he turned to you and met your eyes. “MC, would you mind being the practice subject for the class today? You would simply have to listen to your classmates’ seductive speech, attempt to resist it, and give feedback afterwards. Are you alright with that?”

Your cheeks flushed as you glanced around the room. Several other demons looked extremely excited to finally get the chance to talk with you without interruption. The brothers’ on the other hand …

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The Case of the Secret Admirer

***It’s always so nice to go back and write some Teen!MC / familial brothers again. This is a very cute concept. I can’t wait. Thank you so much for the request anon! Let’s do this. -B***

Summary: It started with a single note left found inside your locker one day, and ended with a full-scale investigation backed by all the powers of the Devildom. AKA, You have a secret admirer at RAD and nobody is impressed.


Mammon groaned as he waited for you to open your locker. “Chop, chop, MC! If we actually want to meet Asmo in time for shopping, we had to leave, like, ten minutes ago!”

You rolled your eyes as you fiddled with your lock - Human world school locks were tricky enough to get a grasp on, but the Devildom ones were on a whole other level. “We wouldn’t be late in the first place if someonehadn’t got lectured by the teacher after class for passing notes.”

Mammon squawked in offence as your door swung open and a light pink note floated out.

The two of you blinked at the note, glanced at each other, and then back down to the note.

“Did ya put that there?” Mammon asked as he pointed at it.


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A Barrage of Truth

Notes - GN!MC , relationships can be seen as either platonic or romantic , angst with a happy ending?? , Feat. The brothers and Marcus , a spin-off of Something’s Offby@beels-burger-babeand‘mad at Disney’ ( Salem ilese ) / 'bad end ver.’ ( BAD END THEATER )

Summary - Reality hits like a ton of bricks when it comes to something as fickle as a faked love.

Warning - demons being demons and MC being cold.

TW - drugging ( via love potion ) , mentions of violence , mentions of puking , obsessive and possessive behavior , mentions of blood

When the curtains close, you’ll come away stronger or maybe you’ll break / So, call me a pessimist, but I don’t believe in it. Finding a true loves kiss is bulls***

MC couldn’t tell when it hit nor how hard it hit them, all they know is that one moment they were in full control of their actions and the next they were watching a hallmark movie.

It wasn’t unusual for them to get gifts from other demons, but even in the human realm they knew better than to drink something that was supposed to be water yet tasted suspiciously fizzy. Though, a few sips is always more than enough.

It took a few minutes before it kicked in but when it did it felt like they were no longer in control. Almost as if they were suddenly watching their own actions in a theater. They heard themself go dumb and giggle, they saw hearts past through their vision, and heared thoughts that weren’t theirs.

MC watched themself fall for a boy who they never met but was surprisingly familiar. They watched themself plan a wedding and go on dates. They could do nothing as the boy feel for a shadow of them. But above all, they watched themself passively. MC was angry, beyond belief, but they couldn’t exactly do anything about it in the moment. So, they sat back in the seat and watched the movie to the end.

It ended sooner than expected, probably due to MC not taking the full dose, but they awoke in a giants arms while a crow was cawing off to the side. All movement and sound ceased when MC finally stretched out their worn limbs. “Well, that was the longest movie I’ve ever seen.”

Beel, ever the gental giant, let MC down before hugging them tighter. Mammon, the ever cawing crow, started checking MC over for injuries or, well, any signs of harm really.

Mammon was mumbling something about being worried but not jealous while beel stood close by with the look of a sad puppy. MC waved off mammon before hugging them both with light reassurance. They thought about Marcus for a second before looking back at the boys. “We should stop by the ice cream place on our way back to RAD.”

Mammon shot up straight and beel wore a look of anger before it faded to concern. “Why do ya want to go back there?!” , “Are you sure that’s a good idea, MC?” They nodded. They turned around and started on their way to the ice cream shop with mammon and beel tailing them.

Mammon rushed forward “But MC-” “if the next words that come out of your mouth involve 'human, concern, worry, or rest’ you owe me a week’s worth of chores.” Mammon stopped talking. He still eye’d them with concern every once in awhile and beel did the same. “MC-” “I’m eating your ice cream if I hear 'worry, care’, or the phrase 'you seem off’.” Beel started playing with his wrist.

