#om beelzebub


The Beel perfume came in and it smells amazing. I thought for sure it’d smell like shit bc it’s like a novelty thing but I’m pleasantly surprised. I put the listing description below so you can read how it’s described.

Top notes: Orange, Clove, Cinnamon

Middle notes: Rosemary, Cumin, Cedarwood, Muguet

Last notes: Patchouly, Vanilla, Vetiver, Amber

Obey Me!



A carefree fragrance that blows through innocence

A casual ambery note that springs to life

From the top note of juicy orange layered with the stimulation of clove, through the middle note of astringent rosemary, to the warm last note of amber.

The powerful scent is a sturdy tone brought about by spices and woody.

However, the strong atmosphere is overlaid with a sense of transparency, and there is a hint of innocence in the air, reminiscent of eyes with innocent wishes.

This fragrance is dedicated to the big-hearted, hungry sixth man, and evokes a sense of familiarity and purity.

If demon brothers has music group~

Please ignore if the voice doesn’t match with canon, this song only has 5 members while the bros are 7…

Young Private School AU Beelzebub

Continuing my AU miniseries XD

Reblogs are always appreciated! Keeps me motivated ^^’


Treasured 8

entry : here it is, the last and final chapter of my Treasured series !! It’s been 3 months since I’ve updated and I’m still very sorry it took so long :,<<

warning : VIOLENCE, implied drugging, please proceed with caution.

taglist:@obeythebutler , @moni-sama, @gallantys , @sunasbitch, @crystal-freak24,@mar-s-bar-s,@beautifulzonk,@anxious-and-confused-af,@definitely-yours,@rainbowcaterpillarlucy,@satans-favorit3,@aexlryc , @tenyaiidafan, @lynxrae726 , @flowervalerian, @venti-cult, @transparentyouthwombat, @roguesknights,@supersludgethingzine , @yunbedo, @another-one-again , @kittykitkatstrawberry, @dabiscrustyfeet,@sparkbeast20@thataroaceweeb@pen-ink-therapy@marvelous-maniac@luci-slut@xiaos-so@min-rei@kashasenpai@aver0306@welcometomypersonalhell098 @obeysgf @twisted-akako @rollingranpo@giulia2372@urmomhetero@not-a-cat-lawyer@mammonssheep@xenixs01@infiinnityverse@viemags@tanspostsblog@genodesu@luvliepluto@viemags@zephyr-sylv@maemae-112@two-gays-in-a-trenchcoat @yvona-chan @zukkun @skatingempress

hearts, reblogs and comments are still very much appreciated !!

“I agree, this unfortunately isn’t limited to this recent encounter.” Simeon agreed to him as the Avatar of Wrath finally sat down in his seat whilst everyone turned their varying gazes towards the older angel. Most of them being filled with anguish, fear and anger. He stood up slowly, his chair moving backwards with a groan of its legs. In Simeon’s black gloved hand held the rest of the small crystals, disguised as actual listening devices.

He opened his mouth and was about to play more of the audios when he was interrupted.

“Hold it.”

Keep reading

I love this. That’s all I have to say.

And I gotta tell ya, I did not see that ending coming.

Well done bud!

Treasured 8

entry : here it is, the last and final chapter of my Treasured series !! It’s been 3 months since I’ve updated and I’m still very sorry it took so long :,<<

warning : VIOLENCE, implied drugging, please proceed with caution.

taglist:@obeythebutler , @moni-sama, @gallantys , @sunasbitch, @crystal-freak24,@mar-s-bar-s,@beautifulzonk,@anxious-and-confused-af,@definitely-yours,@rainbowcaterpillarlucy,@satans-favorit3,@aexlryc , @tenyaiidafan, @lynxrae726 , @flowervalerian, @venti-cult, @transparentyouthwombat, @roguesknights,@supersludgethingzine , @yunbedo, @another-one-again , @kittykitkatstrawberry, @dabiscrustyfeet,@sparkbeast20@thataroaceweeb@pen-ink-therapy@marvelous-maniac@luci-slut@xiaos-so@min-rei@kashasenpai@aver0306@welcometomypersonalhell098 @obeysgf @twisted-akako @rollingranpo@giulia2372@urmomhetero@not-a-cat-lawyer@mammonssheep@xenixs01@infiinnityverse@viemags@tanspostsblog@genodesu@luvliepluto@viemags@zephyr-sylv@maemae-112@two-gays-in-a-trenchcoat @yvona-chan @zukkun @skatingempress

hearts, reblogs and comments are still very much appreciated !!

“I agree, this unfortunately isn’t limited to this recent encounter.” Simeon agreed to him as the Avatar of Wrath finally sat down in his seat whilst everyone turned their varying gazes towards the older angel. Most of them being filled with anguish, fear and anger. He stood up slowly, his chair moving backwards with a groan of its legs. In Simeon’s black gloved hand held the rest of the small crystals, disguised as actual listening devices.

He opened his mouth and was about to play more of the audios when he was interrupted.

“Hold it.”

“From what I can see in Satan’s schedule, he isn’t even in the same classes as Amelia and Asmodeus. The only class those two have together is Devildom Law, which Satan isn’t even enrolled in.” Lucifer continued, his voice boomed inside the room, effectively bringing the spotlight onto him and his white knuckled grip on a paper with Satan’s weekly schedule on it.

His ruby red eyes were staring right into Simeon’s form, his jaw clenched and adrenaline seeping into every corner of his body, making him shake with the rising feeling of panic and frustration consume him.

“So, how can he even get that recording in the first place? Or was this a planned effort? Trying to make a fool out of me in front of Diavolo and frame my brothers for something we didn’t do?” He continued forward, earning himself collective nods and sounds of agreement from his younger brothers.

“Those gems truly came in handy, right MC?” Solomon answered, looking at you with knowing eyes. You smirked back up at him and nodded at his statement, replying “Good thing we came in extra early for classes. So that we wouldn’t get yelled at by Lucifer and to place those in the classrooms.”

Simeon looked back at his former brother and piped in as a response to the accusation, resisting the urge to roll his blue green eyes “Of course this was planned. How else could we get personal recordings from inside your own house without a little help?”

The rest of the younger demon brothers slowly snapped their heads towards Satan in realization, who picked at his nails while seemingly thinking about tonight’s supper. Mammon and Levi’s eyebrows were raised to the highest heavens while Beelzebub and Asmo’s jaws were slacked, wide enough for a whole woodpecker to come jumping in and peck their tongues until blood came rushing out, covering their neck and body with flowing blood.

