#obi wan kenobi fluff


flowers on tatooine || obi-wan kenobi

summary:you ask your new coworker out to dinner. he panics. 
contains:age gap, coworker romance, mentions of fem!reader.
a/n:wtf even is this? i’m just trying to get back into writing mode so excuse this cheesy garbage. first star wars fic so it might be a tad out of character.


you’d recently moved to a new town and met the lovely obi-wan, though he insisted you call him ben. your meeting, working alongside him harvesting, hadn’t been the most glamorous, to be sure. but seeing him every day, the smile lines that formed at your every joke, was enough to put a skip in your step on your way to work. it was after a couple of months of this that you finally mustered the courage to ask him over for dinner. 

“what?” he’d asked, as if he couldn’t have possibly heard correctly. “you want to have dinner with me?”

you’d mistaken his surprise for rejection, and quickly attempted to back out. “well, yes, i thought you might have wanted that as well but, forgive me, i-”

“i’d love to.” he said with an air of finality and a smirk. “but i’m not making you cook for little old me.” he explained that he was watching leia that night, and after a bit of haggling from his part, you finally caved. dinner at his place.


leia stifled a laugh as she watched obi-wan pace around his home. dinner was ready but he couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling that something was missing. jedi weren’t supposed to form attachments, really, which is probably why he’d never been in this situation before in his life. 

“leia, help me set the table.” he asked, his panic evident in his voice. she immediately went to help, setting down the utensils, plates and cups. 

“you need to calm down.” she said, a cheeky smile on her face. “the food smells delicious and the place looks great. she’s going to love it.”

“yes, but what if she doesn’t?” obi-wan snapped for a moment, then continued in a calmer tone. “i mean, what if she’s disappointed? i’m quite a few years her senior, i’m not what i once was. and she, she’s just so lovely and funny and i don’t know what i’d do if i ruined my chance with her.”

“you’re not going to ruin it.” leia soothed him, placing a small hand on his. “you won’t let her down, just like you’ve never let me down.”

it was hard not to be moved by the words, and obi-wan’s glassy eyes were proof of it. “thank you for the kind words, leia. truly. i just, i can’t shake the feeling i’m missing something. a detail.”

leia stood back, observing the table. “it’s missing a centerpiece, flowers.”

“flowers.” obi-wan nodded, chuckling softly. “where will i find flowers on tatooine? this place is a desert!”

it was then there was a knock at the door. “well, it’s too late now.” he stood, straightened his robes and walked up to the door. his hand hovered above the knob for a moment, hesitant, before finally pulling the door open to reveal you, a lovestruck grin on your face and a confection of flowers in hand.

“hello, darling.” he greeted you, stepping aside for you to enter. “you look wonderful.”

“thank you, ben.” you smirked. “you clean up nicely, you know.” 

you gingerly offered him the flowers you’d found. “i found these, i think they’re called funnel flowers. they’re supposed to be rare on tatooine, i thought you might like them.”

obi-wan took them, smelling them before looking back at you with those kind, blue eyes. “very rare, indeed.” he sighed, eyes drifting from the flowers to you. “and just as lovely.”