“I’m not mad-” , they started while eating their ice cream ,  “-at least not any more. Probably should’ve been more cautious.” Mammon went to start about how it wasn’t MC’s fault but beel stopped him before he could.

MC ate another spoonful of ice cream before starting again “If anything, I want to know why he did it, demons like him never do things unless it benefits them in a, normally unrealistic and selfish, way.” Beel watched as you handed him what was left of your ice cream while approaching RADs doors. MC took note of a short demon waiting by the gate.

“MC, if ya really wanna do this I ain’t gonna stop ya.” MC raised an eyebrow and chuckled “so you’re not about to try and convince me to turn back?” Mammon thought for a second “No. Just be careful. Alright?” MC nodded and turned to beel “I promise I’m not being reckless this time, okay big guy?” Beel took a deep breath before nodding back as if saying a silent 'I trust you’.

MC observed the shot before them with a curious stare.

Daivolo wore an angry and flaming expression, his jaw was clenched so only his shark like teeth can show, and his fists were clenched so hard his knuckles were unnaturally white.

Barbatos’s normally calm demeanor was replaced by a chilling one, one hand holding down the demons wrist while the other was clenched in the demons hair, he spoke honey like words through razor-sharp teeth.

Lucifers arms were crossed so tightly they’d probably bruise, his eyes were iced over and the crimson in them shone, unnaturally, through.

Satan had black smoke appearing around him while the feathers that would shape his boa float about, his eyes holding a molten like flame, his wrath oozing and burning anything in his path.

Asmo’s tail twitched while he watched on with a sweet yet venomous smile, his posture was somehow both tensed and relaxed.

Levi sat, bored, his fingers drumming melodic and hypnotic tune while his eyes held rapid rivers behind them as they bore into the demon.

Belphegor was unnaturally awake, eyes watching almost as if taunting the demon to make a move, his posture was rigged and his lip was upturned with disgust.

Mammon and Beel watched the demon. Mammon stood tall with a guarded expression, his arms at his sides and his hand near MC, he seemed ready to dash away if needed.

Beel stood with a reticent expression, his eyes stone while locked onto the demon, his posture was upright and his fists were clenched as if ready to run into battle if need be.

For a second MC wondered how purgatory hall was doing.

Time started going again when MC spoke at the same time as Marcus. “I’m technically not harmed.” “They weren’t harmed!” Marcus spoke up to defend himself, MC spoke up to let their presence be known.

Daivolo and barbatos turned to MC with shock, MC simply chuckled before stepping forward. “Sorry to interrupt you lord Daivolo, I just wanted it to be known.” They lightly bowed their head in respect towards the man in question. Had it been any other time MC would have laughed at how he was taken aback by the bow.

“MC-” Lucifer started but was stopped when they held up their hand and nodded. “Marcus is right, I’m technically not harmed. Aside from the minor headache and heightened trust issues, I’m unharmed.”

MC turned away from the crowd and kneeled down to face Marcus. Daivolo and barbatos both watched on with Leer, they had suspicions that MC was still under the effects of the potion but they wouldn’t admit it. Both of them would rather MC make the first move.

MC spoke with a calculated tone “Y'know, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was brave enough to interrupt lord Daivolo. Especially in a situation like this.” Marcus had looked up to meet MC’s eyes. “I-I’m so sorry-” “so I’ve heard.” Marcus’s eye’s lit with a spark of shock before starting to water. The guilt seemed to be catching up now. “Don’t do that, blood in the eye isn’t very pleasant.”

MC made a motion for barbatos to release one of Marcus’s hands while pulling out a handkerchief. Marcus eye’d it curiously before looking up at MC.

MC’s calculated expression turns stone for bit before “you didn’t hurt me, so I have no reason to hurt you.” Satan seemed enraged at that “BUT HE DID HURT YOU-” “Not physically, see? Not a scratch.” MC waved their hand at him before watching him growl ever so slightly.

Marcus looked around with circumspect eyes as he wiped his face. “MC I-” a cold bottle of water cut him off as it pressed to his, probably concussed, head. “What do you say we take a walk?” Several shouts of disagreement could be heard across the room.


There ya go again, letting out reckless ideas!!

MC, I can’t allow you to be alone with this-

What are you thinking?!