Belphie’s gaze to his fourth older brother sharpened like a newly made knife, his equally sharp fingernails making indents into the insides of his pale hand. That didn’t help his case to make it seem as if he was tough though, because underneath all of that heated glaring and all of those expressions, held a fear of going back to the attic and never seeing the Devildom sun light he grew to enjoy, although dim most of the times.

A fear of never being able to see his brothers anymore, even if they bicker and fight about the smallest things.

Their breathing started to get heavier the longer they thought about what Simeon said. It was painfully obvious that their own brother had made a scheme to uncover their poorly concealed tracks of scrutiny, they didn’t want to admit it themselves though.

They didn’t want to face the consequences of their poisoned words, their mocks and sneerings whenever they saw you.

They had gotten away with threatening you and even killing you, so they couldn’t for the life of them understand why you won’t let this one slide under the carpet and never talk about it ever again like how you’ve done it all this time.

“S-So that means.. Satan was a spy a-all along..?” Leviathan’s voice shook with uncertainty and disbelief, his eyes now painted with a certain type of fear and his heartbeat pounding in his ears like a beating drum in a lively festival. His fears only being solidified by the roll of The Avatar of Wrath’s eyes and a small nod.

This seemed to anger Lucifer even more, letting the resent, anger and feelings of betrayal in his chest spread to his head and finally consume his body, turning him into his demon form. He slammed his hand on the table, knocking down a teacup

containing remnants of Diavolo’s long forgotten tea.

‘How dare he do this to us, to you.’

‘After all that you’ve done and tolerated for him, he does this as repayment?!’

‘This has got to be one of his poorly timed pranks, he can’t be serious.’

The Avatar of Pride’s mind thought as his heartbeat was ringing in his ears and his thoughts spiraled out of control. Everything and everyone unraveled into sounds of arguing and a new type of despair created a thick miasma in the air that was at the forefront of his brothers’ minds.

Illustrated by Asmodeus, who’s face now held long and crooked lines of fading mascara and liquid eye liner, who was in a screaming match with his wrathful older brother.

Albeit a one sided one at that, as Satan kept tapping his foot on the floor and kept his eyes straight to Asmodeus, challenging him in a way. He spoke to him in clear, short and concise words, letting Asmodeus come to realizations himself.

Leviathan and Mammon were both pacing back and forth around the room, The Avatar of Envy pulling his purple locks with his hands while mumbling, seemingly to himself, about how “he knew he could never trust normies” and why Satan was trying to break up the only family that accepted him for who he was.

Mammon doubled onto Levi’s statements, throwing accusation after accusation to his younger brother, effectively butting into the one sided screaming match from before.

Beelzebub kept asking- borderline interrogating, his older brother on why this had to happen, why did he have to do this.

“We could have had a peaceful year, Satan. Why did you have to ruin it with this?” He asked with small crystalline tears in his purple eyes being eventually poured down onto his cheeks, as his twin was wishing everything that was terrible and unholy would happen to Satan while standing by Beelzebub’s side and wiping his tears away with flicks of his hands.

“It was peaceful for you, my dear younger brother. You didn’t have to think about anything else other than you being a glutton and eating anything and everything that had a heartbeat.” Satan responded back, jerking back slightly to the left as Belphegor’s face was now inches apart from his.

The Avatar of Sloth’s face held a gaze that could kill hundreds just from the sight of it, his form shaking and his brows knitted together while he was trying to swing his closed fists from left to right, albeit with much difficulty considering he was being restrained by his twin.

He eventually got a hit right to Satan’s cheek, a toothy and wide grin appearing on his face as he saw the sight of Satan nursing his cheek, still being yelled at by Asmodeus and Mammon.

“You didn’t have to think about the person who sacrificed their own feelings, even their own life for you. I knew all of you were demons, but this is something else.” You added to Satan’s statement, pointing an accusing finger to the direction of the demons that betrayed both your trust and your love for them.

You opened your mouth to say more, but then saw your vision go to your right side while a slapping noise rung in your ears, adding onto the chaos that unfolded. You look back towards your front, now seeing Amelia holding her hand to slap you once more while her eyes were hardened.

You pushed her away from you and she fell to the polished floor, adding a loud thud noise to it. Before she could process where she was now, she looked up and her head immediately swiveled to the side as she saw glimpses of your shoe kicking her in her face to the side.

You reached out to pull her hair when your arms were pulled back, restraining you from hitting the now angered woman. You twisted and turned your body, kicking and hitting the person’s chest with your back.

You finally got out by head butting the person with as much force as you could do, stepping on his foot afterwards and turning around to see the culprit. Your eyes widened at the site of the now bloodied Leviathan, his nose dripping slightly with orange blood.

You clenched your fist together and was about to punch him in return, but was quickly pulled to the ground. You tried to ignore the burning feeling on your skin after you fell, and tried smacking Amelia on her throat in return.

You tried to get up and run back to your spot when you were pinned down by who you assumed was Levi in retaliation. You once again tried to shake your way out of his grip, before minutes later you felt the weight evaporate while hearing another thud noise next to the wall.

You scrambled to get up, two arms with green nail polish on the demon’s nails helping you stand and dusting off any debris. You looked up and nodded towards Satan in thanks and fled quickly to your seat, just as Amelia was doing so as well with her face red from crying and your smacking.

Simeon’s eyes widened at the now lost composure of all the rest while Solomon held an already opened spell book, its pages slightly yellowed and tattered at the edges.

You looked towards Luke with concern only on the forefront of your mind, only to see him right behind Barbatos with his form slightly shaking and his eyes pooling with small tears inside of them that were now being dabbed away by the green haired butler’s handkerchief.

“Diavolo, you can’t possibly believe this. I swear on my Father that this was just a singular event.” Lucifer looked towards the Prince of the Devildom, his eyes carrying the want for his old friend to believe him. Only to be met with the temperature of glaciers and snowstorms coming from both Diavolo and Barbatos’ eyes.

Stand down, Lucifer. You have absolutely no say in this matter.” Diavolo commanded to the eldest, his tone silencing all kinds of profanities from Mammon and silent whisperings from Amelia. The screaming and the obsessed ramblings slowly ceased, a tense silence now filling its void. Lucifer looked down as he knew what was about to come to him and his brothers, his grueling punishment and no room for penance at all.

The cherry haired demon nodded towards Simeon, finally allowing him to show the evidence they’ve gathered for what felt like months on end. Every single insult, rumor, and mockery coming from both the demon brothers and Amelia. After the last screening of the last audio was done, he sat back into his seat and looked towards his fallen brothers.

Their faces were white as a sheet, grips on their pens, gadgets and pillow white knuckled and displaying their veins clear as day. The seed of fear that was planted all the way back to their Celestial Realm days, a seed planted for the sake of fearing their Father and in turn obeying him better, sprouted and grew its possessive vines all over their body. Their lungs, their throat, their heart.

Lucifer knew this was a lost cause, nothing could ever change Diavolo’s mind anymore. Especially when it was regarding the human he grew to love, he knew he would bring every planet to you if you even mentioned a word to him about it.

It felt like he was transported back into him being the Bringer of Light, having the virtue of Humility, and having this massive fear of failing and disappointing his Father. A father he grew to hate.

He was brought back to reality when he heard Solomon announcing to everyone in the room with his right hand holding a small plastic bag filled with what looked like black tea leaves and a magazine in his left “I’m sure you’re all wondering how this transformation even happened. We have come up with a theory for this situation, although we didn’t have that much time to test it out.”

The white haired sorcerer looked towards Satan and raised his brows slightly, the blonde haired demon nodded back in response.

Solomon cleared his throat and began to explain “We believe that these,” He shook the small plastic bag from side to side “-are The Emberyan Traces.” He looked towards both Diavolo and Barbatos’s faces as he said, only for their eyes to widen while Diavolo’s eyebrows knotted themselves together.

He flicked his hand for Solomon to continue, trying to ignore the quiet mumblings of both Mammon and Asmodeus being astonished. Solomon whispered a small “Thank you” in return and continued

“Now, I know that it has been centuries since this was seen. It’s been extinct in the Devildom for ages, but it isn’t extinct in the Human Realm.”

“That don’t even look like Emberyan Traces! I remember it had purple on the tips, but that’s just pure black. And trust me, I know what it looks likeit sold for big bucks back in the day!” Mammon exclaimed as a protest, earning him a glare from Lucifer and an exasperated sigh coming from both Satan and Solomon.

“That’s because it’s aged, the effects are gonna be much more powerful and the taste is gonna be much sweeter. Here, we have a little something as secondary evidence.” The sorcerer then looked at Luke, who held two bowls in his hands. One red bowl and one blue bowl.

The two of them have exactly the same soup though, you remembered it being the miso soup Amelia made when she was transferred into Purgatory Hall for the time being.

‘It was a good thing I held onto that, it was a miracle she didn’t even see it in the fridge.’ You thought as Luke placed both the red bowl and the blue bowl on the table, in front of Beelzebub.

His mouth drooled and his eyes shone like stars in the dark sky at the site. He looked at Solomon as he stated “Beelzebub, I want you to first drink some out of the blue bowl.” He did what he was instructed and scarfed down the entire bowl, wiping his cheek with a handkerchief the Avatar of Sloth gave him.

“What did it taste like?” Simeon asked him, the orange haired demon was quick to respond “It tasted like regular miso soup; savory, hot, and had an umami flavor to it.” They nodded to this and Solomon then asked Beelzebub to drink from the red bowl.

He, once again, did what he was told but finished it into big chunks. He was then asked to describe the taste from Satan, he answered “It was basically almost the same, but had a pretty sweet aftertaste to it. It reminds me a lot of Amelia’s cooking!” He looked at her and had a grin plastered onto his face while answering.

She smiled at him back, although it seemed like it didn’t reach her eyes, now shifting her weight from her right side to her left while sitting down.

Solomon nodded to this and began to explain once more while Luke was taking away the bowls, “The red bowl was the taste of having Emberyan Traces into your food, while the blue bowl had none in it. As you heard, it has a sweet aftertaste and will not make the dish unpleasant. That is, if you’re a demon.”

Barbatos’ gaze shifted to the left as he kept on thinking with his white, gloved hand on his chin while his other was kept on his chest. His eyes widened by a fraction and he turned back to the others, saying “That also means that you won’t be alerted that your food or drink has been drugged, due to no unpleasant taste.”

He continued “Basing off of what Solomon said, I’m guessing the taste is different for angels?” The green haired butler looked towards the two as they both nodded to him, Simeon seemingly getting something from his pocket with his tongue slightly poking out. It went right back in as he revealed the final crystal they needed to present.

He tapped it with the pad of his pointer finger and out came a projector like screen, just like all the other ones before. He tapped the sideways triangle, opening the audio recording and letting it play for the others to hear.

“Is there anything wrong?”

“No, it’s just that this miso soup is just amazing and quite good.” Simeon answered back. It was not long before Amelia interrupted him and began to spew out

“Oh! That’s thanks to me of course!”

“I placed something near and dear to my heart in this miso soup, and it tastes really good with it.” She added on forward.

The recording and the screen immediately closed after what she said, all eyes were on her while the said girl was moving her gaze from anywhere but the demons, angels and the humans. She straightened her back while tapping on the table afterwards, still staying silent until after a few minutes of tension filled silence, she muttered something low, testing to see if the spell was finally laid off of her.

Her eyes lit up slightly at the sound of her familiar voice but was quickly reminded of her current situation from the stares at her. She cleared her throat and said “I swear it wasn’t the plant, how-how do you even think I could get my hands o-on this? I’m not even a witch!”

“Oh we’ll get to that, don’t be impatient now.” You replied back to her, plastering a big smug and proud smile when she glared at you.

Both Solomon and Luke nodded at this, the younger angel explaining more after a few beats of silence “I think we have our perpetrator as well. Them being, of course, Amelia.”

The sound of the girl’s name alerted her to her crimes, she looked towards Lord Diavolo and Barbatos with her breathing heavy while her body had a sudden rush of energy to it. Both of the high class demons looked at her, their eyes expecting something, anything, out of her mouth once again.

“Th-That isn’t true- Yes I admit to maybe, slightly, being a bit too mean with MC, but-but that’s all I did!” She mumbled out of her pink lips, her eyes looking back and forth between The Avatar of Pride and the Prince of the Devildom. The lord sighed and opened his mouth before Simeon interrupted him “No, we’re pretty sure you did this whole scheme. MC, where’s the mortar and pestle?”

You perked up at the sound of your name and grabbed your messenger bag from the floor, ignoring the small droplets of orange blood coming from Levi’s former bloodied nose. You rummaged around for a while, eventually finding the things the older angel asked for.

You gave it to him and he immediately showed both Diavolo and Barbatos the small, fine black bits of the plant with a small chunk still being inside the marble device. They looked back to the now shaking human, her fingernails making small indents into her thigh just by the sheer grip.

“That was about months ago, when Amelia had to temporarily transfer to Purgatory Hall. I remember it was almost dinner time, I was making some miso soup and when I checked on it a second time, I saw a mortar and pestle near it.” You explained to the two high demons, looking towards Simeon for more clarity.