Marcus winced from barbatos tightening his hold on him while MC waited for the shouts to die down and stood up. Marcus watched on with panicked eyes “why are you-” “I’m human. Which means unlike these brutes-” Levi chuckled “-HEATHENS if you will.” Belphegor giggled. “I’ve seen issues become resolved without torture or death. Plus, the crime was against me so what I say goes.”

Marcus was shivering as MC knelt back down and pushed the bottle back onto his head. MC tilted their head while focusing their gaze back onto his form “So, what do you say about that walk?”

Marcus hesitated before nodding and MC nodded to barbatos “you can let him up, if he was smart enough to find a way to slip me a love potion then he won’t be stupid enough to try anything.” They finished while taking note of the wince Marcus let out despite not having been moved yet. Barbatos looked to Daivolo and was met with a chary nod. He drug Marcus back up to his feet before releasing him.

MC watched on with reserved eyes and walked towards the door that lead out of the room with a reluctant Marcus on their heels. MC heard a third pair of footsteps quickly follow. “Alone. Send one of your crows if you wish, but, I’d prefer to do this in a humane way.” Mammon reluctantly stood down but he did summon a crow as he watched MC step out of his sight.

There was a heavy silence as MC and Marcus stepped down the hall. Marcus was waiting for what MC had to say and MC seemed to be thinking of the words. “There’s a popular phrase in the human realm. 'Love is blind’ is how it goes.” Marcus matched their pase and began to speak up again “MC I’m-” “It was said by the same person who wrote tragic love stories for years… you made a few mistakes, don’t you think?”

Marcus looked at MC with regret filled eyes. “MC please, I’m so sor-” “so I’ve heard.” MC stopped before the door to leave RAD. “However, It was more than a simple love potion, there was collateral damage as well.” They finished while walking briskly to the gate of RAD.

The short demon from before was still there, now looking slightly more worried than the last time MC saw them.

MC stopped just out of eye and ear shot of them while Marcus stared in shock. “They’ve been waiting for you for quite some time now.” Marcus’s eyes darted between MC and the demon by the gate. “Let me guess, you forgot to tell them that you were going out on a date?” Marcus watched the demon with disbelief before replying. “Yes, I did. B-but what does that have to do with this?”

MC kept their gaze on the demon at the gate while holding up one finger at Marcus, “you were so busy with the date that you forgot to tell your friend over there that you weren’t going to make it. Now, they’re worried while you were to distracted by me to notice.”

Marcus opened his mouth to speak before quickly shutting it as he wasn’t able to come up with a reply. MC watched as the demon pulled out their phone while tapping their foot as if unsettled. “And with that, love made you blind to those close around you.” MC spared a glance at Marcus to see his stunned expression.

MC turned and nodded at Marcus to follow them further down the path.

“MC?” MC hummed while keeping their gaze on the path “why did you save me?” MC hummed again, this time out of thought. “I don’t have an answer for you on that one. I’ll get back to you on it.” They said while they stopped. They leaned over the railing the over looks the devildom and ignored an over heared familiar caw. Marcus leaned a bit away next to them.

“Marcus?” This time it was his turn to hum “do you love me?” Marcus let out a suprised yelp but scrambled for an answer nonetheless. “Y-yes! Of course i-” MC interrupted him with a nod “Then why did you love me when I took the love potion.”

Marcus’s face contorted into one of pure and utter, pentinence. “I-I didn’t- I can’t-” MC sighed “no answer then.” They watched as Markus’s fists tensed and relaxed.

“There’s another phrase in the human realm, the mimicry of love is heartbreak.” MC turned so they no longer faced RAD, “did you love me, or the idea of what you thought I could be?” They spoke tactfully. Marcus hated it. “I didn’t- I loved you before the love potion, MC please-” They sighed before turning their head to his pleading form.

“The person you saw with the love potion, is that the same person you see with the brothers?” Marcus answered through stormy grey eyes “No.” MC hummed “and yet you could love the first more than the latter.” They finished with a fact tone.

MC watched as a hurricane swirled behind his eyes.

Marcus sat in his own misery before MC spoke up again.

“You gave me a love potion to make me love you, and in turn you fell in love with what you thought I could be.” MC gave their hand to the curled up ball on the floor. Marcus hesitated before grabbing it. His fists still tightened and loosened but this time one had moved over his heart.