“I was in my room trying to still work on my manuscript, I recall Luke and Solomon were trying out new hexes on prototype dolls, while I heard MC going to their room to sleep.” Solomon pulled out three small, slightly moving dolls that glowed with the vibrant colors of green and purple.

While Luke looked to the shaking human and continued “So, there can only be one person without an alibi in that time frame, and it’s Amelia.”

Diavolo looked at Solomon and asked, his elbows now on the table while his big hands crossed themselves and supported his chin “How can you be so sure that this is the Emberyan Traces working? If Amelia did spike the avatars’ food and drinks, where did she get them in the first place and why isn’t Satan affected? This is a serious accusation, all of you might get imprisoned and even stay here for all eternity if this isn’t true.”

All of you nodded to this, knowing full well the consequences if this doesn’t plan out the way all of you planned it out to be. The Avatar of Wrath replied back to Diavolo “We are definitely sure it’s this plant because of, this.” He flashed a centuries old magazine in front of everyone, making his brothers erupt in sounds of groans and rolling of eyes.

“A gossip magazine? Really Satan? You and I both know gossip magazines aren’t reliable, especially when it comes to our family.” Asmodeus grumbled, rolling his widened eyes right after he saw the magazine.

“I have to agree with Asmodeus on this one, Satan. Gossip magazines aren’t a reliable source of information since they come and go, they also contain so many false rumors about the Devildom’s aristocrats. So, how do you truly know?” Barbatos admitted, his eyes glazing other to Satan. He had nodded at this, already expecting this kind of reaction.

“I know I know, it isn’t that reliable. But, it has all of the symptoms written on both here and on this note.” He then pulled out a slightly yellowed, small piece of paper with small sentences written on it. He  gave the note to Diavolo and let him read through it, giving him the specific page of the centuries old magazine for clarification.

Satan looked towards everyone else and started to speak “According to both the note and to the magazine, I’m not personally affected because the Emberyan Traces can only affect a human’s spirit who has been imprisoned in their respective circle for the deeds that they’ve committed in the Human Realm and it can also affect fallen angels.” He stressed upon the important points of his talking, looking towards the rest of his brothers at the end.

The same tension filled silence dominated the space once again after Diavolo read through both the note and the magazine, it had seemed never ending at this point. Diavolo locked eyes with Lucifer, still sitting across the table while staring at the young Lord.

He heard Satan sigh for a few moments and the Avatar of Wrath turned his head sideways. He opened his mouth and continued to explain “That means that because I am a full born demon, I can’t get affected. My brothers, on the other hand, are obviously very much affected.”

The table erupted into gasps coming from all the brothers, Beelzebub and Asmodeus especially. Lucifer’s posture became even straighter than before as he tensed up his whole body, almost looking like an ivory statue with the way he was so still and unmoving.

“Satan, I don’t know where you got the narrative you’re trying to push on both us and Amelia but you have to stop. All of you are wrong. We are not drugged and we’re acting normally.” Belphegor insisted, his deep purple eyes were hardened like diamonds while both his brows were furrowed together and a frown playing on his lips.

“Y-Yeah! My player two would never do that! You must’ve faked all of this because you’re jealous of all the attention she’s not giving you!” Leviathan yelled as he was shaking his head lightly from side to side.

The sudden sound of Diavolo’s hand smacking the table silenced everyone once again, their pens and papers shaking from the aftermath. He looked towards Satan, giving him permission once again to explain.

“You can think whatever you want, but all of us here know that Amelia definitely has some involvement. Considering that the note is from her room, her lack of alibi, my brothers suddenly fawning over her? You can’t say that this is all just coincidental anymore.”

The blonde replied, his head still held high and now twisting his body, hearing the satisfying cracks coming from his aching bones.

“Not to mention the few months after her being transferred to the House of Lamentation, that’s exactly when the brothers started to act abusive towards MC, and not like themselves anymore.” Solomon added back, looking towards Amelia with cold, hardened eyes while Diavolo focused his gaze at the brothers then back at Amelia.

He sighed, slouching in his chair while muttering something to Barbatos in a language you couldn’t understand fully, only picking up some words along the way. Barbatos responded back to his Lord in the same language, stopping for a moment as he lets Diavolo process the information he’s been handed out.

Heads turned to look at the demon, human, or angel beside them. Eyes filled with terror and impending doom lingered in the air as Diavolo finally looked at everybody and announced, his voice booming with authority “Amelia Cerise D. Lemington,”

She looked at the Demon Lord, her face pale as the white blanket of cold that adorned roofs and gardens from her hometown. The fear and despair that culminated in her whole entire being finally being unleashed through tears and screams of agony as Diavolo continued, “-are hereby sentenced to 460 years of imprisonment in the 7th Circle of Hell for the crimes of drugging the Six Avatar of Sins, committing perjury, abusing another human being, and putting the exchange program in danger with the acts you have committed.”

Barbatos extended his right arm forward, the sounds of silver chains of all shapes and sizes being summoned and wrapping themselves around Amelia’s body were heard as she kept yelling and begging for her innocence. Although it proved futile as it was once again silenced by her voice slowly dying out because of the exhaustion of screaming.

Slow and exhausted pants came from her mouth as she was escorted out of the room, Barbatos beside her, whispering something into her ears. You were sure the demon brothers could hear what he was saying, as most of their eyes held small pools of luminescent tears.

Diavolo then turned his head towards the rest of the demons, looking at them with his eyebrows furrowed and a sort of pity in his golden eyes. He sighs to himself before saying “For the rest of you, minus Satan of course,” He nodded towards the bookworm “-will be stationed here in my castle. Further questioning will be needed and done.”

The young lord stood up and announced “This meeting is now done. The rest of you lot,” he nodded towards your direction “-are free to go. For now, do not say a word about this to anyone. Not even a whisper.” The rest of your group nodded to what he said, finally solidifying the end of your terror. All of you, except the rest of the brothers who were not Satan, exited out of the room with just the soft breathing of the wind being heard. Diavolo placed his hand on your shoulder and said to you with his eyes softened “Reparations will be accounted for, I am incredibly sorry for your mistreatment and they will be dealt with accordingly.” You nodded once more and noted how shaky his hands were.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months as RAD had halted from educating its students right after the incident. It was deemed reasonable however, as Diavolo had dubbed the following months similar to a summer break, a concept taken from the Human Realm. This didn’t stop some rumors from being made though, as some demons noticed how emptyeverything was. They couldn’t hear the sounds of Mammon yelling right after winning a game of Poker, they couldn’t hear Asmodeus’ rambling on and on about his new skin care product. They also couldn’t Amelia’s screams from down in the dungeons, thankfully. For the ones who did hear though, they simply had their memories erased by a certain butler.

The investigation has not stopped, from what you heard from Solomon.

“Did they have any suspects? Or have they found out who orchestrated the whole thing in the first place?” You asked him after you sipped a special honey lemon tea, brewed by Simeon of course. The birds chirped on the branches of the finest almond blossoms as Solomon explained, a book still in his hands “They have an idea on who it might be, Briar Harknight is their leading suspect.”

One of your eyebrows lifted themselves up at the sound of an unfamiliar name, your head slightly tilting to the side. “She’s a witch, and a very good one at that. She’s much older than I am and, apparently, was friends with Amelia when she was selected to be in the program.” Your eyes widened as you sipped once more, your tongue savoring the sweetness the tea had. You nodded at him to continue, and so he did “From what they’ve understood, her target was making a pact with the three older brothers despite already having 63 demons under her.”

“Sounds like someone I know..” Satan butted in, taking a seat right next to you while chuckling to himself. You found yourself smiling as you heard Solomon scoffing under his breath.

Solomon rolled his eyes at him and continued “So, she got one of her demons to deliver the Emberyan Traces to Amelia. This demon was enrolled into RAD already, so it wasn’t difficult for him to infiltrate the school.”

“Is that why we saw her hanging around him and his crew so much?” You asked him once more, he nodded to this.

“She hoarded as much of the plant as she could when she heard that it was close to extinct. For the demon who helped her in giving the plant to Amelia however, he’s down in the dungeons with Barbatos as an.. interrogator.” Satan continued from what Solomon said, his mouth creating a smile as he continued. His eyes were sharp and held a certain type of evilness to them, just like how everyone describes the devil in their anecdotes.

Your eyes flickered to the teapot, then to Satan’s face and lastly to Solomon’s face. You looked up, towards a small bird as you whispered “How about your brothers?” They spun their heads and looked towards you, both of their eyebrows knotted while their stare pierced your soul. Satan sighed and whispered back to you, withdrawing his gaze and replacing it with a bittersweet one, as did Solomon “Simeon had a plant that could almost undo all of what has happened to them. He made a serum using it and Barbatos injected it into the brothers.”

You nodded and thanked them for explaining afterwards, looking at your watch and widening your eyes afterwards. You stood up, with a groan of its wooden legs, and almost knocked over your cup of now lukewarm tea while you were getting your D.D.D. from the table.

“Leaving already MC?” Solomon asked you as you were tucking your chair into the table, and dusting any specks of dust you couldn’t see out of your clothes. You looked towards his direction and your mind went blank, forgetting what to say.

‘God, what was I gonna say again? Where’s that damn piece of paper when you need it?!’

“Are you going to a meeting? Let me go with you, if you don’t mind. It’s much safer for you, and it’ll give us more time to chit chat on the way.” Satan stood up whilst his eyes looked at you expectantly as your mind finally got the right words to day out of your mouth. You nodded to him and replied back “Yes, I am. Diavolo invited me to his castle for meeting about the future of the exchange program. Apparently, Raphael and Michael are going to be there.”

‘Thank god he remembered! I need to treat him out to dinner after this, don’t I?’

Solomon nodded and bid you two off at the door, waving at you two with a slight smile on his porcelain face.


The white haired man breathed a sigh of relief as the director finally shouted the end to the scene. He arched his back and heard the satisfying cracks echo around the studio along with the applause. The cheering of his fellow cast members brought a big smile up to his face as he looked over the camera and saw the actors who played Simeon and Luke rush over to him. They gave him a big hug while both you and the actor who played Satan come back into the setting as the cameras were finally turned off.

“Look who forget their lines!” The blonde looked over at you as he teased, a smile creeping up to your face as you tried to keep it neutral looking.

“Yeah, yeah, I forgot my lines! Big deal! I always mess up at that part.” You complained while shaking his shoulders lightly, not hearing the footsteps behind you. Someone tapped onto your shoulder and you screeched as you look behind, only to find Sebastian, the actor who played Barbatos, laughing at the look of your face. You pouted while he squished one of your cheeks as he said “C’mon now, no need to be all huffy with me. Since we’re finally done with this series, how about we go for a round at the karaoke bar? Oh, how about a regular bar instead?”

“You know, for someone playing as a stoic and neutral demon butler, you sure know how to party!” Silas, the man who played Belphegor, jumped in and hugged you as he stated to Sebastian.

“You gave me a real hug this time! With no ulterior motives whatsoever!”

“Hey I thought we agreed to never bring it up ever again! You’re the liar here!” Silas pouted and turned his body away from you as you rolled your eyes and sighed, albeit with a smile still plastered onto your face.

“Alright, alright. Everybody go to their respective dressing rooms and return to your original clothing, I’ll be treating you out tonight.” The director yelled as you heard even more whoops and yelling this time.

Beelzebub x MC or You? I guess hahaha(Sketch Page)  Beelzebub x MC NSFW (Not really) only available

Beelzebub x MC or You? I guess hahaha

(Sketch Page)  Beelzebub x MC NSFW (Not really) only available on my Patreon. Every NSFW related will be upload on my Patreon. Except for the kinky art can be upload here LOL.  ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)

Link for Full Version –>  (Sketch Page) Beelzebub x MC NSFW


Post link
Intense HungerBeel accidentally bite MC due too his extremely hunger and he felt guilty… Pa

Intense Hunger

Beel accidentally bite MC due too his extremely hunger and he felt guilty…


Post link
Eyes Preview Obey Me!This is just a preview, I’m gonna upload a full version once I finish all of th

Eyes Preview Obey Me!

This is just a preview, I’m gonna upload a full version once I finish all of them together. I will gonna add Asmo later, since I don’t have idea for Asmo baby boi. Please don’t be shock when you see full version.. ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

Edit: I already add Asmo baby Boi! Hell yeah!

Edit: I maybe gonna add Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon and Luke. But I’m not promise. Hahaha.

Here is the link for the FULL Result! (Slight NSFW Warning)–>



Post link
Sleep With Me. SWD Obay Me!This comic took so many days to finish it! Damn! It a bit frustrate and eSleep With Me. SWD Obay Me!This comic took so many days to finish it! Damn! It a bit frustrate and eSleep With Me. SWD Obay Me!This comic took so many days to finish it! Damn! It a bit frustrate and e

Sleep With Me. SWD Obay Me!

This comic took so many days to finish it! Damn! It a bit frustrate and enjoyable at the same time. Also, I draw MC and Obey Me characters together! I don’t know what colour should I put so I choose blue (Blue is my Fav colour!)