“Love potions mimic the version that someone else wants. You never loved me to begin with if you loved that.” They dropped his hand before leaning away from the rail. Marcus stood, hunched over, and on shaking legs. MC watched him for a moment before walking around him.

For some time the walk was silent. Marcus considered it a short mercy from a barrage of truth. He watched as MC kept their impassive eyes forward.

Through the silence Marcus became aware of the noises surrounding them, the cawing of crows, buzzing flies, and when he listened hard enough he swore he heard hissing. The scene changed as the two walked into the city.

Marcus was reluctant to break the silence but MC did it without hesitation. “In the human realm it is somewhat known about the misconceptions that romantic films portray.” Their movements ceased at the sound of an argument. Marcus turned his attention to the pair as well.

MC pointed towards them with a stern expression. “The love that you wanted, and gained, is unrealistic at best.” Marcus focused on the pair arguing for a few more seconds before breathing through gritted teeth.

The two watched the arguing couple for a bit more before MC spoke up once more. “That Disney land love that you had will never exist, no matter who you choose.” MCs tone bullyragged Marcus in a way that stabbed his pride.

MC began walking again but turned when they didn’t hear a pair of footsteps following them. Marcus balled his clawed hands into fists “Why. Why are you telling me this?!” MC walked forward. Marcus, frustrated at the lack of response, sped forward before stopping in front of MC.

MC just walked around him with a bored expression, “Demons like you are selfish beings who are known for manipulating their way into gaining something.-” they stopped at the door to RAD “-and yet you didn’t gain anything but a human that you didn’t harm.”

MC sighed at the sound of rushing footsteps and sorrow filled tears and side glared Marcus. Marcus glanced in the direction of the footsteps before laying sorrow filled eyes on the human before him “MC, I have already told you I love you.”

This time the glare harded from boredom to scorn as MC let out a low growl. “And yet you choose to lose everything, including those around you, because you didn’t have the courage to say hi.”

They let out a hollow chuckle as they turned back towards the door. Marcus went to grab at MCs wrist but was stopped by the erupting sound of crows and flies.

“People like you never learn.”

MC pinned down Marcus with a disappointed stare. But that wasn’t what tipped Marcus over the edge, oh no. It was the distrust and disdain that flashed in their eyes as they closed the door. Marcus, for the first time tonight, heard nothing other than a deafening silence. No sound other than his own hard and fast paced pants surrounded him.

MC choose to ignore the harrowing sobs that echoed past them.

As soon as MC opened the door they were immediately bombarded with questions rangeing from their well-being to the whereabouts of Marcus. They quietly tapped their foot while waiting patiently for the noise to die down.

Asmo was the first to step forward from concern at MCs silence. “MC, darling, are you oka-”

“Hey, did I ever tell you about this really good ice cream shop a few blocks down?”

As for Marcus… well.

Marcus felt suffocated by the threatening aura that seemed to bleed from the shadows the next day, closely followed by the unsettling sound of thrashing wings and buzzing.

When he tried to approach his friend with red-rimmed eyes he was stopped in his tracks when the taller demon standing next to them placed her arm around the shorter ones shoulder and walked off.

When he tried to chase after the pair, he stumbled back at the sight of beared fangs, snarling, and balled up fists the moment the short demon was out of ear-shot.

When he spotted MC in the halls he could only stare on the brink of tears as they walked off without spareing him a glance.

He watch as a young dragon handed MC a bag of treats, only to feel his heart drop into his stomach as the dragons expression shifts in understanding while they reassure MC that there was nothing in it.

His heart lurched back into his throat when he was then stared down by several pairs of vengeance seeking eyes.

He ignored the sounds of scuttling scorpions, hissing serpants, the angry growling of those who consider MC a friend, and disdain filled wispers speaking of what he’s done. All in favor of darting off to seek a non-existent peace.

As his feet slowed and he finished throwing up his exhaustion, it fully hit him.

He lost everything, and everyone, all because of his stupid gamble on love.

Divider credits - x

An - Mmm, this was the first time I ever dove headfirst into calculated MC and demons being demons. Shananagins afoot.

This. Holy shit. Tragedy, this is a MASTERPIECE.

Oh my god. I am HONOURED to have inspired this. Your study of Marcus was beautiful. Love this