Post link
Muscle Boi or Bara Boi I try to learn how to draw male anatomy, and it pretty much fun then I expectMuscle Boi or Bara Boi I try to learn how to draw male anatomy, and it pretty much fun then I expectMuscle Boi or Bara Boi I try to learn how to draw male anatomy, and it pretty much fun then I expect

Muscle Boi or Bara Boi

I try to learn how to draw male anatomy, and it pretty much fun then I expected. Mammon is my first attempt when I learn how to draw male anatomy, and then Beel and last one is Levi. Still new, still learning.  (ง ื▿ ื)ว

Mammon and Beel wearing Bondage is my Patreon Vote winner. Next time, there is underteables vote poll for Patreon. You can see full version on my Patreon. Don’t wanna post here cuz I’m not comfortable YET.  (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

Patreon/Ko-Fi/Youtube /Instagram 

Post link
 Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu Obey Me as Neko Slave!WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reu

Obey Me as Neko Slave!

WARNING LONG ASS POST. Feel free to use this as your wallpaper! But don’t reupload it, please.  (´ ω `♡)

I’ve got stress because of doing this hahaha. I can’t do Diavolo and Barbatos, since I don’t know what pose should I do next. Maybe I cancel on them, I’m sorry baby bois.  ( ╥ω╥ )

Oh, Solomon and Belphie you both can merry me!

Also there are all available on my shop –> https://www.etsy.com/listing/892568206/obey-me-shall-we-date-poster?ref=shop_home_active_1

Patreon/Ko-Fi/Youtube /Instagram

Post link
Belphie told him that he has a date with MC a Dancing Date. Beel got excited and he wanted to teach

Belphie told him that he has a date with MC a Dancing Date. Beel got excited and he wanted to teach Belphie how to dance (Obviously Belphie can dance). So this is what happen. :3

Oh, Beel you can dance with me baby boi

Patreon/Ko-Fi/Youtube /Instagram 

Post link

Beelzebub and Jovial Gingerbread man - demon voucher edition.

Beelzebub and Devil Bath Bomb - demon voucher edition.


// Obey Me! Brothers

+ undateables

and their definitions of “WAP”


Disclaimer: Idiotic

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙










I played Obey Me more than i would like to admit…

The unknown character is my mc (they/them)



Aspicy Beel commission for @catboys-need-milk !! This was… an interesting request

so I tried to post the full image of this commission on Ko-Fi and my account is now hidden, so yeah. I wouldn´t have tried to do that if I knew that nsfw content is, well, not welcome there lmao

Promise to stop annoying you with this, but if you want to see the uncensored version of this commission, you can find it on my Twitternow!

Yes, this is the only reason why I’m using my dead Twitter account again, so yeah, enjoy!


Aspicy Beel commission for @catboys-need-milk !! This was… an interesting request

so I tried to post the full image of this commission on Ko-Fi and my account is now hidden, so yeah. I wouldn´t have tried to do that if I knew that nsfw content is, well, not welcome there lmao

Decided to do some muscle practices with my favorite bois (and me) [I mean it’s more of a chub practice with me but oh well]


A Barrage of Truth

Notes - GN!MC , relationships can be seen as either platonic or romantic , angst with a happy ending?? , Feat. The brothers and Marcus , a spin-off of Something’s Offby@beels-burger-babeand‘mad at Disney’ ( Salem ilese ) / 'bad end ver.’ ( BAD END THEATER )

Summary - Reality hits like a ton of bricks when it comes to something as fickle as a faked love.

Warning - demons being demons and MC being cold.

TW - drugging ( via love potion ) , mentions of violence , mentions of puking , obsessive and possessive behavior , mentions of blood

When the curtains close, you’ll come away stronger or maybe you’ll break / So, call me a pessimist, but I don’t believe in it. Finding a true loves kiss is bulls***

MC couldn’t tell when it hit nor how hard it hit them, all they know is that one moment they were in full control of their actions and the next they were watching a hallmark movie.

It wasn’t unusual for them to get gifts from other demons, but even in the human realm they knew better than to drink something that was supposed to be water yet tasted suspiciously fizzy. Though, a few sips is always more than enough.

It took a few minutes before it kicked in but when it did it felt like they were no longer in control. Almost as if they were suddenly watching their own actions in a theater. They heard themself go dumb and giggle, they saw hearts past through their vision, and heared thoughts that weren’t theirs.

MC watched themself fall for a boy who they never met but was surprisingly familiar. They watched themself plan a wedding and go on dates. They could do nothing as the boy feel for a shadow of them. But above all, they watched themself passively. MC was angry, beyond belief, but they couldn’t exactly do anything about it in the moment. So, they sat back in the seat and watched the movie to the end.

It ended sooner than expected, probably due to MC not taking the full dose, but they awoke in a giants arms while a crow was cawing off to the side. All movement and sound ceased when MC finally stretched out their worn limbs. “Well, that was the longest movie I’ve ever seen.”

Beel, ever the gental giant, let MC down before hugging them tighter. Mammon, the ever cawing crow, started checking MC over for injuries or, well, any signs of harm really.

Mammon was mumbling something about being worried but not jealous while beel stood close by with the look of a sad puppy. MC waved off mammon before hugging them both with light reassurance. They thought about Marcus for a second before looking back at the boys. “We should stop by the ice cream place on our way back to RAD.”

Mammon shot up straight and beel wore a look of anger before it faded to concern. “Why do ya want to go back there?!” , “Are you sure that’s a good idea, MC?” They nodded. They turned around and started on their way to the ice cream shop with mammon and beel tailing them.

Mammon rushed forward “But MC-” “if the next words that come out of your mouth involve 'human, concern, worry, or rest’ you owe me a week’s worth of chores.” Mammon stopped talking. He still eye’d them with concern every once in awhile and beel did the same. “MC-” “I’m eating your ice cream if I hear 'worry, care’, or the phrase 'you seem off’.” Beel started playing with his wrist.

“I’m not mad-” , they started while eating their ice cream ,  “-at least not any more. Probably should’ve been more cautious.” Mammon went to start about how it wasn’t MC’s fault but beel stopped him before he could.

MC ate another spoonful of ice cream before starting again “If anything, I want to know why he did it, demons like him never do things unless it benefits them in a, normally unrealistic and selfish, way.” Beel watched as you handed him what was left of your ice cream while approaching RADs doors. MC took note of a short demon waiting by the gate.

“MC, if ya really wanna do this I ain’t gonna stop ya.” MC raised an eyebrow and chuckled “so you’re not about to try and convince me to turn back?” Mammon thought for a second “No. Just be careful. Alright?” MC nodded and turned to beel “I promise I’m not being reckless this time, okay big guy?” Beel took a deep breath before nodding back as if saying a silent 'I trust you’.

MC observed the shot before them with a curious stare.

Daivolo wore an angry and flaming expression, his jaw was clenched so only his shark like teeth can show, and his fists were clenched so hard his knuckles were unnaturally white.

Barbatos’s normally calm demeanor was replaced by a chilling one, one hand holding down the demons wrist while the other was clenched in the demons hair, he spoke honey like words through razor-sharp teeth.

Lucifers arms were crossed so tightly they’d probably bruise, his eyes were iced over and the crimson in them shone, unnaturally, through.

Satan had black smoke appearing around him while the feathers that would shape his boa float about, his eyes holding a molten like flame, his wrath oozing and burning anything in his path.

Asmo’s tail twitched while he watched on with a sweet yet venomous smile, his posture was somehow both tensed and relaxed.

Levi sat, bored, his fingers drumming melodic and hypnotic tune while his eyes held rapid rivers behind them as they bore into the demon.

Belphegor was unnaturally awake, eyes watching almost as if taunting the demon to make a move, his posture was rigged and his lip was upturned with disgust.

Mammon and Beel watched the demon. Mammon stood tall with a guarded expression, his arms at his sides and his hand near MC, he seemed ready to dash away if needed.

Beel stood with a reticent expression, his eyes stone while locked onto the demon, his posture was upright and his fists were clenched as if ready to run into battle if need be.

For a second MC wondered how purgatory hall was doing.

Time started going again when MC spoke at the same time as Marcus. “I’m technically not harmed.” “They weren’t harmed!” Marcus spoke up to defend himself, MC spoke up to let their presence be known.

Daivolo and barbatos turned to MC with shock, MC simply chuckled before stepping forward. “Sorry to interrupt you lord Daivolo, I just wanted it to be known.” They lightly bowed their head in respect towards the man in question. Had it been any other time MC would have laughed at how he was taken aback by the bow.

“MC-” Lucifer started but was stopped when they held up their hand and nodded. “Marcus is right, I’m technically not harmed. Aside from the minor headache and heightened trust issues, I’m unharmed.”

MC turned away from the crowd and kneeled down to face Marcus. Daivolo and barbatos both watched on with Leer, they had suspicions that MC was still under the effects of the potion but they wouldn’t admit it. Both of them would rather MC make the first move.

MC spoke with a calculated tone “Y'know, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was brave enough to interrupt lord Daivolo. Especially in a situation like this.” Marcus had looked up to meet MC’s eyes. “I-I’m so sorry-” “so I’ve heard.” Marcus’s eye’s lit with a spark of shock before starting to water. The guilt seemed to be catching up now. “Don’t do that, blood in the eye isn’t very pleasant.”

MC made a motion for barbatos to release one of Marcus’s hands while pulling out a handkerchief. Marcus eye’d it curiously before looking up at MC.

MC’s calculated expression turns stone for bit before “you didn’t hurt me, so I have no reason to hurt you.” Satan seemed enraged at that “BUT HE DID HURT YOU-” “Not physically, see? Not a scratch.” MC waved their hand at him before watching him growl ever so slightly.

Marcus looked around with circumspect eyes as he wiped his face. “MC I-” a cold bottle of water cut him off as it pressed to his, probably concussed, head. “What do you say we take a walk?” Several shouts of disagreement could be heard across the room.


There ya go again, letting out reckless ideas!!

MC, I can’t allow you to be alone with this-

What are you thinking?!

Marcus winced from barbatos tightening his hold on him while MC waited for the shouts to die down and stood up. Marcus watched on with panicked eyes “why are you-” “I’m human. Which means unlike these brutes-” Levi chuckled “-HEATHENS if you will.” Belphegor giggled. “I’ve seen issues become resolved without torture or death. Plus, the crime was against me so what I say goes.”

Marcus was shivering as MC knelt back down and pushed the bottle back onto his head. MC tilted their head while focusing their gaze back onto his form “So, what do you say about that walk?”

Marcus hesitated before nodding and MC nodded to barbatos “you can let him up, if he was smart enough to find a way to slip me a love potion then he won’t be stupid enough to try anything.” They finished while taking note of the wince Marcus let out despite not having been moved yet. Barbatos looked to Daivolo and was met with a chary nod. He drug Marcus back up to his feet before releasing him.

MC watched on with reserved eyes and walked towards the door that lead out of the room with a reluctant Marcus on their heels. MC heard a third pair of footsteps quickly follow. “Alone. Send one of your crows if you wish, but, I’d prefer to do this in a humane way.” Mammon reluctantly stood down but he did summon a crow as he watched MC step out of his sight.

There was a heavy silence as MC and Marcus stepped down the hall. Marcus was waiting for what MC had to say and MC seemed to be thinking of the words. “There’s a popular phrase in the human realm. 'Love is blind’ is how it goes.” Marcus matched their pase and began to speak up again “MC I’m-” “It was said by the same person who wrote tragic love stories for years… you made a few mistakes, don’t you think?”

Marcus looked at MC with regret filled eyes. “MC please, I’m so sor-” “so I’ve heard.” MC stopped before the door to leave RAD. “However, It was more than a simple love potion, there was collateral damage as well.” They finished while walking briskly to the gate of RAD.

The short demon from before was still there, now looking slightly more worried than the last time MC saw them.

MC stopped just out of eye and ear shot of them while Marcus stared in shock. “They’ve been waiting for you for quite some time now.” Marcus’s eyes darted between MC and the demon by the gate. “Let me guess, you forgot to tell them that you were going out on a date?” Marcus watched the demon with disbelief before replying. “Yes, I did. B-but what does that have to do with this?”

MC kept their gaze on the demon at the gate while holding up one finger at Marcus, “you were so busy with the date that you forgot to tell your friend over there that you weren’t going to make it. Now, they’re worried while you were to distracted by me to notice.”

Marcus opened his mouth to speak before quickly shutting it as he wasn’t able to come up with a reply. MC watched as the demon pulled out their phone while tapping their foot as if unsettled. “And with that, love made you blind to those close around you.” MC spared a glance at Marcus to see his stunned expression.

MC turned and nodded at Marcus to follow them further down the path.

“MC?” MC hummed while keeping their gaze on the path “why did you save me?” MC hummed again, this time out of thought. “I don’t have an answer for you on that one. I’ll get back to you on it.” They said while they stopped. They leaned over the railing the over looks the devildom and ignored an over heared familiar caw. Marcus leaned a bit away next to them.

“Marcus?” This time it was his turn to hum “do you love me?” Marcus let out a suprised yelp but scrambled for an answer nonetheless. “Y-yes! Of course i-” MC interrupted him with a nod “Then why did you love me when I took the love potion.”

Marcus’s face contorted into one of pure and utter, pentinence. “I-I didn’t- I can’t-” MC sighed “no answer then.” They watched as Markus’s fists tensed and relaxed.

“There’s another phrase in the human realm, the mimicry of love is heartbreak.” MC turned so they no longer faced RAD, “did you love me, or the idea of what you thought I could be?” They spoke tactfully. Marcus hated it. “I didn’t- I loved you before the love potion, MC please-” They sighed before turning their head to his pleading form.

“The person you saw with the love potion, is that the same person you see with the brothers?” Marcus answered through stormy grey eyes “No.” MC hummed “and yet you could love the first more than the latter.” They finished with a fact tone.

MC watched as a hurricane swirled behind his eyes.

Marcus sat in his own misery before MC spoke up again.

“You gave me a love potion to make me love you, and in turn you fell in love with what you thought I could be.” MC gave their hand to the curled up ball on the floor. Marcus hesitated before grabbing it. His fists still tightened and loosened but this time one had moved over his heart.

“Love potions mimic the version that someone else wants. You never loved me to begin with if you loved that.” They dropped his hand before leaning away from the rail. Marcus stood, hunched over, and on shaking legs. MC watched him for a moment before walking around him.

For some time the walk was silent. Marcus considered it a short mercy from a barrage of truth. He watched as MC kept their impassive eyes forward.

Through the silence Marcus became aware of the noises surrounding them, the cawing of crows, buzzing flies, and when he listened hard enough he swore he heard hissing. The scene changed as the two walked into the city.

Marcus was reluctant to break the silence but MC did it without hesitation. “In the human realm it is somewhat known about the misconceptions that romantic films portray.” Their movements ceased at the sound of an argument. Marcus turned his attention to the pair as well.

MC pointed towards them with a stern expression. “The love that you wanted, and gained, is unrealistic at best.” Marcus focused on the pair arguing for a few more seconds before breathing through gritted teeth.

The two watched the arguing couple for a bit more before MC spoke up once more. “That Disney land love that you had will never exist, no matter who you choose.” MCs tone bullyragged Marcus in a way that stabbed his pride.

MC began walking again but turned when they didn’t hear a pair of footsteps following them. Marcus balled his clawed hands into fists “Why. Why are you telling me this?!” MC walked forward. Marcus, frustrated at the lack of response, sped forward before stopping in front of MC.

MC just walked around him with a bored expression, “Demons like you are selfish beings who are known for manipulating their way into gaining something.-” they stopped at the door to RAD “-and yet you didn’t gain anything but a human that you didn’t harm.”

MC sighed at the sound of rushing footsteps and sorrow filled tears and side glared Marcus. Marcus glanced in the direction of the footsteps before laying sorrow filled eyes on the human before him “MC, I have already told you I love you.”

This time the glare harded from boredom to scorn as MC let out a low growl. “And yet you choose to lose everything, including those around you, because you didn’t have the courage to say hi.”

They let out a hollow chuckle as they turned back towards the door. Marcus went to grab at MCs wrist but was stopped by the erupting sound of crows and flies.

“People like you never learn.”

MC pinned down Marcus with a disappointed stare. But that wasn’t what tipped Marcus over the edge, oh no. It was the distrust and disdain that flashed in their eyes as they closed the door. Marcus, for the first time tonight, heard nothing other than a deafening silence. No sound other than his own hard and fast paced pants surrounded him.

MC choose to ignore the harrowing sobs that echoed past them.

As soon as MC opened the door they were immediately bombarded with questions rangeing from their well-being to the whereabouts of Marcus. They quietly tapped their foot while waiting patiently for the noise to die down.

Asmo was the first to step forward from concern at MCs silence. “MC, darling, are you oka-”

“Hey, did I ever tell you about this really good ice cream shop a few blocks down?”

As for Marcus… well.

Marcus felt suffocated by the threatening aura that seemed to bleed from the shadows the next day, closely followed by the unsettling sound of thrashing wings and buzzing.

When he tried to approach his friend with red-rimmed eyes he was stopped in his tracks when the taller demon standing next to them placed her arm around the shorter ones shoulder and walked off.

When he tried to chase after the pair, he stumbled back at the sight of beared fangs, snarling, and balled up fists the moment the short demon was out of ear-shot.

When he spotted MC in the halls he could only stare on the brink of tears as they walked off without spareing him a glance.

He watch as a young dragon handed MC a bag of treats, only to feel his heart drop into his stomach as the dragons expression shifts in understanding while they reassure MC that there was nothing in it.

His heart lurched back into his throat when he was then stared down by several pairs of vengeance seeking eyes.

He ignored the sounds of scuttling scorpions, hissing serpants, the angry growling of those who consider MC a friend, and disdain filled wispers speaking of what he’s done. All in favor of darting off to seek a non-existent peace.

As his feet slowed and he finished throwing up his exhaustion, it fully hit him.

He lost everything, and everyone, all because of his stupid gamble on love.

Divider credits - x

An - Mmm, this was the first time I ever dove headfirst into calculated MC and demons being demons. Shananagins afoot.

This. Holy shit. Tragedy, this is a MASTERPIECE.

Oh my god. I am HONOURED to have inspired this. Your study of Marcus was beautiful. Love this

Beelzebub x reader

nsfw - ‘sin’ blurb mini series - gn!reader


Beel’s face flushes more than anyone you know. A light pink dust over his cheeks when he’s thinking about food or when he’s eating; Baby pink that spreads over the bridge of his nose when he’s pleasantly surprised or when he sees Belphie after a long day; Hot pink when it’s hot or he’s just won a Fangol game. But right now Beel’s face is covered with a dark, cherry red hue. It falls over the bridge of his nose, spreads across the entire expanse of his cheeks, up to the tips of his ears, and down to his neck. He doesn’t bother to hide it— his hands are too busy pressing against the wall, trying to keep his weight from crashing onto the ground. You’re already on the ground, on your knees, gifting him with the feeling of your warm mouth around his cock. Beel is panting, moaning, whimpering because he feels so good; you feel so good. He wants to speak, to tell you to wait a second because you shouldn’t be taking all of him down so fast, but he can’t. The only thing that escapes his lips is a stuttered version of your name as you gag around him, nose brushing against his pelvis. He could hurt you like this, really, he could, but you’re so eager in the way you swallow him down; you’re moaning around him, lips quirked up just the tiniest bit when you look up at him through your lashes. Now his hands are trembling, tangled in your hair, and his knees are weak and your mouth is warm and wet and good and oh fuck, he’s cumming

“S-swallow. Swallow it all. Please? Please for me…y-yeah like that. S-show me your- fuck- yes show me your tongue, fu-ck, you swallowed it all.”


